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| | P | ID | # | Type | Target Version | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary | Due Date |
| | | 0036704 | | design defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-08-23 | Add the possibility to force a full refresh on the next login. (per terminal) | |
| | | 0036702 | | defect | main | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-08-23 | [UX][RR17Q3] Layaway identifier doesn't show in confirmation notification when voiding it | |
| | | 0036673 | 2 | defect | | minor | new (rqueralta) | 2017-08-22 | [RR17Q3] Error message on business date is not correct | |
| | | 0030462 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-08-22 | It would be nice to have the possibility to skip the warehouse transactions for costing calculation | |
| | | 0036132 | 2 | feature request | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-08-21 | Create a new component to edit with "password" mask | |
| | | 0036674 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-08-21 | Roles created using "copy role" using as source an inactive role can't add organizations | |
| | | 0036672 | | defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-08-18 | [RR17Q3][Support for attributes] Preference for quotations using [SFA] is supposted to exitst but it does not | |
| | | 0036671 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-08-18 | [RR17Q3][Support for attributes] Attribute value cannot be empty but white space is accepted | |
| | | 0024224 | 11 | design defect | | major | new (rqueralta) | 2017-08-18 | Not able to pay the Layaway order using gift card and gift voucher when the layaway order is reopened | |
| | | 0033841 | 8 | defect | | major | new (rqueralta) | 2017-08-09 | Free Products per Total Amount discount removes other discounts | |
| | | 0036585 | | defect | | minor | scheduled (rqueralta) | 2017-08-08 | [RR17Q3] Ununiform behaviour with PRICE and QUANTITY button using Verified Returns feature | |
| | | 0022314 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-08-08 | In some windows the Organization can be changed and this change is not propagated to all its child records | |
| | | 0036621 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-08-07 | It is possible to use UOM conversions of other clients in some callouts. | |
| | | 0036612 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-08-04 | Improve performance of costing rule validation process | |
| | | 0035947 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-08-04 | Prevent user to launch accounting reports more than one time | |
| | | 0036577 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-08-02 | Hook 'ModelReady:' + is not valid because can change | |
| | | 0036575 | | defect | | trivial | new (Retail) | 2017-08-02 | [RR17Q3][Products on the fly] Wrong margin in popup with message: Products on the fly (OTF) are only allowed in Laid Away... | |
| | | 0036569 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-08-01 | [RR17Q3][Products on the fly] Mandatory fields are not shown in red when they are not filled and Apply button is pressed | |
| | | 0036557 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-08-01 | Document No. of saved Sales Order is lost when setting again old document type | |
| | | 0036555 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-31 | Region selector in few reports shows only the regions of Country 'Unites States" | |
| | | 0036550 | | defect | | trivial | new (Retail) | 2017-07-31 | Support fo Attributes test is failing | |
| | | 0036547 | | defect | | trivial | new (Retail) | 2017-07-31 | Add more info in cashup tables | |
| | | 0027874 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-26 | It would be nice to be able to add "Fees" directly in Payments | |
| | | 0036325 | 2 | defect | | minor | scheduled (collazoandy4) | 2017-07-26 | Cannot generate a shipment from an order if M_INOUT_CREATE is called without p_instance_id and document status <> 'IP' | |
| | | 0035323 | 1 | defect | | minor | scheduled (collazoandy4) | 2017-07-25 | Changing the Business Partner of an order updates the Warehouse field although Shipment Route feature is not configured | |
| | | 0019043 | 7 | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-24 | Openbravo allows entering the same purchase order line info in the Good Receipt window more than once | |
| | | 0023477 | 2 | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-24 | Sales Order with delivery status 300% | |
| | | 0019797 | | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-24 | Create Lines From should be change with a new P&E button | |
| | | 0036208 | 1 | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-07-24 | Retail: EntityPersistenceEventObserver validations has a high log level | |
| | | 0035339 | 1 | design defect | | major | scheduled (collazoandy4) | 2017-07-20 | Prepayment Amount shown / updated in the invoices is not correct for some scenarios. | |
| | | 0020852 | 2 | feature request | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-19 | It would be interesting to add the possibility to void Inter-Company invoice | |
| | | 0036509 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-18 | [MRP] It is not possible to use a product set as production and purchase at the same time | |
| | | 0036507 | | feature request | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-07-18 | Add button 'Add Pack' into Sales Quotation window | |
| | | 0035991 | | defect | | major | scheduled (rqueralta) | 2017-07-17 | [RR17Q2][StoreServer][HighVol][GC&V] Generated Credit Notes for a specific customer are not found | |
| | | 0036492 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-14 | Create From does not perform for high number of lines | |
| | | 0036486 | | defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-13 | Migration Tool fails in Invoices when Document Type is set as '*' | |
| | | 0025553 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-07-12 | It would be fine to have a dataset in order to configure the Tax Register Types with Spanish Taxes | |
| | | 0017373 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-12 | The "Tax register type" configuration must be easier | |
| | | 0036458 | | design defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-07-11 | When a product is in the assortment it is possible to uncheck the "Sale" field of the product and sell it in web POS | |
| | | 0036450 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-07-10 | [PR17Q3] Alternate Unit of Measure config checks differs leaving a non consistent GUI | |
| | | 0036449 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-07-08 | Tax Payment window, trying to create new record shows NullPointerException in log while calculating default values | |
| | | 0036220 | | feature request | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2017-07-05 | Ability to enter product attributes while creating quotation and order from quotation | |
| | | 0031698 | 3 | design defect | | major | acknowledged (vmromanos) | 2017-07-03 | Browser freezes when selecting "clear all" option in "Reconcile" button and more than 1500 transactions are pending | |
| | | 0036023 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-07-03 | performance problem with a lot of assortments | |
| | | 0036145 | 1 | design defect | | major | acknowledged (Retail) | 2017-07-03 | Preference "Web POS Save Removed Tickets" not working properly with tickets without lines | |
| | | 0021354 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-06-30 | It would be nice group intrastat lines by country instead of invoice's lines | |
| | | 0034178 | 1 | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-30 | NPE in UpdateCashup if lastcashupeportdate not present in json, also typo in variable name | |
| | | 0036248 | | feature request | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-06-30 | Add menu option to reload master data from server | |
| | | 0036375 | | feature request | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-29 | Improve Bar code scanner functionalities | |
| | | 0036365 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-28 | Product selector in manage catalogs does not work if the context is different from 'openbravo' | |
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