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    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00570084defectminorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2025-02-06Wrong insert happening in some environments 
  0057899 defectmajornew (jonae)2025-02-06SCO PT - The property business partner type is not correctly managed 
  00578551defecttrivialscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-06[25Q1] The Order Type is not displayed in the order header in Quotations. 
  00578981feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-02-06Include version information in the API 
  00578592feature requestminornew (eugen_hamuraru)2025-02-06OpenId connect use a different token claim from email to identify the user 
  00578561defectminorscheduled (NaroaIriarte)2025-02-06[25Q1] The products in a kit are not displayed correctly in dark mode 
  0057896 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-02-06[25Q1] Products are added twice to the order when scanned with a Zebra ET40 device 
  0057897 defectcriticalnew (Retail)2025-02-06[25Q1] The "Finish and pay" button from SCO is not shown in landscape nor in portrait mode in mobile devices 
  00562562defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-06Vite: "Failed to fetch dynamically imported module" error when executing Cypress tests 
  0057837 defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-06[25Q1]Not able to change the sales representative of an order 
  0057895 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-02-06[25Q1] Filters such as "Created" or "Order No" do not work in Android smartphone to switch between orders 
  00568361defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-06[PRODUCT] Dots pages are not displayed on carousel search product 
  0057891 feature requestmajornew (Jorge Bravo)2025-02-06Error Casilla 97 
  00578901feature requestmajornew (agarcia01)2025-02-06New input parameter for Casilla 98 
  00578762defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-02-06[25Q1] [SCO] "Application Mode" in Marketing Survey||Organization is prepared to configure SCO but it leads to misconfiguration 
  0057894 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-02-06[25Q1] [Smartphone/Tablet] Products such as Multi-tool or Plastic bottle can not be properly added to the ticket 
  00578791defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-02-06values not validated on API import 
  0057888 defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-02-06[25Q1] The Create OTF Product window is not adjusted to the screen width of the device in portrait mode 
  00578423defectmajornew (kousalya_r)2025-02-06Copy Terminal doesnt Copy the touchpoint´s prefixes and the ones being copied are KO. 
  0057889 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-06[25Q1] All fields from any keypad or form are cleared when switching to portrait or landscape mode 
  00578131defectminornew2025-02-06Errror in description in Invoice 
  00578412defectmajorscheduled (kousalya_r)2025-02-06BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal) does not specify a rounding mode 
  0057892 backportPR25Q1majorscheduled (kousalya_r)2025-02-06BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal) does not specify a rounding mode 
  0057893 backportPR24Q4.2majorscheduled (kousalya_r)2025-02-06BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal) does not specify a rounding mode 
  0057824 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-02-06Import API: Confusing error when a configuration is missing 
  00577408defecttrivialscheduled (sreehari)2025-02-06[25Q1] [UX] Customer Address is not properly shown in the "Select address to view info" popup 
  0057886 defectminornew (kousalya_r)2025-02-06RM-20166 [Coupons] - Import / In csv file another value that the standard column name is possible 
  0057882 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-02-06RM-19264 [PROMO] - Display for Product with discount KO 
  0057851 backport24Q4.2majorscheduled (javierRodriguez)2025-02-06Suggestions Engine use initial form values to make suggestions 
  0057850 backport25Q1majorscheduled (javierRodriguez)2025-02-06Suggestions Engine use initial form values to make suggestions 
  0057755 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-06'Application Locked' popup can be bypassed before the first login is done 
  0057887 defectmajornew (psanjuan)2025-02-06RM-20996 [PT] - Prefixes are created when doing a Copy Terminal. It shouldn't 
  00576683defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-02-06Product integration fails while trying to assign a char value of a duplicated characteristic 
  0057884 backport25Q1majorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2025-02-06when a pop up is opened in the POS and use the scan to fill a field, is trying to add a product 
  00577833defectmajorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2025-02-06when a pop up is opened in the POS and use the scan to fill a field, is trying to add a product 
  00578832backport25Q1majorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-06Cancel order with pre-payment error 
  00576083defectmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-06Cancel order with pre-payment error 
  00578152defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-06[25Q1] Anonymous customer should not be validated when no email is present 
  00534564defectminorscheduled (sreehari)2025-02-06The discount corresponding to the price of the Gift Card is shown if add the Gift Card to the Order 
  00578531defectminorfeedback (jinigo)2025-02-06[25Q1] The 'Select Order Type' popup does not appear when clicking the order type button in the order header 
  00578431defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-06[25Q1] The non-unit product is not removed from the Order when its quantity is equal to 0 
  004925810defectminorscheduled (Triage Omni OMS)2025-02-06Order preparation popup is not launched right after paying the ticket 
  0057880 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-02-06[25Q1] Incorrect title and button name and missing description on Data Collection screen in SCO 
  00575744defectmajorfeedback (fermin_ostivar)2025-02-05Tax Check user action ot applied for Gift Card refund 
  00578771defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-05External Order Loader API - Invoice created with no payments even if the order is fully paid 
  00577231defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-02-05SCO Error processing FiltersCriteria when completing a order and sending email as document delivery 
  0057858 defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-02-05[25Q1] "This action is not allowed in offline mode" error arises when clicking in a product line 
  00578721defectmajornew (javierRodriguez)2025-02-05KIT functionnality has had a regression in the Backoffice and in POS. 
  0054260 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-02-05[SALES] [Cash Management Events] No pop-up is displayed when leaving the new deposit/withdrawal form 
  0051372 defecttrivialnew (migueldejuana)2025-02-05[23Q1] Keypad button stays pressed while "Initial Count" is being done 
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