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Viewing Issues (7101 - 7150 / 7662) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0008218 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Impossible to select an attribute set value for a purchase invoice 
  0008203 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Close order without mandatory attribute set 
  0008141 feature requestmajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04allow production management with negative stocks 
  00076433feature requestpimajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Allow negative stock at lower level of definition 
  00071961feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04Records displayed under Asset Amortization page are not sorted properly by default 
  00002431feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Goods Movement Report 
  0008391 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Search key must be unique while creating cost center in Production Management 
  0008374 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Cash type in GL item 
  0008332 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04250beta: What does TRX Organization mean? 
  0008305 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Reports layout & design - umbrella 
  00082652feature requestmajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Generate Shipments does ignore the scheduled delivery date 
  00063231feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04RFE: Sales Order: Add 'Scheduled Delivery date' at line level 
  0008729 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04Production Module Review - Bill of materials 
  0008677 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04It should be possible to activate a document to be posted but only for sales or purchases. 
  0008640 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04filter window 
  0008462 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04If date range is incorrect, the reports should not be lauched. 
  0008423 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Value of the products which are expired are also included in value stock report. 
  0008730 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04Sales Management - Import Setitem 
  0008631 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Hooks in DAL (prerequisit for multi master replication of offline databases) 
  0008565 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Recommendation to put all langauge names in thier native language text. 
  00083344feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Tax setup for Withhold 
  0009147 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Print Labels to a module 
  0009137 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04RFE: output of 'Create invoices from Orders' should advise the invoice number 
  00090821feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04RFE: Enhance readability of MRP Plan output 
  0009031 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Organization-specific BP and Product data 
  00084823feature requestmajorscheduled (rmorley)2011-02-04Wrong Commission amont taken for commission payment. 
  00049943feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Funambol plugin 
  00032511feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Filter the Cash and Bank Reports by Organization 
  00032491feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Report DebtPayment 
  00032471feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Report DebtPayment Track missing combo 
  0009109 feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2011-02-04'Is sales representative' label should be changed to 'sales representative'. 
  00068413feature requestmajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04COuntry groups(continent, economic association (EU), ..) 
  0005493 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Review the workflows of all Openbravo ERP modules 
  0004736 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Change 'Starting Date' and 'Ending Date' labels by 'Start Date' and 'Finish Date', respectively 
  0004025 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Sales Transaction option also available for tabs 
  00032651feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Mass internal movements 
  00032601feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Orders without invoices 
  0009284 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Missing delete on cascade for multiphase project to project phases 
  0009263 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Field group title hiding 
  0009257 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Window / Tab defined as Sales transaction, Purchase transaction or nothing 
  0009256 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04The posted button should not appear in the good shipments /receipts, if they are not going to be posted. 
  00088382feature requestminorscheduled (rmorley)2011-02-04Process request window in relation mode, shows wrong information 
  00056044feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Avoiding additional lines in Create invoice from Orders for warehouse orders 
  00043992feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04On Remittance, a window of Process is launched when unprocessing a Remittance 
  0009410 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Operator field in BP Employee tab: Help field has no description 
  0009409 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Project Phases and tasks: can not see all phases with their tasks underneath all on one screen 
  0009408 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Settlement: Created payment amount needs to be equal to cancelled payments amount: add info field for cancelled amount 
  0009405 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Pricelist version: No indication on a pricelist version of what is the most recent version 
  0009393 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Physical Inventory: ability to have a blank Physical Inventory count list 
  0009362 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Name length restriction in m_product is an obstacle 
  [ First Prev ... 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ... Next Last ]


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