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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 7623) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0057888 defecttrivialscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-06[25Q1] The Create OTF Product window is not adjusted to the screen width of the device in portrait mode 
  00581531defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-06POS: The return reason is eliminated 
  0058170 defectminornew (Retail)2025-03-06[25Q1] Login page is not correctly displayed after closing the till while offline 
  0058168 defecttrivialnew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-06Mandatory filters are not being displayed properly in some cases 
  0058136 defectpimajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-03-06[CRM] Problems with regions and address name 
  00581381defectminoracknowledged (gaboflash)2025-03-06Refund approval validation triggered incorrectly when approval is disabled 
  00581692defectmajornew (shuehner)2025-03-06core2 : ModuleInfoGenerator has unstable output ordering (for lists) and is missing list values 
  00512944defectmajorscheduled (AtulOpenbravo)2025-03-06Reserved Qty in Storage Detail is set negative when reducing quantity in Ongoing DO Line 
  0058145 defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-03-06Return rounding with discounts 
  00580922defectmajorscheduled (cberner)2025-03-06updating to 24Q4, the invariants stock option is disabled 
  005365034defecttrivialresolved (priyam)2025-03-06test issue to check gitlab jira mantis integration 
  0058167 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-06Performance: Slow loading of Product window in Sales Order, Sales Quotation, Sales Purchase, Sales Invoice in the lines. 
  0058165 defectminornew (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-03-06Duplicate field in Gift Card sale 
  0058158 defectmajoracknowledged (guilleaer)2025-03-06Glitem generated while returning a credit not is not correct 
  0058163 defectminornew2025-03-06Bad French translation 
  0058162 defectmajornew (Retail)2025-03-06Copy Retail Store doesnt copy all parameteres as expected. 
  00581591defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-03-06PTFIS Document type event handler too strict when creating/updating document types 
  00581601defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-03-06Unexpected tax exemption error on the SAF-T extraction 
  0058152 defectminornew (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-03-06Insert amount with numeric keypad 
  0058141 defectminornew (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-03-06[25Q1] When three currencies change, not able to prioritize the currency to change 
  0058139 defectminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-03-06When doing a CR the payment method is changed to default payment method 
  00580731defectmajornew (caristu)2025-03-06Performance: Slowness loading the Product window using the Openbravo Retail fashion module 
  00577751defectminornew (Sathishkumar)2025-03-06RM-20602 [OPECOM] - Impossible to Activate/Edit/Delete OPECOM if an included store is Active=N 
  0058097 defectminorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2025-03-06ERROR Commmercial operations in POS2 
  0057867 defectminorscheduled (dmytro_tarasov)2025-03-06Lines in CashUp report should have all lines with the same format - with or without ":" 
  00580802backport25Q1.1majorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-03-06Error CRM Connectivity Type Online 
  00580812backport24Q4.2majorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-03-06Error CRM Connectivity Type Online 
  00580622defectmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-03-06Error CRM Connectivity Type Online 
  0057933 design defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-05Price List API Improvements 
  00571201defecttrivialscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-05Message shown when changing touchpoint type in channel-touchpoint is not correct 
  00579341design defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-05Product Category API Swagger Documentation Improvements 
  0058144 defectpimajoracknowledged (gaboflash)2025-03-05[ALTERATION] Trying to sell an alteration a posteriori does not work since version 24Q4. 
  00581421feature requestmainmajornew (ignacio_deandres)2025-03-05Reimburse gift card/Credit Note using payment API (Phase II) 
  0058149 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-05Alerts Performance in 25Q1 
  0058148 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-05Performance Alerts in 25Q1 
  00580742defectminornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-03-05Error SWAGGER in first login 
  0058146 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-05Issue with SSO flow and locked users 
  00579401defectmajorscheduled (fofarril)2025-03-05Cannot run discounts test cases using Remote service (node) 
  00581273defectminorfeedback (gowthamveeramuthu)2025-03-05Performing login actions for camera Barcode scanner shows even its not configured in 24Q4 
  00581321defectminornew (Sathishkumar)2025-03-05When opening an order from another store in the POS, a standard pop-up appears with some incorrect messages. 
  0058143 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-03-05Improve descriptions for the AccountCount API 
  00580822feature requestmainmajornew (ignacio_deandres)2025-03-05Reimburse gift card/Credit Note using payment API (Phase I) 
  00581403feature requestminornew (eugen_hamuraru)2025-03-05Worldline AXIS C3 - Avoid 2x debit Case 
  00579023defecttrivialfeedback (meriem_azaf)2025-03-05Display Logic not working properly in some cases. 
  0058119 defectpimajorscheduled (Rajesh_18)2025-03-05[Copy Retail Store] The anonymous customer does not change the currency 
  0057848 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-03-05ImageCarousel Broken Image Review 
  00553351defectminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-03-05[24Q2] Gift card identifier can be 1-2 characters long, but the minimum of characters to search for existing gift card is 3 
  00580963defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-03-05Incorrect full invoice template when printing and sending by email 
  00579681backport24Q4.2majorscheduled (alainperez)2025-03-05Close Order button is not displayed in portrait mode 
  00579515defectmajorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2025-03-04POS 2 - POS is frozen after automatic logout out, when manual action to logout is in progress 
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