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Viewing Issues (5651 - 5700 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0023319 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-11-21Right to Left alignment is not supported on the fo reports 
  0025189 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-11-20Add capability for setting the behavior for any window to work like the workspace 
  0025184 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-19Show location info in business partner info window 
  0025168 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-11-15It would be fine to have a checkbox to exclude the payments with amount of 0 
  00246222design defectmajornew (dbaz)2013-11-14Multiday reservations do not show next to each other 
  0025150 defectminornew (marvintm)2013-11-13Doing a cash management with different Currency in From and To accounts error. 
  00241781design defectminornew (ngarcia)2013-11-12Document Category as "ARF (AR Pro Forma Invoice)" has to be removed 
  0025139 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-12Improvement in Reservation functionality: include Production Work Orders and Multiple Levels of Bills of Materials 
  00237131defecttrivialnew (marvintm)2013-11-12(7178) Tapping 'Cancel' in the 'Cash Management' popup takes forever to dismiss. 
  0025135 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-12Core reports can not be filterd by characteristics 
  00251261feature requestminornew2013-11-11It should be fine to create price list based on cost using FIFO 
  0025122 defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-11SAN MARKO PROJECT 
  0025120 defectminornew (marvintm)2013-11-11using IPAD, in WEBPOS, the total lines field is displayed wrongly when Gift Card is used 
  0024496 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-07It would be nice to support credit generation/consumption in several currencies simultaneously 
  00250921feature requestminornew (marvintm)2013-11-06Logging for slow local DB transactions 
  0015049 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-11-05Cannot delete Purchase Invoices created using "Create AP Expense Invoices" 
  00250821feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-11-05MP29: Not able to insert a record using insert row icon as well as ctrl + i when records are grouped 
  0025079 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-11-05It would be great to support blank space as thousands separator in Format.xml 
  0025076 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-11-05Modifications when exporting Stock Report to XLS in order to facilitate data handling 
  00250661feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-31When voiding a check, Check Number field should be hidden if Delete Payment checkbox is selected 
  0025063 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-31Filters of the definition of the window are displayed in the request 
  0023373 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-30It would be fine to 'copy' all products defined in the system to our new warehouse 
  0010535 feature requestminornew (rmorley)2013-10-30Inventory count list - Creation should be possible also for not moved items 
  0025044 feature requestmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-29Add the possibility to disable webservices 
  0025043 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-29It would be fine to introduce the movement date in the Create Shipments From Orders 
  0025039 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-28It would be nice to be able to easily customize "Add transaction" grid by resizing or moving columns 
  0025035 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-28It would be fine to have the possibility of transferring the Order Reference between documents 
  0025032 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-28It would be fine if storage bin name was shown in the Stock Report 
  0025030 design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-26getTableName method of ErrorTexParser class assumes the primary key column is linked to an element like tablenname + _ID 
  0025025 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-25It would be fine to have letter of credit feature implemented 
  0025019 design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-25Process Definition parameters display logic does not have context information 
  0025017 defectminornew (marvintm)2013-10-25RMP28: In ERP, sales order id is missing in Create Invoice from orders window, when the sales order is created from WEBPOS 
  0025006 defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-24Creating new client in OB failed in creating org setup 
  0025005 defecttrivialnew (migueldejuana)2013-10-23RMP28: Print last receipt option prints the current receipt, when clicked after the clicking the option print this receipt 
  0025001 feature requestmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-23The application should check that the hql clauses (order, where,filter) are correct 
  0024268 feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2013-10-23Ability to print in mobility 
  0024986 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-21It would be nice to be able to register Financial Purchase Order 
  0024980 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-21It would be fine if non processed lines could be deleted automatically when recalculating an asset amortization 
  0024984 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-21It would be fine if amounts were formatted (grouping separator) in Add Payment window 
  00243171feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-18It would be nice to substitute "Financial Account" combo in "Add Payment From Invoice" pop-up by a selector 
  0023916 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-18It would be nice to have "Match Invoice" document in Sales flow 
  0024486 design defectmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-17Orders in draft status does not calculate correctly the total lines in some cases 
  0024494 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-17It would be fine to have the possibility to make a payment in/out to an employee from a g/l journal 
  0024947 defectminornew (alostale)2013-10-15Error on Sales Order Wiindow after install User Interface Application Example Module 
  0024946 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-15The message shown when there is no stock when creating standards in a work effort could be improved 
  0024945 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-14When adding a tax rate to a document line the date used should be configurable 
  00241941defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-14bank statement post looks same way whether totalAmount>0 or totalAmount<0 
  0024846 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-10How to develop Quality module? 
  0024598 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-09It would be fine if a business partner could be assigned to an asset 
  0024915 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-09Add shipment date and warehouse in Create shipment from orders process 
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