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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 52951) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0057356 defectmajornew (Retail)2024-12-03RM-19593 Pos 2: promotions wrongly configured block the access to the WebPOS 
  0057355 defectminornew (Retail)2024-12-03Wrong styles in combo and checkbox filters in customer selector API 
  0057354 defectminornew (Retail)2024-12-03Support date filter type in customer selector API 
  00573215defectmajorclosed (SABARINATH P)2024-12-03Open drawer when selecting a safebox or count safebox 
  00573491defectmajorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2024-12-03Platform: invalid obc2AppMode-null in scss class of body tag in the login screen 
  005723212defectmajorclosed (kousalya_r)2024-12-03Cashier in SAFT template instead of Sales Representative 
  00573111defectmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-12-03POS2 - The 'overpayment' amount is doubled 
  00169754defect3.0RC7minorclosed (alostale)2024-12-03More info and Audit info sections should be collapsed by default 
  00573521backport24Q2.5majorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-12-03Incorrect starting cash amount when using safe box functionality in the POS 
  0057342 defectmajorscheduled (Bimla_vm)2024-12-03Not possible to make a sale if Sales Representative for New Orders = Use the same as logged-in user automatically 
  00554813defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2024-12-03Direct navigation is unavailable for records loaded in sub-tabs created via a HQL query 
  0057353 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2024-12-02Error with preference SO_CreditLimit 
  00572863defectminorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2024-12-02Pop-up to assign invoicing address is not displayed when no default invoice address 
  00568723defectmajorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Deposit Invoice: Issue sales order getting blocked if receipt has service product 
  00569782defectmajornew (jarmendariz)2024-12-02Full refresh is not executed when one masterdata model changed 
  0057347 feature requestmajornew (agarcia01)2024-12-02Nuevo DR Modelo 303 2024 4T 
  00573461design defectmajornew (Retail)2024-12-02Duplicate name for different cashups 
  00572051backport24Q2.5majorclosed (gorka_gil)2024-12-02Safe box - Expected ending amount is not correcty set when counted amount not initialized with expected amount 
  00572041backport24Q3.3majorclosed (gorka_gil)2024-12-02Safe box - Expected ending amount is not correcty set when counted amount not initialized with expected amount 
  00572031backport24Q4.1majorclosed (gorka_gil)2024-12-02Safe box - Expected ending amount is not correcty set when counted amount not initialized with expected amount 
  005678312defectmajorclosed (SABARINATH P)2024-12-02Incorrect starting cash amount when using safe box functionality in the POS 
  0057351 backport24Q3.3majorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-12-02Incorrect starting cash amount when using safe box functionality in the POS 
  0057350 backport24Q4.1majorscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-12-02Incorrect starting cash amount when using safe box functionality in the POS 
  00572012defectmajorclosed (gorka_gil)2024-12-02Safe box - Expected ending amount is not correcty set when counted amount not initialized with expected amount 
  0057348 defectminornew (Retail)2024-12-02[UX] On the initial count screen the next button is not fully visible when using an iPhone 
  0057344 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2024-12-02Return Line Reasons not working as expected, specially with Verified Returns 
  00573321defecttrivialscheduled (SABARINATH P)2024-12-02In Portrait view with Forced Counting Tool Display Behaviour, the keypad is not disabled 
  005702510defectmajorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Deposit invoices not soported flows 
  00569164feature requestmajornew (agarcia01)2024-12-02New DR 390 2024 
  00573163backport24Q2.5majorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace doesnt take into account 'Cross Store Sales' Organization 
  00573153backport24Q3.3majorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace doesnt take into account 'Cross Store Sales' Organization 
  00573143backport24Q4majorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace doesnt take into account 'Cross Store Sales' Organization 
  00573405backportRR24Q4majorclosed (jgalarza)2024-12-02API Product - Error when updating a related product 
  00571564defectmajorclosed (radhakrishnan)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace doesnt take into account 'Cross Store Sales' Organization 
  00563557defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2024-12-02Assign customer to the ticket is not working in offline mode when remote mode for bp and bpaddress is enabled 
  0057345 defectminornew (Retail)2024-12-02It is possible to work with a till unlinked, discarding Terminal Authentication Change popup 
  00550707defectminorclosed (sdossantos)2024-12-02QRCODE empty for invoice 
  00572627defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2024-12-02Issues when converting a quotation to sales order 
  00573431defectmajornew (Triage Platform Conn)2024-12-02Log warning during fiscalization and the property cfrtpSingleusevouchers 
  00569804defectmajorclosed (jgalarza)2024-12-02API Product - Error when updating a related product 
  00570491defectmajorclosed (jonae)2024-12-02DOs from a PT store return an EDL error 
  00573411defectminorclosed (jayala)2024-12-02CRM connector configuration label should use uppercase 
  00572983backport24Q4.1majorclosed (Bimla_vm)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace: Address missing in home delivery 
  00572993backport24Q3.3majorclosed (Bimla_vm)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace: Address missing in home delivery 
  00573003backport24Q2.5majorclosed (Bimla_vm)2024-12-02Cancel and Replace: Address missing in home delivery 
  00573222defectmajorclosed (Retail)2024-12-02drawer not opened when payement in cash more than the expected amount 
  00572703feature requestmajornew (njimenez)2024-12-02Offline authentication for front end external systems with oauth2 
  0057339 defectmajornew (Retail)2024-12-02Credit note transaction reverted in case of error, but payment is not removed 
  0057320 defectmajornew (aferraz)2024-12-02Required Module Script to fill the column 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo ' 
  00573293defectminorclosed (Rajesh_18)2024-12-02Financial account is wrong when counting safe box 
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