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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 7644) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0058009 defectmajornew (Retail)2025-02-17Split Lines in POS2 does not allow decimals 
  00578302defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-02-17Problem with duplicity of lines when generating issue from “Issue Distribution Order”. 
  0057799 defect24Q3.2majornew (aferraz)2025-02-17Translate the “Total Quantité Mouvement” figure field → “Total Stock”, 
  0058008 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-02-17[25Q1] It is possible to set 0.00 € as the price of an OTF product when it should not 
  00577842defecttrivialscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17RM-20167 [Coupon] Import / value of 'Organization' in csv file not verified when using Business API Data load to create a coupon 
  00580071defectmajornew (adrianromero)2025-02-17Receipt printers should stop on Hardware errors 
  00579891design defectminorscheduled (NaroaIriarte)2025-02-17The code that validates the CRM configuration properties, should be refectored 
  0058002 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-17Cannot filter by characteristics using the ProductSimple selector 
  0058005 backport25Q1majorscheduled (cberner)2025-02-17Login blocked because of an error related to an inconsistent state 
  0058003 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-17No header and footer available for the Follow-up Report Template nor the Alteration Label Template 
  0057824 defectmajornew (fermin_gascon)2025-02-17Import API: Confusing error when a configuration is missing 
  00578913feature requestmajornew (rdanielle)2025-02-17Error Casilla 97 
  00579811defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2025-02-17Avoid logs of wrong insert happening in some environments 
  00556664defecttrivialscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17[24Q2] The section Product Exchange Configuration is missing in the Back Office 
  00579921defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17[25Q1] Marketing Survey problem with date fields 
  00578763defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17[25Q1] [SCO] "Application Mode" in Marketing Survey||Organization is prepared to configure SCO but it leads to misconfiguration 
  00579982defectminornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-17Different discount in sales order (POS2 and BackOffice) 
  00579884defectminornew (caristu)2025-02-17Approvals for Payment Amount Validation are not persisted 
  00575492defectmajoracknowledged (mtaal)2025-02-17Problem generating an inventory with thousands of lines - Timeout. 
  00579615defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-02-17Payment client API is sending the translation of the payment provider in the LOGIN call 
  00579831defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-17Slowness processing import entries of type VariantChDescUpdate 
  00579952feature requestminornew (eugen_hamuraru)2025-02-17POS client push APIs retries optimisations 
  00577083defectmajorscheduled (sreehari)2025-02-17The User Input set on the "Refund Gift Card" user action not saving lines 
  0058000 defectmajoracknowledged (guilleaer)2025-02-17POS2 is blocked after a logout and login with a Draft Order loaded 
  0057775 defectminornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-17RM-20602 [OPECOM] - Impossible to Activate/Edit/Delete OPECOM if an included store is Active=N 
  00563701feature requestminorscheduled (rqueralta)2025-02-17Check up customer existence during customer creation 
  00579821defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-02-17Wrong not declared dependency in testsampledata module 
  0057944 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-02-17Distribution orders not working without advancedwarehouseoperations 
  0057997 defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-02-17Error with ORDER_BY in customers-POS2 
  00579168feature requestminornew (gaboflash)2025-02-17Add a new Transaction Type Applicability configuration to discounts and promotions to differentiate sales and purchase discounts 
  00576657design defectmajorscheduled (Retail)2025-02-15Global mitigation is not working when there are messages not synced 
  00556306feature requestmajorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-15Gift card in another currency doesn't work as expected 
  00143725feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-14Check default value syntax before saving 
  00579941backportPR24Q4.2majorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-14Massive import of elements that updated the tree do not allow login into the application 
  00579931backportPR25Q1majorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-14Massive import of elements that updated the tree do not allow login into the application 
  00579911defectmajorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-14Massive import of elements that updated the tree do not allow login into the application 
  00575312design defect24Q2majorscheduled (jorgewederago)2025-02-14in Backoffice Sales order Payment details is not same as customer paid 
  0057990 defectminoracknowledged (guilleaer)2025-02-14Error when completing the ticket "With your current role this action is not allowed" 
  00578227defectminornew (ander_flores)2025-02-14Move duplicate component MessageIcon.jsx to core2 
  0057948 defectmajornew (jgalarza)2025-02-14RTV Shipment No. / RMA Vendor Ref / RTV Shipment Date not printed in Return from Vendor Shipment 
  00578822defectminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2025-02-14RM-19264 [PROMO] - Display for Product with discount KO 
  00549081defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-02-13Can't remove added services via the "Remove All Services" button in the Proposed Related Services panel 
  00577551defectmajorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2025-02-13'Application Locked' popup can be bypassed before the first login is done 
  00579454defectmajornew (frank_gonzalez)2025-02-13Tax Error - On hold ticket with tax exception cannot be loaded due to tax error 
  00579732feature requestminorscheduled (AugustoMauch)2025-02-13It would be very useful to include a tab id identifier in the terminal log 
  00576683defectminoracknowledged (jorgewederago)2025-02-13Product integration fails while trying to assign a char value of a duplicated characteristic 
  0057928 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13Business Partner API Improvements 
  00579801defectmajornew (Sathishkumar)2025-02-13OMPT-Foreign TAX ID: It's not possible to issue an invoice when choosing "Companhia" or "Professional"as a customer type 
  0057979 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13User API Improvements 
  0057970 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-02-13Product Media API Improvements 
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