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Viewing Issues (301 - 350 / 7649) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00574614defectRR20Q3.4majorscheduled (jarmendariz)2025-01-27Full refresh is not executed when one masterdata model changed 
  00576702defectmajorscheduled (Paloma)2025-01-27[25Q1][SCO] If Payment Methods are added in CCO to fill what is required, the ticket can not be completed in SCO 
  00573841defectminoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-27Some labels not translated after switching language 
  00568931defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-27[PRODUCT] Filter pop-up: partially selected summary levels are not sorted 
  00568911defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-27[PRODUCT] Filter pop-up: number of selected values included summary levels 
  0051469 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-26[23Q1][OPECOM][UX] Success message instead of warning message is shown when no records can be added inside OPECOM window 
  0051465 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-26[23Q1][OPECOM] Starting Date can be previous to current date inside Commercial Operations header record 
  0051464 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-26[23Q1][OPECOM] The error message that is shown once "Starting Date" and "Ending Date" fields are not filled can be enhanced 
  0053418 defectminornew (Triage Platform Conn)2025-01-26EDL Configuration's SFT COnfiguration doesn't bring up the window. 
  0044079 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-26DQM CustomerValidatorProvider is not managing asinchrony correctly 
  0057120 defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-26Message shown when changing touchpoint type in channel-touchpoint is not correct 
  0057257 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-26[SALES] Cancel Order button not grayed out when opening the sale 
  0055480 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-26[SALES] [SALES REPRESENTATIVE] Not possible to change the sales representative on multi-selection of lines 
  00572971defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-26The invoicing address is not added in the ticket area even if the cutomer has it in default invoice address after a full verifie 
  0057593 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-26[CRM] Customer Form Number Reference Not Working as Expected 
  0057680 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-26[25Q1] Inconsistent behavior of configuration checks and preference. 
  00577082defectmajorscheduled (sreehari)2025-01-24The User Input set on the "Refund Gift Card" user action not saving lines 
  00577392design defectminornew (eugen_hamuraru)2025-01-24Error when printing invoice longer than the paper inserted in slip printer javapos 
  0054679 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-24force full refresh: reference from mobile.core to posterminal 
  0052996 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-24[23Q3] In an iPhone, the upper part of the POS screen is not aligned with the phone screen border after showing the keyboard 
  00576601defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-24[25Q1] [SCO] Many buttons can not be properly seen in SCO using Dark Mode 
  0056896 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-24[PRODUCT] Filter pop-up: a value unselected before sorting is sorted anyway 
  0056802 defectminorfeedback (jorgewederago)2025-01-24Pay Open Ticket does not work with a Payment Provider 
  0057059 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2025-01-24[24q4] The 'Comments' field is misaligned with other fields within the 'Edit Customer' pop-up 
  0057046 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-24error message shown every first login 
  0037049 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-24[PR17Q4] [AWOFE] Some error messages in the mobile app are too long to be read 
  0040024 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-24[AWOFE] An error is incorrectly shown when scanning a product present >1 times in the list of tasks with not allowed overqty 
  0038539 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-24[AWOFE] when confirmed qty is not defaulted, it should be NULL instead of 0 
  0038147 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-24[AWOFE] Some searches do not show any result if the user don't input at least 3 characters 
  0056108 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-24Duplicated line in the Stock Product Popup during a Cross Store 
  0056372 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-24[UX] The message of system under maintenance requires some alignment 
  00575877defectcriticalnew (agusti_gallego)2025-01-23Menu is not shown 
  0057259 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-23Its needed to properly document the usage of coupons and gift cards. 
  0056737 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-23CRM Connector Configuration: Display in Selector Result List is not working for "API property for Address" 
  0054485 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-23printProductLabel action is implemented with a non pure function 
  00575625defectmajorscheduled (inaki_luque)2025-01-23POS 2 - Ticket is not closed and printed when closing the drawer 
  0054495 feature requesttrivialnew (Retail)2025-01-23[24Q1] [UX] It is not well indicated when the password is wrong in an approval popup 
  0054199 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-23[SALES] [OPENING/CLOSING] Deposits/withdrawals in other payment methods doesn't appear in PDF cash up report 
  0054387 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-23[24Q1] POS payment window is not fully adapted to portrait mode 
  0057231 defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2025-01-23[24Q4] Error when trying to reconcilate a financial account 
  0057148 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-23[24q4] Not possible to pay with Gift Card 
  0057145 defectmajornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-23[24q4] Delivery Service does not add the price 
  0056835 defectmajornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-23[PRODUCT] Product card: sales representative is grayed out on non grouped product 
  0056820 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-23[24Q4]System let make an order with one discount bigger than the allowed on the threshold and one lower 
  0056797 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-23[CRM] Blank customer assign to the ticket after Save and assign an address on unassigned customer 
  0056787 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-23[24Q4] Error when deleting an introduced date while creating a gift certificate 
  0056200 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-23API Product Characteristics : it's not possible to regroup a characteristic to a parent one 
  0056706 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-23[24Q4] Approval pop-up not shown when paying with expired gift card while having 'Allow Extra Validity Days for Gift Cards' 
  0038543 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-23Show date-format on Front-End when receiving goods (or creating like with Cycle-Count) 
  00382211defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-23Improve "Errors while pocessing task" view 
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