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Viewing Issues (101 - 150 / 7623) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00540283defectminorscheduled (sreehari)2025-02-26Possible to process a refund using the 'Sell on Credit' option even if the Customer Current Balance is equal to 0 
  00579601defectmajornew (kousalya_r)2025-02-25Tax Check and Tax Modification user action not available in blind returns 
  00572491defectminornew2025-02-25Error in translation for message StatusCompleted 
  0058071 defect24Q4majornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-25When reprinting a Cross-store ticket, there is an EWI. 
  0058070 defectminornew (Retail)2025-02-25Disabling a product in the assortment leaves an empty space in the Combo Wizard 
  0058068 defectmajornew (Retail)2025-02-25Combo min/max amounts of items per family are not used properly 
  0058067 defectmajornew (Retail)2025-02-25Adding a combo yields error 
  0057943 backportRR24Q4.2majorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-25Cannot run discounts test cases using Remote service (node) 
  00556492defectmajorscheduled (alainperez)2025-02-25Close Order button is not displayed in portrait mode 
  0058059 defectmajornew (AtulOpenbravo)2025-02-24Junit test fails when configuring Extended Assortment in sample data 
  00575493defectmajoracknowledged (mtaal)2025-02-24Problem generating an inventory with thousands of lines - Timeout. 
  0058049 backport24Q4.2majorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-21Management of inconsistent application state should be properly addressed in EnyoPOS 
  00567301feature requestmajorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-21Management of inconsistent application state should be properly addressed in EnyoPOS 
  00576601defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-21[25Q1] [SCO] Many buttons can not be properly seen in SCO using Dark Mode 
  00580204defectminornew (sofidossant)2025-02-20ERROR name attachment in POS2 
  00579781feature requestmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-20Tax Rate API Improvements 
  00580321defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-20The Spanish Fiscalization features are not properly working at check-out 
  00578361design defectmajorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2025-02-20Unable to print a draft Purchase Order when 'Reprintable Documents' = Enable 
  00580221defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-20BackOffice error when using the Prefix (@documentNo@) 
  00580161feature requestminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-02-19Stock Incident doesnt allow searching products by EAN 
  0058030 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-19Potential concurrency issues in GlobalMenu 
  00580291defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-19It is not possible to add characteristics in grid mode in a discount of Combo-Family type 
  00580031feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-19No header and footer available for the Follow-up Report Template nor the Alteration Label Template 
  00579791design defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-19User API Improvements 
  0058021 defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-02-18Net Unit Price and Gross Unit Price are not correct before booking while using Backoffice with modules 
  00574151defectminornew (kousalya_r)2025-02-18Different tax application in Backoffice and in POS 
  00562564defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-18Vite: "Failed to fetch dynamically imported module" error when executing Cypress tests 
  00579983defectminornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-18Different discount in sales order (POS2 and BackOffice) 
  00572085defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-18Several adjustments in the "Sent emails log" project are needed 
  00577842defecttrivialscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17RM-20167 [Coupon] Import / value of 'Organization' in csv file not verified when using Business API Data load to create a coupon 
  00580071defectmajornew (adrianromero)2025-02-17Receipt printers should stop on Hardware errors 
  0058002 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-17Cannot filter by characteristics using the ProductSimple selector 
  00578913feature requestmajornew (rdanielle)2025-02-17Error Casilla 97 
  00579811defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2025-02-17Avoid logs of wrong insert happening in some environments 
  00579921defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17[25Q1] Marketing Survey problem with date fields 
  00576657design defectmajorscheduled (Retail)2025-02-15Global mitigation is not working when there are messages not synced 
  00556306feature requestmajorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-15Gift card in another currency doesn't work as expected 
  00143725feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-14Check default value syntax before saving 
  00575312design defect24Q2majorscheduled (jorgewederago)2025-02-14in Backoffice Sales order Payment details is not same as customer paid 
  00578822defectminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-14RM-19264 [PROMO] - Display for Product with discount KO 
  0057928 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13Business Partner API Improvements 
  0057970 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13Product Media API Improvements 
  0057971 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13Storage Type API Improvements 
  0057949 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-02-13Product Characteristics API Improvements 
  00579041defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-13[25Q1] Deselecting "Include Extended Assortment" in POS search does not show the products from the local assortment 
  00548522defectminorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2025-02-12Customer selector input is not properly aligned 
  0057932 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-02-11Gift Certificate API Improvements 
  0057930 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-02-11Coupon API Improvements 
  0057937 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-11difference of response between Get Order and Push order 
  00578973defectcriticalscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-10[25Q1] The "Finish and pay" button from SCO is not shown in landscape nor in portrait mode in mobile devices 
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