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Viewing Issues (4201 - 4250 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00074122design defectminoracknowledged (AugustoMauch)2017-03-31substr overloading for postgresql not working 
  00047463design defect2.50minoracknowledged (AugustoMauch)2017-03-31Generated Help for non-displayed fields 
  00342061defectminoracknowledged (caristu)2017-03-31In Oracle comments are not updated properly after adding/deleting the operator class on an existing function based index 
  0035668 defectmajornew (dmitry_mezentsev)2017-03-31API Change: delete Accounting Dimension window 
  00356471defectmajorscheduled (AtulOpenbravo)2017-03-31Picking list is created with stock of a on hand warehouse other than Warehouse in Sales Order Header 
  0035657 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-30Wrong error message shown when launching Undo Protest process for a protested remittance line associated with a voided payment 
  0035655 feature requestminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-30Do not display Credit to Use grid in Add Payment in case negative payments 
  00267361defectminorscheduled (rqueralta)2017-03-28[UX] Misalignment between several WebPOS boxes 
  0035532 defectminorscheduled (rqueralta)2017-03-28Discretionary promotions do not take into account the "Included Products: Only those defined" value 
  00113836design defectmajorscheduled (luisrs8608)2017-03-23Sales order - Invoice Terms "After Delivery" - Able to create invoice for goods not shipped 
  0033234 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2017-03-23Implement backward compatibility test/build environment 
  0035600 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-03-22An exception is thrown in Eclipse and the popup to Delete line in the PL is not opened 
  0035598 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2017-03-22Be able to define POS Terminal Types that can only create Quotations 
  0035156 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2017-03-16[UX] [RR17Q1] Typo in message of Set Business Date shown when opening a store from the Web POS 
  00355081defectminornew (Retail)2017-03-14Duplicate (cached) requests to printline.xml when adding line to ticket (with remote data) 
  00343971design defectmajoracknowledged (Retail)2017-03-14[RR16Q4] Pay Open Tickets has a bad performance in certain environments. It induces a situation where a ticket can be completed 
  0035501 feature requestminornew (Retail)2017-03-13Add Warning message to code which inside renderLine hook does either http requests or websql queries 
  0035366 defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-13Update Characteristics button (Backend) raises -GC overhead limit exceeded- exception 
  0027177 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-10Warnigns shown in openbravo.log when running mcurrency jobs in ci 
  00039511feature requestminorscheduled (Triage Finance)2017-03-10Dynamic messages in "General accounting process" 
  00047221feature requestminoracknowledged (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-10validation in javascript in Quality Control Report 
  0035361 defectminorscheduled (rqueralta)2017-03-10Remove the characters restriction in Log client window's message field 
  0031034 defectmajorscheduled (guilleaer)2017-03-10[RR15Q4] Having a template in development is not considered to show the In Development banner 
  0035475 defectminornew (Retail)2017-03-10Do not calculate Net Price and Net Amount outside triggers when creating new Order/Invoice with Price Including Taxes 
  0018908 design defectmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-09It should be possible to define "Non shippable" products 
  0020896 feature requestminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-09It would be nice define a service product in order to not create a good shipment/receipt 
  00231902feature requestminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-09New check in Product window: deliverable/receivable for Service products 
  0035455 feature requestmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-03-08Adapt every query that uses credit to take advantage of FIN_PAYMENT_BPARTNER_CREDIT index 
  0034751 defectminornew (Retail)2017-03-06[RR16Q4] It is not possible to log in the Backend using the role "Ventas" 
  0035418 feature requestminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-03-02Update ABC button should be disabled when any Warehouse has been used in the filters 
  0035417 feature requestminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-03-02ABC percentages should be user defined 
  0035416 design defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-03-02Update ABC in Pareto Product Report should be refactor 
  0031239 feature requestmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-03-02it would be nice to have partial validations 
  0035391 feature requestminornew (guillermogil)2017-03-02The whole rule model should be inside the discount to apply 
  0035388 defectminornew (Retail)2017-03-01Services are not allocated just below the product associated in webPOS 
  0035380 feature requestminornew (Retail)2017-02-28Create a new hook in discount button acction 
  0035365 defectminornew (Retail)2017-02-27When Prod Characteristics are loaded the UI should be reactive noticing user that a query is being performed 
  0035362 defectminornew (Retail)2017-02-27When Prod Ch Values are loaded the UI should be reactive noticing user that a query is being performed 
  0034449 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2017-02-27[RR16Q4] It is not possible to update a module because of structural changes in de database 
  00353511defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-02-24"Deseleccionar" text appears in the registers always although they are not selected. 
  0035352 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-02-23[Documentation] Add an explanation about Enable for all users option at widget level in Role - Widget Class Access 
  0035347 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2017-02-23Preference to allow edit or not anonymous customer from POS 
  0035321 defectminornew (Retail)2017-02-21Customer address changes when you change the customer in webPOS 
  0031166 defectminornew (rqueralta)2017-02-20Incorrect label when a return is loaded in web pos 
  0031645 defectminornew (rqueralta)2017-02-20It is not possible to use the character ' on warehouse name 
  0030568 defectminornew (rqueralta)2017-02-20Pressing the quantity button without any number entered produces an error message 
  0031151 defectminornew (rqueralta)2017-02-16incremental refresh can not be configured with a value higher than 35.791 (35791 * 60 * 1000 = max integer 32 bit) 
  00351752design defectmajornew (Retail)2017-02-15Loss of ticket number if ticket numbering is different from return numbering 
  0025105 feature requestmajornew (Triage Omni OMS)2017-02-15The Production cost should be calculated independently if the Cost center is defined in the Production Run 
  0023505 design defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2017-02-15The Cost Center Version should not be necessary to calculate the cost of manufacturing products 
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