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Viewing Issues (1151 - 1200 / 7779) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0051662 defectminorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2023-02-26cannot set by role a field to be readonly on new if its column is no updateable 
  0051685 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-02-23Storyshots tests failing by asynchronous GridDataSource 
  0051655 defectmajornew (Retail)2023-02-23Initial count / Cashup : Error when merging coins and bills after counting bills with counting tool 
  0051641 defectminornew (Retail)2023-02-23[23Q1] Configuration errors while adding gift vouchers 
  0051670 defectminornew (Triage Omni OMS)2023-02-22InvoiceMatchingAlgorithm is not using bind-params 
  0051650 defectminornew (Retail)2023-02-21[23Q1] Incorrect behaviour printing ticket with POS hardware manager after paying with USA Cash 
  0043783 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Refresh Tasks button is not detached from the button at its right "-" (substract button) 
  0043782 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Bottom right container is not properly stylized 
  0043785 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Amount buttons are not correctly placed and "+" button is outside its container 
  0043786 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Second line of divs are misaligned 
  0043787 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Selectors are too wide and data are not visible 
  0043788 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Dropdown scroll sometimes drags the whole page instead of the menu 
  0043789 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-170043780: [20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks][iPad] Virtual keyboard is shown when it must be hidden 
  0043780 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks] Number wrongly placed in image that indicates picking amount 
  0043854 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks] Toggle button is clickable but it has no efect 
  0043857 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO] Top divs are misaligned 
  0043859 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][Collapse Tasks] Wrong behaviour of "Collapse Tasks" toggle button 
  0043860 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][Collapse Tasks] Product label is not separated from the Count button. Margen is required 
  0043861 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][Collapse Tasks] Wrong values are accepted while counting products. That induces a wrong behaviour 
  0043862 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO][CollpasedTasks] An error that is not descriptive enough can be thrown in Box window 
  0043865 defecttrivialnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO] Error message is not good enough for a final user 
  0043867 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO] Error message says "Enter Quantity", but it is already set and the real problem is different 
  0043868 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO] Layout gets broken after clicking Status in dropdown menu 
  0043926 defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[20Q2][AWO] Several problems related with its width are shown in the AWO application 
  0050809 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[22Q4][AWO] Tasks list have no useful order 
  0051639 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[23Q1][AWO] Put Away popup is moved from its proper location in case user access that menu option twice in a row 
  0051617 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-17[23Q1][AWO] Unexpected error is shown when Confirm button is pressed just after setting quantity > max allowed quantity 
  0051636 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-02-16Training Mode is not hidden if SetTrainingMode is inactive 
  0051634 defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-02-16Cash up report : VAT line is not displayed in returns in the printed cash up 
  00516291defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-02-16Cash up report : Deposits/withdrawals in other payment methods doesn't appear in PDF cash up report 
  00516191design defectmajornew (adrianromero)2023-02-15Use UserAction architecture for Client API approvals 
  0051616 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-15[23Q1][AWO] Unexpected error is shown when Confirm button is pressed just after setting quantity to 0 
  0050782 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-15[22Q4][AWO] Input field to set Expiration Date do not properly work and it does not bound to accept valid dates 
  0051602 design defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-02-15TicketLinesLite in Portrait doesn't scroll to bottom when product is added to list 
  00512526design defectmajornew (Retail)2023-02-13Different behavior for "Included Characteristics: All of the values defined" discount configuration in the ERP and in POS 
  0051577 defectminorscheduled (rqueralta)2023-02-13Add the quantity of products defined in the coupon rule added to the ticket in the coupon object 
  0051571 defectmajornew (AtulOpenbravo)2023-02-10DeleteLine is called more than expected 
  00515581defectcriticalnew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-10Unit of meassure not shown in Counting operations in AWO frontend 
  00515681defectmajorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2023-02-10Product category image in the keymap editor 
  0051559 design defectmajornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-02-09Allow to initialize stock from the AWO frontoffice as it is done in backoffice 
  00512441feature requestmajornew (Retail)2023-01-31Practics - Expansion in the preference to request authorization to make verified returns 
  0051521 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2023-01-31The customer requires an automatic creation of periods each new year 
  0051517 feature requestminornew (Retail)2023-01-31[23Q1][OPECOM] Product name column is not available inside "Product Prices" tab and make it more difficult to modify records 
  0051426 design defectmajornew (Retail)2023-01-31Not possibility to defined Document types and sequnces for payments per store 
  0051502 feature requestmajornew (Retail)2023-01-30Problem when I return a product from a discounted sale. 
  00510641defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-01-30The label 'DOR:' cannot be translated 
  0051481 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2023-01-27[23Q1] "ok" button inside the Keypad from Line Discounts is in lowercase 
  00513012feature requestmajorscheduled (ablasco)2023-01-26[React POS Portrait] [Window] Product Search 
  0051469 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2023-01-26[23Q1][OPECOM][UX] Success message instead of warning message is shown when no records can be added inside OPECOM window 
  0051466 defectmajornew (Retail)2023-01-26[23Q1][OPECOM] It is NOT possible choosing a different Organization than the one by default inside Commercial Operations window 
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