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Viewing Issues (7301 - 7350 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00141813feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2010-08-26Add generated and used credit information on BP window 
  00120161feature requestminornew (psarobe)2010-08-18Review the usage of storage bins (locators) in all Openbravo ERP 
  00138885feature request2.50MP20majornew (balamurugan)2010-08-06Error on General Ledger Report 
  0014106 feature requestmajornew (gorkaion)2010-08-02can select the bank file format at financial account level 
  0013902 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2010-07-29Generic bank account is missing 
  00090133feature requesttrivialnew (rmorley)2010-07-20Multi-currency: conversion rates setup 
  0013797 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-07-02It should be possible to modify the size (cols and rows) of the fields using a text reference (textarea) 
  0013741 feature requestminornew (gorkaion)2010-06-24In Execution process window, records not able to be filtered based on the BP. 
  0013578 defectminoracknowledged (alostale)2010-06-23If I try to install an old version of a module, the warning message is not clear 
  0013568 defectminoracknowledged (alostale)2010-06-23[NewCR] Error message shown on dependency problem while installing a module should be improved. 
  00135651defecttrivialacknowledged (alostale)2010-06-23[NewCR] If you publish an ob with filename ending with you cannot install it via the mmc 
  0013557 defectminoracknowledged (alostale)2010-06-23[NewCR] Navigating to 'Associate Project' from MyModules tab is slow 
  0013556 defectminoracknowledged (alostale)2010-06-23[NewCR] Using MyModules tab of 'My project' view is quiet slow 
  0010785 defectminorscheduled (alostale)2010-06-23Not friendly user message when module can not be installed 
  00107641defectminorscheduled (alostale)2010-06-23On Core updating I can not know what MP I am updating to 
  0013719 defectmajornew (staffrm)2010-06-22Impossible to update a profile 
  0013674 defectminornew (marvintm)2010-06-16Triggers not recreated on rebuild 
  0011427 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-06-10Manage system reference data updates 
  0010876 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-06-10Support for Business Objects Translations 
  0012348 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2010-06-10Some lists are not correctly translated using spanish localization pack 
  000042111feature requestpimajoracknowledged (dbaz)2010-06-10Make interface components HTML standard 
  0013517 feature requestminornew (dbaz)2010-06-03Selenium requires an additional openWindow command to notice popups opened from the menu. 
  00045451feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2010-06-01Initial Client Setup. Create accounting process fail, throws no info about the problem. 
  00064551feature requestmajoracknowledged (rgoris)2010-06-01Initial Client Setup Process 
  0013457 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-05-27Make package.module verify the Has Reference Data module setting 
  0013439 feature requestmajornew (sathiyan)2010-05-26Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice // Lines - checkbox "Exclude from Acc/Def" should be visible only if period from / to (is unl 
  0013322 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-05-14Entity subtypes 
  0013045 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-04-20Online help: show help for list values 
  0012896 feature requestmajornew (dbaz)2010-04-07Assign hotkeys to actions in a window 
  00125361feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2010-04-01Ability to use accounting dimensions in Sales invoices. 
  0012820 feature requestminorscheduled (iciordia)2010-03-26Import Client process improvements 
  00125221feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-26Inherit access from tables for forms and processes 
  00109384feature requestmajoracknowledged (iciordia)2010-03-22There is not a way to rollback an update when updating the core of the application 
  0012688 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-15Maintenance mode 
  00094642feature requestmajorscheduled (gorkaion)2010-03-15Export to Excel is not properly supported 
  00031912feature requestpiminoracknowledged (iciordia)2010-03-11Master-details - Header and lines in the same window 
  0012611 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-09It would be nice to be able to change the format for a certain field in a certain window, in an independent way 
  0012610 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-03-09Grouping of privileges according to windows >> processes 
  0012608 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-09Family Grid 
  00124491feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2010-03-03Procurement Management should allow "Operaciones Triangulares" 
  00112861feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-03Fields from other tables 
  0012476 defectmajornew2010-03-03When Mercurial bot resolves an issue, the notification email says only that a note was added 
  0012526 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-03-02Grant access to searches per process/form table access 
  0012456 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2010-02-24Sales Management module must allow "Operaciones Triangulares" 
  0012427 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-24grouping in a shipment all sales order with the same location delivered 
  0012398 feature requestminornew (dbaz)2010-02-22Module download progress bar 
  0012378 defectmajornew2010-02-22In my projects, user list for assigning issues is not correct 
  0012371 feature requestminornew2010-02-22Change priority when scheduling an issue 
  00120881feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11It should be possible to know which taxes have not been payed off 
  00120841feature requestminornew (rmorley)2010-02-11When we use an Internal Link should appear more buttons 
  [ First Prev ... 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... Next Last ]


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