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Viewing Issues (201 - 250 / 7649) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0055708 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-31[24Q2] The quantity is not updated with the quantity to match the quatity to exchange when you select the line. 
  0055895 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-31[24Q3] Automatic Keypad Opening in POS After Applying a Variable Discount from 'Order Discounts' 
  0055931 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-31[24q3] A different address is displayed when making a cross-store verified return 
  0055957 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-31[24q3] Manager role cannot approve cashier role action on 'Extra Validity Date Approval' pop-up when coupon code was scanned 
  0055967 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-31IMPORt API - promotion product fixed amount - manage multiple date for the same product 
  0055991 defecttrivialnew (guilleaer)2025-01-31[24Q3] UX problem when typing an already existing tax ID in a form to create a customer, and then selecting a drop-down field 
  00564542design defectmajornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-31Perfromance problem in incremental refresh process, with ProductCharacteristicValue model and Extended Assortment 
  0056569 design defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-31Discount for customer birthday doesn't work as expected 
  00577611feature requestminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-01-31Assortment API: Add description in fields that are not enough described by the name 
  00577623feature requestminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-01-31BusinessPartner API: Add description in fields that are not enough described by the name 
  00576292defectmajorscheduled (kousalya_r)2025-01-31Eco-contribution regrouping feature is not working. 
  0057814 backportRR24Q4.2majorscheduled (kousalya_r)2025-01-31Eco-contribution regrouping feature is not working. 
  00574132defectmajorscheduled (fofarril)2025-01-31After a Cancel and Replace the cancel receipt is missing in the mail 
  00572081defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-01-30Several adjustments in the "Sent emails log" project are needed 
  0057799 defect24Q3.2majornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-30Translate the “Total Quantité Mouvement” figure field → “Total Stock”, 
  00574072defectminorscheduled (fofarril)2025-01-30Two canceled receipt are printer when a cancel and replace is done after a full invoice 
  0057012 defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-30Payment limit amount for blocking 
  0056959 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-30Lower price limit validation is not display after validating a first price limit 
  0056790 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-30[24Q4] Error when paying an order with part of the amount with any payment method and the rest with digital coupon 
  00577583defectminorscheduled (sreehari)2025-01-30POS display for coupons: information is being cropped off 
  0056859 defectminornew (jorgewederago)2025-01-30[24Q4] Visual error when swiping to the right the product categories on portrait mode in Ipad 
  0056889 defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-30[24q4] Employee Discount Threshold is ignored when both discounted and non-discounted products are added 
  00569413defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-30Use of characteristic in the POS 
  00570111defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-30Payment limit amount for warning 
  0057051 defecttrivialnew (jorgewederago)2025-01-30[BLIND RETURN] Wrong message in tooltip when 'Return Line' is allowed online but grayed out 
  0057149 defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-30[24q4] Not possible to create Credit Note neither using Verified/Blind return option nor using overpayment 
  0057183 defectmajornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-30 Copy Retail Store process cannot be performed in livebuilds due to unclear error messages  
  00570613design defectpimajoracknowledged (guilleaer)2025-01-30Gift cards sold with prepayment can be used before delivery 
  00574741design defectminoracknowledged (guilleaer)2025-01-30Return of order paid on credit 
  00577414defectmajorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2025-01-30in the login page are displayed all users, instead of only the users with access to the till 
  0050343 design defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-30Cant close one DO if I want to cancel it, it remains "Ongoing" after confirmation 
  0057808 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2025-01-30RM-20034 [AWO] Display of long words are cut 
  00577861backport25Q1majorscheduled (alainperez)2025-01-30ProductMedia Import does not have an organization 
  00569541defectminorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2025-01-30Reject Quotation Background wrong behavior 
  00577603defectmajorscheduled (inaki_luque)2025-01-30A product configured with multi UPC and defined in extended assortment is not recognized when scanning multi UPC 
  00574325defectmajornew (dmytro_tarasov)2025-01-30Cash Management Event searchKey should be mandatory and unique 
  0057792 defecttrivialnew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-29Dummy test for mantis-to-jira migration 
  00535621design defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2025-01-29Allow to permanently change Currency Symbol 
  0053762 feature requestminornew (Retail)2025-01-29Translations not taken into account by incremental refresh 
  0054985 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29To be able to skip some User Input in some workflows 
  00563081feature requestmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29EWI caused because Sales Representative has been deleted in BO 
  00561091defecttrivialscheduled (dmytro_tarasov)2025-01-29Incorrect Texts in Cashup History Labels 
  00243273design defectminornew (migueldejuana)2025-01-29Keyboard shortcuts must be configurable to allow CODE128 barcodes 
  00254671design defectmajornew (guilleaer)2025-01-29Packs with products in common should work correctly using the button "Add pack" (ERP) or adding them with product browser (POS) 
  00272161design defectminornew (marvintm)2025-01-29Stabilization: Web POS should not login if the database is not consistent or a table is empty 
  00279941design defectmajorscheduled (marvintm)2025-01-29Web POS does not search properly with strange characters (take into account all of them) in the product name 
  00278002design defectminornew (guilleaer)2025-01-29Implement pagination for picking lists with big amount of lines 
  0031588 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29Web POS: Paid Receipt shows time in GMT 
  0032776 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29[SERQA 907] Product Selector in Discount and Promotions || Families || Family Products 
  0039980 design defectmajornew (Retail)2025-01-29The Void Layaway process should be a synchronization process 
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