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Viewing Issues (401 - 450 / 7639) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00573021defectmajornew (radhakrishnan)2025-01-16Prices incorrectly calculated for ticket containing contribution configured with unique quantity and price included 
  00575884defectmajornew (ablasco)2025-01-15Research performance improvements when switching between application modes Add Apps 
  0057648 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-15data-testids are not consistent across different keypads 
  005755710feature requestminornew (gaboflash)2025-01-13Enable selecting an alternate format in which to print a simplified invoice when completing a ticket in POS 
  0057251 defectpiminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-13Vistualization error in Product window when creating a product and setting product type = Service 
  0057624 defectminornew2025-01-13Swiss Tax Changes 
  00576063feature requestminornew (caristu)2025-01-10Utililty to set modules in development from tests 
  0057527 defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-01-10The generated OTF Coupon is recorded with 'Infinite' uses, despite being configured as 'N Uses' 
  00576011defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-09Add dynamic input loader to filter user inputs for Tax Check 
  0057504 design defecttrivialnew (AugustoMauch)2025-01-08The onLongClick action is not working properly on ConfigSwipeableLine component 
  0057585 design defecttrivialnew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-08The onclick event for the accordion summary is being launched in incorrect cases. 
  0057580 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-07Multiple addProduct: multiple scan 
  0057386 feature requestminornew (psanjuan)2025-01-05New translation pack required for italy 
  00573386feature requestminornew (gaboflash)2025-01-03Add configurable restrictions in the External Order API for product deletion, addition, and quantity modification 
  00571461defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-03[24q4] Total ticket price is reduced when adding a service with a price 
  00575531defectmajornew2025-01-02Review several user actions in POS2 that were blocked until RM-8534 implementation 
  00532382defectminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2024-12-30Restoring Balance Transaction is positive when Order is paid and returned using the same Gift Certificate 
  00562911feature requestmajorscheduled (alainperez)2024-12-23The codes in the "Multi UPC/EAN" tab do not work in POS2. 
  00450983feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-20IndexedDB ApplicationState infrastructure could help developers find immutability-related issues 
  00453184defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-20NullPointerException during create.database with configScript doing model changes of non existing db objects 
  00575011feature requestminornew (Retail)2024-12-19Unable to remove generic product filter 
  00575021feature requestminornew (Retail)2024-12-19The document number is not reported in the cashup. 
  00574991feature request24Q3.1majornew (Retail)2024-12-19Search field in POS set to contains 
  00574981feature request24Q3.1majornew (Retail)2024-12-19Debt control in POS - Enable Multiselection in Status 
  00574771defectmajoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-19broken layout in save view - Some flows are still broken 
  0057497 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-19Client side filtering does not work with texts containing names of logical operators 
  0057493 design defectmajorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2024-12-19Sometimes the recovered persisted state is not up to date 
  00563704feature requestminornew (Retail)2024-12-18Check up customer existence during customer creation 
  00453484design defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-18replace use of Apache HttpClient with JDK HttpClient 
  00453834feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-18Make build process extendeable 
  00424723feature requestminornew (mauricio_peccorini)2024-12-18Distributed Cache Invalidation Mechanism 
  0057478 backportPR24Q4.1majorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-18broken layout in save view - Some flows are still broken 
  00486715defectminorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2024-12-18Unify directory to keep core's React hooks 
  00522542defecttrivialscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-12-18[23Q2] Products grouped as a menu divide in separate products when clicking Refund 
  00536472defectminorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-12-18Error Notification occured when modifying Product Qty in POS2 Modules 
  00487582defectminorscheduled (sreehari)2024-12-18[POS2] Store shortcut is named "Restaurant" when restaurant module is installed 
  00225912design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2024-12-17Invoice percentage shows 200% instead of 100% in Goods shipment winow 
  00573323defecttrivialscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-12-16In Portrait view with Forced Counting Tool Display Behaviour, the keypad is not disabled 
  00198483design defectminornew (mirurita)2024-12-14It is not possible make a partial payment of an invoice partially paid 
  0056596 defectminorscheduled (prakashmurugesan88)2024-12-13Add missing document for Training Mode 
  0057453 defectmainminornew (Triage Platform Conn)2024-12-13Snackbars do not have the correct styles 
  00572741defectminoracknowledged (amartinez)2024-12-13Some core2 components are not properly covered by jest tests 
  00574511feature requestmajorscheduled (aaroncalero)2024-12-13API Change: Deprecated url and size fields from ProductMedia. Added new Media Size subtab 
  0057376 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-12Client events dialog and other request input data does not work 
  00197774feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2024-12-12"Not Posted Transaction Report" should have an "Organization" filter 
  0057415 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2024-12-11Different tax application in Backoffice and in POS 
  0057429 defecttrivialscheduled (javierRodriguez)2024-12-11Include duplicate cashup mitigation to check messages 
  0057425 defectminoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-11Mouse roulette doesn't work in the BO in livebuilds retail environment 
  0057402 backport24Q3.3majorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-10user not able to login after updating instance from 24Q1 to 24Q2 
  0057403 backport24Q2.5majorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-10user not able to login after updating instance from 24Q1 to 24Q2 
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