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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] A. Platformtrivialsometimes2025-02-07 08:372025-03-05 11:00
ReporterSABARINATH PView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tomeriem_azaf 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusfeedbackFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
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0057902: Display Logic not working properly in some cases.

DescriptionWhen we create a sub tab(level 2) to a tab(level 1), the display logic to the sub tab(level 2) was not working properly when the SQL logic is not related to the same window.
Steps To ReproduceI created a new tab in the Cashup History window, which is a child of the Channel Touchpoint window. Additionally, I added a new column in the Organization table. The tab should be displayed based on a specific condition in the Organization table. Currently, only one organization satisfies this condition.

To implement this, I created an auxiliary input with the following SQL query:

FROM ad_org
WHERE ad_org_id = @AD_Org_ID@
AND EM_Obpos2_Cr_Sales_Pay = 'PO'

This auxiliary input is linked to the main Channel Touchpoint window and applied to the newly created tab.

While this setup generally works, I encountered an issue where the tab fails to display under certain conditions. Specifically, when there are existing records in Cashup History, the validation does not function as expected, causing the tab to not appear.

Steps to reproduce:

* There is a column(field) in the organization window "Sales on Credit and Credits Paid Display on Cash Up"
* Then there is a sub tab(level 2) "Sales on Credit" and "Credit Paid" in the cashup history of Channel touchpoint.

* Go to system admin role
* Go to auxilary input window
* Fill the details
   - Module: WebPos2
   - Tab: Touchpoint - Channel - Touchpoint
   - Name: OBPOS2_SalesOnCreditPayment
   - Validation code: @SQL=SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END FROM ad_org WHERE ad_org_id = @AD_Org_ID@ AND EM_Obpos2_Cr_Sales_Pay = 'PO'

Note: This query is used for the display logic(When the "Sales on Credit and Credits Paid Display on Cash Up" for the selected touchpoint's Organization is "Per Order" both tabs "Sales On Credit" and "Credit Paid" should be displayed. If the selected touchpoint's organization has "Sales on Credit and Credits Paid Display on Cash Up" as "Never" the tabs should not be shown. This is the logic.)

* Go to Windows tabs and fields.
* Select Channel-touchpoint and go to "Sales on Credit" tab.
* Write a display logic and use the above auxilary validation
   - @OBPOS2_SalesOnCreditPayment@='Y'
* Use the same display logic to "Credit Paid" tab too.

* Go to White valley group admin role
* Go to Organization window
* In vallblanca Org -> Go to "Sales on Credit and Credits Paid Display on Cash Up" and change the value as "Per Order"

So, Now with that display logic, the should be shown -> OK

* Go to Channel Touchpoint window
* Select the touchpoint "LAYVBS-1" which is Vallblanca organization.
* Go to cashup history and see the sub tab "Sales On Credit" and "Paid Credit" displayed -> OK
* With the selection, means we now can able to view the 3 tab level at single view (level 0,1,2)
* Now in the view itself, select the channel touchpoint MPL1 (which is Multi Price Store Organization) and now see the "Sales On Credit" and "Paid Credit" will not be displayed -> OK
* Now switch back to "LAYVBS-1" and now the tabs are again Displayed -> OK
* Now select the touchpoint "CTS1" (which is Category tree store org) and now the tab will not be displayed -> OK
* Now again swith back to "LAYVBS-1" and now see the tabs are not displayed -> KO

The diplay logic was not properly work there. I checked the entity tree. Both Vallblanca, Multi Price Store and Category Tree store org are under white valley group spain. Refer the video attached below. [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesdiff file icon displayLogic.diff [^] (3,384 bytes) 2025-03-05 10:56 [Show Content]

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
AugustoMauch (administrator)
2025-03-04 20:57


Could you provide better steps to reproduce? With the one you provided we are struggling to reproduce the issue.

Could you attach the diff of the changes you installed to reproduce the issue?
meriem_azaf (developer)
2025-03-05 11:00
edited on: 2025-03-05 11:00

I put a diff file with the changes but with it you should also do this small change:
* Go to White valley group admin role
* Go to Organization window
* In vallblanca Org -> Go to "Sales on Credit and Credits Paid Display on Cash Up" and change the value as "Per Order"

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-07 08:37 SABARINATH P New Issue
2025-02-07 08:37 SABARINATH P Assigned To => migueldejuana
2025-02-07 08:37 SABARINATH P Modules => Core
2025-02-07 08:37 SABARINATH P Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-07 08:40 migueldejuana Assigned To migueldejuana => Triage Platform Base
2025-02-07 08:42 SABARINATH P Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2025-03-03 09:11 AugustoMauch Assigned To Triage Platform Base => meriem_azaf
2025-03-04 20:57 AugustoMauch Note Added: 0176451
2025-03-04 20:57 AugustoMauch Status new => feedback
2025-03-05 06:34 SABARINATH P Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2025-03-05 10:56 meriem_azaf File Added: displayLogic.diff
2025-03-05 11:00 meriem_azaf Note Added: 0176468
2025-03-05 11:00 meriem_azaf Note Edited: 0176468 View Revisions

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