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    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0024902 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-07Show Supplier Reference instead of Document Number when organization is configured for it 
  0023628 design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-07A few alertrule exists in the distribution which are verifying things which should be verified during development 
  0024896 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-07Add controls to dates in phase and task 
  0024892 feature requestpiminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-07Date validation between project dates, task dates and phase date would be great 
  0024889 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2013-10-04It will be interesting to have some shortcuts 
  0022633 feature requestmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-03Results pagination performance in generated windows decreases with an increasing number of records 
  0024879 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2013-10-03There is not a way to show on a new seletor the information shown by the old product selectors (price+stock) 
  00240601defectminornew (psanjuan)2013-10-03Confusing documentation of Physical Inventory 
  0024873 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-03It would be fine to manage waste margin in P- product for production 
  0024871 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-10-02It would be nice to be able to see "context information" when running Manage Reservation process 
  0024864 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-10-02It would be nice to be able to disable an specific business partner matching step when importing a bank statement 
  0023955 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2013-10-02Ability to round to the nearest 5 cents 
  0020655 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-09-30Support "Blanket order" functionality 
  0024852 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-30It would be nice to configure the same product to be consumed and produced on the same Work Requirement_Operation 
  0024849 feature requestminornew (eduardo_Argal)2013-09-30It would be fine if invoices with zero balance could be excluded from the reports 
  0024707 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-30How to run purchase plan without planner? 
  00248171feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-24It would be fine to have breakdown in GL for Indirect Cost/Cost of Employee/Cost of Machine 
  0024815 defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-24Silient failure when matching imported financial account transactions into a closed period 
  00231634design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-23Accounting dimensions at header level can be modified when the document is processed 
  0024396 defectminornew (malsasua)2013-09-23Focus does not work in login window or search tab 
  0024809 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-09-20Add a preference to have "Show payments in/out for alternative payment methods" checkbox in payment window, marked as default 
  0021852 design defectminornew (adrianromero)2013-09-20Payment type improvements 
  0021850 feature requestminornew (migueldejuana)2013-09-20Cash up - Invisible count 
  0024790 defectmajornew (vmromanos)2013-09-17Copy from Purchase Order do not show UTF symbols 
  0024777 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-09-16Make public the convertToUTC() and convertToLocalTime() methods 
  0024776 defectminornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-163.0MP27: Wrong button Labels appear in Goods receipt window 
  0024186 defectminorscheduled (pramakrishnan)2013-09-15Unique constrain in product category should filter by organization, not by client 
  0022606 defectmajorscheduled (pramakrishnan)2013-09-15In the Return Material Receipt, Invoice status shows 100% eventhough the invoice is in draft status 
  00229361feature requestminornew (malsasua)2013-09-13Discount and Price buttons in Web POS : proposal to deprecate or disable them 
  00231041design defectmajornew (adrianromero)2013-09-13Refunding a gift card should not be possible now or current behaviour corrected 
  0024757 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-09-12Import GL transactions should import a particular description for the batch 
  00184791feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-09-09Be able to define "Special Prices" for business partners 
  00247111feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-09-06Add the ability to configure a window in order to have a delete on cascade or not 
  00237501defectmajorfeedback (pramakrishnan)2013-09-06division by zero error in purchase plan 
  0024679 defectmajornew (mirurita)2013-09-04Some queries are slow in module Accounting Alerts for APR 
  00246531defectminornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-02c_Locfrom_Id,c_Locto_Id columns in fact_acct make the application go slower. Wrong AD reference definition. 
  0024650 defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-09-02Compilation error after few changes over the standard 
  00238132design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-08-30In Firefox, user can not select the text when the field is read only 
  0024628 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-30Return from Customer pick and execute has bad performance with big amount of data 
  0024617 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-28It would be fine to consider the cost of an intermediate operation without products when calculating the cost of the end product 
  0024607 defectminornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-28Calculate Standard Cost Documentation is not completly right 
  0024593 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-27Cube: The user interface needs to have a feature to show the user that "openbravo" is computing data 
  0024592 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-27Cube: "Pre Loading feature" 
  0024080 defectmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-08-27Document explicitly that when closing "Match Statement" pop-up, automatic matchings are not undone 
  00245545defecttrivialnew (dmiguelez)2013-08-22Cannot send an Email of a Payment without a Business Partner selected. 
  0024562 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-08-22It would be fine to be able to import assets with Depreciate = 'N' 
  0024558 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-22It would be nice to support "Cross Docking" functionality 
  0024552 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-21It would be nice to post an outgoing warehouse transaction in a different account than the COGS 
  0024548 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-08-20New reference needed for "Report Set" field in MRP_Productionline 
  0024541 defectminornew (eduardo_Argal)2013-08-19When singlepayment is selected in a remittance with a payment in lines the error message should be improved 
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