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Viewing Issues (6851 - 6900 / 7662) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00171481defectmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-07-12APRM translation review - including Payment Report  
  0017962 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2011-07-12Detect early (through triggers) that a field and an auxiliary input for the same tab have the same name 
  0017959 defectmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-07-11Java lan null pointer exception shown while trying to create Cuaderno 58 remittance file 
  0017896 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-07-05Several G/L items included in the reconciliation process 
  00072362feature requestmajoracknowledged (shuehner)2011-06-22Tracking issue: Cleanup for 3.00 
  00064481feature requestmajorscheduled (rgoris)2011-06-22Initial Setup & data import - umbrella 
  0017766 defectmajornew (ioritzCia)2011-06-22"Convert to Currency" and "Conversion Date" fields should not be mandatory 
  0017762 feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2011-06-22It lets you validate Open Receivable csvs as Open Payables and the other way around. 
  00176641feature requestminornew (psanjuan)2011-06-21The General Ledger Journal should show data of accounts. In this moment it shows data of subaccounts. 
  0017451 defectminornew (alostale)2011-06-01Add (fake) audit trail info to changes done via WS-calls in butler 
  0017443 feature requestmajornew (psanjuan)2011-05-31Multicurrency - Implementation of an "Exchange/Conversion Rate" in the Financial Account- Add Transaction window. 
  0017442 feature requestmajornew (psanjuan)2011-05-31Multicurrency - Implementation of a "Currency" field and a "Exchange/Conversion Rate" field in the Payment Proposal window. 
  0017427 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-05-31Ability to select accounting dimensions in financial account 
  00005042feature requestmajorscheduled (rgoris)2011-05-25Label clean up - umbrella 
  0004012 feature requestmajorscheduled (rgoris)2011-05-25Unique constraint error description on user interface 
  0008149 feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2011-05-25Use transient columns to reduce xml files size 
  0012085 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2011-05-25The concurrent modification mechanism shouldn't rely only on updated column 
  0006330 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-05-23Last price paid costing method 
  0006675 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-05-23Capability to receive alerts by Message Text (SMS) 
  0006676 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-05-23Capability to receive alerts by Fax 
  00044971feature requestminorscheduled (rgoris)2011-05-23Review the way error messages are shown and how they can be undown (hidden after the error is fixed) 
  00071581feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2011-05-23Data and user interface events (similar to database triggers) 
  0015405 feature requestmajorscheduled (eduardo_Argal)2011-05-20Manual/Automatic reconciliation change is not intuitive 
  00082484feature requestminornew (rgoris)2011-05-20Success message shown inconsistently 
  00031871feature requestminoracknowledged (dbaz)2011-05-18Show short-key in toolbar button\'s ALT text 
  00080891feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-05-06Standard HTML version 
  00044551feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2011-05-05Change the name of log4j.lcf to to be more standard 
  00162042feature requesttrivialscheduled (gorkaion)2011-04-28Product fields in Project windows are not correct 
  0016907 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-04-27Accounting logic for Remittance Protest 
  0016778 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-04-27"Automatic" Remittance Settle after a number of grace days setup in the Remittance Type 
  0016884 feature requestmajornew (dbaz)2011-04-26Tree functionality needs a save button 
  0016849 feature requestminornew (dbaz)2011-04-19Ability to schedule the execution of the workspace refresh action 
  00168151defectminornew (alostale)2011-04-14Check for MaturityStatus of dependencies when publishing seem to not work correctly 
  0016784 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-04-12It should be possible to track how many times an invoice/payment has been remitted to a customer, who never pays 
  0016721 feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2011-04-08View can not be modified using modularity 
  00073883feature requestmajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-04-07Funds transfer revision 
  00153882feature requestminoracknowledged (rgoris)2011-04-073.0RC3: Enterprise module management screen doesn't go back to the main screen after processing data 
  0016646 defectminornew (alostale)2011-04-05Error parsing installed modules in butler logs 
  0016628 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-04-04Localization to Hindi 
  0005723 defectmajornew (esanagustin)2011-04-01Incorrect font in printable pages 
  0016381 feature requestminornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-03-30It should be possible choice another option in 'Generate Payments' (Payment proporsal) 
  00161081defectmajornew (marvintm)2011-03-29Cannot add field to an existing tab in Easy Extensible Attributes 
  00097182feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-03-29Have a feature which locks a module and prevent it from uninstallation 
  00096673feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-03-29How to create Subsidiary ledger 
  00106465feature requestmajorfeedback (rmorley)2011-03-29Accounting server modularization 
  00090592feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2011-03-29Have the ability to roll back a core update if the build process goes wrong 
  00041104feature requestpimajoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-03-29Accounting report review 
  0016514 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-03-28Ability to undo a bank statement import 
  00164041feature requestminornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-03-21Be able to choose payments you want to pay when you add payment from transactions window 
  0016317 feature requestminornew (staffrm)2011-03-16Add target version to schedule issue dialog 
  [ First Prev ... 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 ... Next Last ]


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