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Viewing Issues (251 - 300 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0039980 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29The Void Layaway process should be a synchronization process 
  0040247 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Cancel and Replace Cancellation order is not Invoiced Immediately having Immediate Invoice Terms 
  0040858 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Order selection popup unbalanced 
  00411691design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Order DocNo hide when creating a new ticket in POS with Mobile devices. 
  0041153 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Lines in order preparation popup is unbalanced when it shows a long message 
  0030188 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29incremental refresh: product deactivate is not refreshed in webpos 
  00467243design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Slow performance when opening layaway with many lines 
  00489012design defectmajorfeedback (Retail)2025-01-29Allow skip the check of Max Time Work in Offline 
  0049965 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29We don’t know today how many open tickets there are at the same time on screen 
  0049966 design defectmajorscheduled (alainperez)2025-01-29You can open as many New receipt as you want even if your first Draft is empty 
  0050063 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29A posteriori invoice with price modification 0 euros changes its price 
  0050048 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29CRS copies the business partner under the wrong organization 
  00500901design defectmajornew2025-01-29Setting up a Max Limit Amount for a Payment method doesnt work 
  0054071 feature requestminorscheduled (prakashmurugesan88)2025-01-29Adapt roll of coins functionality to Safe Boxes functionality 
  0053712 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-29[23Q4]The Birth date in the future is saved, when editing Customer details window 
  00556663defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-29[24Q2] The section Product Exchange Configuration is missing in the Back Office 
  0055979 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-29[24Q3] [UX] Using Dark mode in POS2, the Region selector from Customer address is bicolor 
  0052301 defectmajornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-29[23Q2] Close till approval can be skipped 
  0052303 defectmajornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-29[23Q2] Open till approval can be skipped 
  00519441defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-29Variants icon colors can not be defined 
  0051899 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-29Improve GiftCardGrid logic to adjust in Portrait Mode 
  0051710 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-29[23Q1][UX] "Print Del.Control Coupons at Payment" is a non user friendly new label inside Organization window 
  00521231defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-29Some buttons do not work on the first click after writing in a text field in Organization Variables 
  00498661feature requesttrivialscheduled (Rajesh_18)2025-01-29[Payments] Incorrect data-testid on Payment subtitle label (Change/Overpayment/Amount due) 
  00486772feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-29Make it possible to include validations during the external order loader 
  0052660 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Initial Count window finish button should be "Approve Difference" 
  0052401 design defecttrivialnew (Retail)2025-01-29Cash Management description is truncated to 60 but we could use 255 
  0052244 feature requesttrivialnew (Retail)2025-01-29[23Q2] The size of the text area in Add Note popup should have a maximum and a minimum size 
  0052354 feature requesttrivialnew (Retail)2025-01-29Handle properly all Drawer configuration 
  0048470 defecttrivialnew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-29[22Q1] Improve "non-valid terminal" error message 
  0051722 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-29[23Q1] Multi selection option never disappears 
  00517051defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-29Initial count / count at cahsup not working properly when using the keypad for the bills 
  0051378 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-29[23Q1] An informative message is required to warn backoffice user that a new record is overwriting existent Default value 
  0053678 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-28null IDs in payment window 
  0056627 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-28Initial Count and Cashup: The keypad area is not greyed 
  00565591defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-28Initial Count and Cashup: No Backspace button 
  00552931defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-28[24Q2] Credit changes are not shown in the POS2 
  00568251defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-28[24Q4] Long text in Payment Method Additional Info fields visually cut off. 
  0057774 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-28Product API Improvements 
  00576462feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-28POS 2 - OTF Product - Cannot be created from 2 different organizations 
  0054017 defectminorscheduled (dmytro_tarasov)2025-01-27Base inputs shown in stories has a wrong background defined 
  0056826 defectminorscheduled (dmytro_tarasov)2025-01-27[24Q4] Orientation change causes loading issue on Payment Method Additional Info screen. 
  00567811defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-27[CRM] List of customer addresses is not refreshed when deleting search field via keyboard 
  00573622design defectmajorfeedback (radhakrishnan)2025-01-27[Contribution] - The amount of a contribution of type included in the price is not stored 
  00568333defectmajorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2025-01-27[24Q4] Mandatory safe box selection is skipped when logging out and in 
  0056637 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-27[CRM] Customer creation/modification: no error when setting the birthdate in the future 
  0056676 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-27[24Q4] Gift card expiration message is not very visible 
  0056770 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-27[CRM] Customer creation/modification: 'SAVE AND ASSIGN' button is not greyed out when missing mandatory field 
  0055090 defectmajorscheduled (dmytro_tarasov)2025-01-27nominal manual cupons aproval: user action inside action preparation 
  00570194design defectmajornew (ludmila_ursu)2025-01-27(RM-20552) "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO FE 
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