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Viewing Issues (7251 - 7300 / 7662) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00091611feature requestminornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Reports review - umbrella feature request 
  0007634 feature requestpimajorscheduled (rmorley)2011-02-04Export manual reports (Accounting Reports) to Excel 
  00064872feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04Creation of saft-pt file exportation module 
  00092122feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04In User screen, business partner selector should not filter by customer 
  00073574feature requesttrivialacknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Remove the link from the menu 
  00044731feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04More than one product per phase/task 
  0000502 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Projects enhancements 
  0014640 feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Attributes improvement in Stock Report 
  00057321feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04RFE: Goods Shipment: 'Movement quantity' should read 'shipment quantity' 
  00044812feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Review of Amounts and History panels in Project windows 
  00043831feature requestpiminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Good Shipment: Shipped Order lines appear in list of Sales Orders to be linked to the shipment 
  00031664feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04w3c validation 
  0015266 feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04new functional usage audit in MP23 should not belong to core 
  00118302feature requestmajornew (rmorley)2011-02-04It is not possible to use Prepay order 
  00053862feature requestminoracknowledged (rmorley)2011-02-04Stock report does not sum quantities by product 
  00080293defectminornew2011-02-01Openbravo2Po generates char=UTF-8 in .po file, while character encoding is ISO-8859-1 
  0015700 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2011-01-19Installation history in Module Management should have more effective filters 
  0015516 feature requestmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2011-01-10Be able to add glItem line and payment line when creating a payment associated to an invoice 
  00144421feature requestminornew (marvintm)2010-12-07It should be possible to call importTRL process from command line 
  0015338 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-12-01Multi product and multi business partner selector as report or process parameter 
  0015297 defectminornew (alostale)2010-11-25Instance purpose field doesn't show the text but the value. The label of other field is wrong 
  00152594feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-11-25Add possibility to "Automatic Reconciliation" in payment method definition 
  00152581feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-11-22Change payment status after posting 
  0015260 feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-11-22Be able to manage invoices with uncertain total amount by adding payments 
  0015226 feature requestminornew (mirurita)2010-11-18Require user confirmation when processing partially a reconciliation 
  00147233feature requestminornew (rgoris)2010-11-08Sales order created from expense sheet does have a value for the Sales representative 
  0007976 feature requestminoracknowledged (psarobe)2010-11-03Make a Script to update all the demo data transaction dates 
  0004194 feature requestpimajoracknowledged (iciordia)2010-11-02Report UI pattern in Application Dictionary 
  0015097 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2010-11-02Check consistency between database and XML files at the begining 
  0015091 feature requestminornew (shuehner)2010-11-02Add posibility to mark xsql-files or SqlMethod within them as deprecated 
  0014615 feature requestminornew (gorkaion)2010-10-29APR. "Smart" re-distribution of the amounts in the Add Payment window + Show value for Unallocated Amount. 
  0015047 defectminornew (alostale)2010-10-27Problem with new published version changing type of module 
  0015028 feature requestminornew (alostale)2010-10-26heartbeat window should have system_identifier also as search column 
  0009017 feature requestminornew (iciordia)2010-10-26TableDir reference should be used for columns from other module (EM_Module_Column) 
  0015021 feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-10-25Improve error when trying to do an overpayment 
  00133683feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-10-25It should be possible to modify the translations applyied by a translation module. 
  00149661feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-10-22new flag "approved for payment" in budget 
  0014785 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-10-11In the module managemente window, on the add modules tab, there is no difference between comercial modules 
  0014841 defectmajornew (eduardo_Argal)2010-10-08Example file and description of data structure of Cuaderno 43 file not documented. 
  00147081feature requestmajoracknowledged (rgoris)2010-10-07RFE: Sales invoice date can be selected 
  0014786 feature requestmajornew (mirurita)2010-10-06use available credit functionality not applied in Payment proposal window 
  00141241feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2010-10-06ant install.source without sampledata 
  0014067 feature request2.50majornew (eduardo_Argal)2010-10-06Be able to create Payment Plan manually 
  0013695 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-10-05Implement data archiving in Openbravo 
  0014520 feature requestmajorscheduled (alostale)2010-09-13Validate module depends in core on publication 
  00034312feature requestminoracknowledged (iciordia)2010-09-07Entering Jasper Report reports into menu 
  0004351 feature requestminoracknowledged (rgoris)2010-09-07Openbravo should be friendly on skin developers by operating without css 
  00033041feature requestpitrivialacknowledged (iciordia)2010-09-06WAD hints generation 
  0014380 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-08-30Developing without compiling 
  0014379 feature requestmajornew (iciordia)2010-08-30Reporting without coding 
  [ First Prev ... 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 ... Next Last ]


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