Viewing Issues (4101 - 4150 / 7761)
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| | P | ID | # | Type | Target Version | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary | Due Date |
| | | 0022951 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-27 | Four Intercompany Documents need to be linked | |
| | | 0036361 | | feature request | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-06-27 | Force actions to be done on the terminal by a definition on the backend | |
| | | 0036360 | | feature request | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-06-27 | Save information about last refresh on each terminal | |
| | | 0036355 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-27 | renderContainerWindow function assumes that "Loading component" is being shown when it is executed | |
| | | 0036354 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-27 | OBPOS_TerminalLoadedFromBackend Hook is not taking into account asynchrony | |
| | | 0036223 | | design defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-06-27 | all incremental refresh requests are sent at the same time when tomcat is restarted | |
| | | 0036342 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-26 | Duplicate and wrong request to characteristics when search service related to a product | |
| | | 0036122 | 4 | design defect | | major | scheduled (jorge-garcia) | 2017-06-20 | [SERQA 2908]If a partial payment is added, buttons and external input are not blocked. | |
| | | 0036289 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-20 | An exception is thrown when it is opened a Manage Catalog process from the grid view | |
| | | 0036266 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-16 | Some templates are not included in the Application Cache | |
| | | 0036257 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-06-16 | Some HttpSecureAppServlet callouts doesn't defined in callout and mapping window | |
| | | 0036260 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-14 | Make matching Bank Statement lines to actually match | |
| | | 0036259 | | design defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-14 | The error message in Mobile Warehouse module is not clear | |
| | | 0034084 | | defect | | trivial | new (Retail) | 2017-06-14 | Pending test to be developed | |
| | | 0036098 | 1 | defect | | major | scheduled (jorge-garcia) | 2017-06-13 | getAllPreferences function is called twice during the login | |
| | | 0035869 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-12 | Change separator of decimals from dot to comma in New balance sheet and P&L when exporting to Excel | |
| | | 0033458 | | defect | | major | scheduled (rqueralta) | 2017-06-07 | Problems when apply "Free Products per Total Amount" and "Scaled Prices" promotions | |
| | | 0024023 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | It would be fine to have a report which shows the FIFO movements of a product | |
| | | 0024734 | | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | In Product Transactions tab, Movement Type filter is showing Production - option that is never used | |
| | | 0011389 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | Movement type should be P- instead of P+ | |
| | | 0021324 | 2 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | You can add a Discount to a booked/completed sales order/invoice | |
| | | 0021554 | | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | The 'Change Depreciation Range' checkbox cannot be selected in 3.0 | |
| | | 0021900 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | The fields showed only in the status bar are not shown in the audit trail pop-up | |
| | | 0022970 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | Price is not correctly formatted in reports | |
| | | 0028546 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-06-07 | When printing Invoices with Financial Lines (GL Item) null is shown | |
| | | 0036139 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-07 | At least one request of Sales representative in the login is not necessary | |
| | | 0036133 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-07 | Characteristic request is not necessary during the login | |
| | | 0036156 | | defect | | minor | new (Retail) | 2017-06-01 | Cannot Add Pack to a Sales Order if the role does not have access to Currency, Price List and Discount and Promotion windows | |
| | | 0036026 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Retail) | 2017-05-30 | In Web POS Spanish, the countries are displayed in english | |
| | | 0036128 | 1 | defect | | minor | new (migueldejuana) | 2017-05-30 | Rename "Automate movement to other account" check | |
| | | 0024534 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | When adding a payment through the match statement window, lines should be grouped by invoice | |
| | | 0024090 | 2 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Check Printing window should be refreshed after printing a check | |
| | | 0022671 | 1 | design defect | | minor | scheduled (Triage Finance) | 2017-05-29 | Business partner location's name is not updated when updating the Location/Address | |
| | | 0028774 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Cannot select the partner address for the intercompany document automatically created | |
| | | 0029015 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Totals for Tax Base and Total Document Amt does not make sense in the summary sections | |
| | | 0027480 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-05-29 | It would be fine to have the option to cancel an outbound picking list | |
| | | 0027545 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | It would be fine to automatically add a fee to an invoice payment based on the overdue days | |
| | | 0022122 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-05-29 | In Attribute set value field pop-up the instance attributes with value assigned should be read only | |
| | | 0020698 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Order payment plans do not show nor manage valid due dates | |
| | | 0027725 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-05-29 | Warehouse Picking List should support second UOM | |
| | | 0023320 | | defect | | major | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-05-29 | The Spain Community Localization Pack for OB3 needs to include Spanish "Abreviado" Chart of Accounts | |
| | | 0027191 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-05-29 | It is not possible to apply 340 tax form dataset at specific Org level and that should not be the case | |
| | | 0023106 | 2 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Finance) | 2017-05-29 | The 347 report takes more than 30 minutes to get data for a year on an environment with a big fact_act | |
| | | 0023578 | | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Add the capability to delete a void check | |
| | | 0028585 | 1 | defect | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Demo stops working when license expires | |
| | | 0028929 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Add ability to restrict the date which users can create new reservations | |
| | | 0021769 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Allow Negative Stock selection, does not work correctly when creating a Work Effort | |
| | | 0021481 | | defect | | minor | scheduled (Triage Omni WMS) | 2017-05-29 | EDI Code: Hide the field EDI Code that is present in Unit of Measure window | |
| | | 0020555 | 1 | feature request | | minor | scheduled (Triage Finance) | 2017-05-29 | Error messsage need to be corrected in Payment Execution window | |
| | | 0020224 | 1 | design defect | | major | scheduled (Triage Omni OMS) | 2017-05-29 | Manual reconciliation: If you click CANCEL button it creates the header and lines of the reconciliation | |
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