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Viewing Issues (7351 - 7400 / 7662) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00112861feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-03Fields from other tables 
  0012476 defectmajornew2010-03-03When Mercurial bot resolves an issue, the notification email says only that a note was added 
  0012526 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-02Grant access to searches per process/form table access 
  0012456 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2010-02-24Sales Management module must allow "Operaciones Triangulares" 
  0012427 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-24grouping in a shipment all sales order with the same location delivered 
  0012398 feature requestminornew (dbaz)2010-02-22Module download progress bar 
  0012378 defectmajornew2010-02-22In my projects, user list for assigning issues is not correct 
  0012371 feature requestminornew2010-02-22Change priority when scheduling an issue 
  00120881feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11It should be possible to know which taxes have not been payed off 
  00120841feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11When we use an Internal Link should appear more buttons 
  00119781feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-02-11Clean information from Search button 
  00119111feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11The conversion of UOM is performed only in one direction 
  0011999 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11Automatic resizing of the uploaded images to a standard image size (image BLOB selector) 
  0011941 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2010-02-11Make Oracle tablespace specifyable during the installation 
  0012190 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11Non-business days functionality is not implemented 
  0012130 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11It is not possible to send an invoice for several contacts 
  0012129 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11It is not possible to set one Contact as Default 
  0012116 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2010-02-11How to create Open PO 
  0012115 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11would like generate PO with multiple currency 
  0012110 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11calculate automatically conversion rates in dimensional reports 
  0012214 feature requestminornew2010-02-10Automatic assignment by issue type 
  0012210 feature requestminornew (dbaz)2010-02-10Ugly layout and font size too small 
  0012192 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-02-09Add plural name for ad elements and their translations 
  0012191 feature requestmajorscheduled (eduardo_Argal)2010-02-09Enhancement for Organization address. Related to taxes calculation 
  0012132 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-02-04Multiple Columns for Table Reference Needed 
  00064861feature requestmajoracknowledged (rmorley)2010-01-21Intrastat and EC Sales List reports needed for VAT reporting 
  0011992 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-01-18Refactor tree edition to make it to use ajax 
  0011468 feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2010-01-05Search key does not generates sequence numbers automatically 
  00041971feature requestpitrivialacknowledged (iciordia)2010-01-05Product image upload 
  00063171defectmajoracknowledged (webmaster)2009-12-17Could not send confirmation mail. Check address for invalid characters. 
  00055261defectminorfeedback (jordimas)2009-12-17Users can't delte their own pages 
  00104991defectmajornew (gforcada)2009-12-17Uplodaded SVG images not visible 
  0010497 defectmajornew2009-12-17404 error when trying to create a page with .xml in the title 
  0009056 defectminornew2009-12-17Delete a broken redirection 
  00046701feature requestminorfeedback (jordimas)2009-12-17Templates for code syntax highlight 
  00046561feature requestminoracknowledged (webmaster)2009-12-17Discussion pages notification 
  00046491defectminoracknowledged (jesushernan)2009-12-17Main page after login 
  0011809 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2009-12-17It should be possible to have differents menus in the application in order to be used by different, users, organizations, roles 
  0011794 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2009-12-16instance acativation fails if there are newlines in system key 
  00116742feature requestminornew (iciordia)2009-12-16Display the message after changing the configuration of heartbeat in the same window. 
  00033832feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2009-12-14Reports data length (Parameters) 
  00116502feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2009-12-12Create reference datas without needing a module 
  00041396feature requestpitrivialacknowledged (iciordia)2009-12-02Unicode fonts in iReports 
  00114871feature requestminornew (marvintm)2009-11-25Validation isn't clear 
   00042667feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2009-11-19Eliminating account combination concept 
  00113781feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2009-11-16When updating from 2.35/2.40 to 2.50, the changes on the transalations should be packeg in a different module 
  00113091feature requestmajornew (dmitry_mezentsev)2009-11-15Tool for identifying the suitable hardware architecture needed depending on the system load requirements 
  0011291 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2009-11-10Window parametric startup 
  0011290 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2009-11-10Restriction on search reference 
  0011289 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2009-11-10Parameterization of scheduled processes 
  [ First Prev ... 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 ... Next Last ]


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