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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 7700) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00565572defectpimajorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-07MultiUPC reading in Print Product Label section in POS2 does not work (No scanning) 
  00565921defectmajorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-07IF "isQuotation" property is not send using the "External Orders API" you get an Error While Importing 
  00566231defecttrivialscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-07Copy store generates price list with extra text - Price List 
  00563773feature requestcriticalscheduled (AugustoMauch)2024-10-06Management of inconsistent application state should be properly addressed 
  0056382 defectminorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-05White background - show product price 
  00565841defectmajorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-10-05RM-15149 [SALES] The terminal field is not correct when updated a ticket 
  0056550 defectminorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-05Missing description in the fields of the ExternalOrderLoader documentation in the swagger 
  0056660 defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2024-10-05request process (costing background process) 
  0056659 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2024-10-04Manually documented fields on the swagger that are not explicitly defining if they are nullable are appearing as mandatory 
  0056658 defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-04[24Q4] [UX] Product display before adding it to the ticket is broken if a Service has been previously linked to any product 
  00566531defectcriticalscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-04[24Q4] POS is completely blocked when completing a payment if no options are set in the Receipt Delivery pop-up 
  00565605defectminorscheduled (ifernandez)2024-10-04Discount limit constraint violated on update database 
  00566411defectminornew (ander_flores)2024-10-04Prevent parallel initializations 
  00564583feature requesttrivialnew (Sandrahuguet)2024-10-04Return to Vendor (RTV) in SSMS 
  0056657 defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-04External Order Loader: Include the field description at Order and Order Line level on the swagger documentation 
  00563832defectminorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-04Misaligned business partner selector label 
  0056655 feature requestminornew (Retail)2024-10-04Export Order API: Include isDelivered and docStatus fields 
  0056656 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2024-10-04funds transfer: tests are broken 
  00565173defectminorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-10-04When updating order from POS, order date is updated 
  00566212defectminorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-04Sales Representative removed when a product is added 
  0056650 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2024-10-04[24Q4] Different type color of a customer address form dropdown on the POS when using the dark theme 
  00566481defectmajornew (njimenez)2024-10-04Client event api requests makes the terminal to go offline 
  0056652 defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-04Jsoninfo column size in "Failed Email Events" should be increased to 10000000 
  00564673defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2024-10-04RM-16696 [Stock][DO History] Filters by date, date is not displayed on AWO on PDA 
  00565701defectmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-10-04Sales unit factor and decimals 
  0056649 feature requestmajornew (jarmendariz)2024-10-04Finish building BaseInformationCard component 
  00565591defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-03Initial Count and Cashup: No Backspace button 
  00566191defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-10-03Ignore retail.pack.selenium.tests.offline.LoginOfflineCashup 
  0056647 defectminornew (Paloma)2024-10-03Function addImageToSCOPayload should be executed only in SCO, not in POS 
  00565001defect2.50minoracknowledged (Triage Platform Conn)2024-10-03RequestString component is not rendering correctly when there are helper and error messages 
  0056646 feature requestminornew (jayala)2024-10-03"Customer Identification" CRM component after payment for POS 
  00565722defectmajorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-10-03Product Price Exception "List Price + Discount Percentage" not displayed correctly in POS 
  00556306defectmajorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2024-10-03Gift card in another currency doesn't work as expected 
  00566441feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Conn)2024-10-03support RSA512 for JWT tokens 
  0056645 design defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2024-10-03Max Price is not present in the endpoint org.openbravo.api.ImportService/PriceList 
  0056643 feature requestminornew (Retail)2024-10-03Include the terminal model in the receipt to enable its use during printing 
  0056628 defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-03Import Product API: characteristicValues documentation is not correctly specifying the name-value relation 
  0056640 backport24Q4majorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-10-03Sales unit factor and decimals 
  0056639 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-10-03Combo fixed discount is informed in the line although the combo was not applied 
  0056638 defectmajornew (Retail)2024-10-03Unable to hide Proof of payment from order menu 
  0056637 defectminornew (Retail)2024-10-03[CRM] Customer creation/modification: no error when setting the birthdate in the future 
  00565912defectminoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2024-10-03Duplicated request with same exact body and headers when loading the POS login screen 
  00536749defecttrivialscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-10-03[23Q4] Search and delete scss files with dead code 
  00566261defectmajorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2024-10-03Update build validation to raise min pg version to 12 
  00566351defectminornew (jgalarza)2024-10-03POS Substitutive Invoice Immediate Scenario: labels CANCELAR and ACEPTAR should be specific to this feature so we can do some sp 
  00564944feature requestminorscheduled (Paloma)2024-10-03 [Merge Tickets] Backoffice Definitions 
  00566341feature requestminornew (ignacio_deandres)2024-10-030056632: Adapt SCO Data Collection new screen to display every informations correctly 
  00566321feature requestminornew (ignacio_deandres)2024-10-03Adapt SCO Data Collection new screen to display every informations correctly 
  0056633 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2024-10-03Duplicated line number in distribution order receipt and distribution order issue 
  0056631 defectpimajornew (alostale)2024-10-03A user with a not Manual role can access, edit and create transactions in any organization 
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