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Viewing Issues (951 - 1000 / 7779) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0053080 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-27[23Q3] After closing the multiline selector, the checkbox remains on the ticket, hiding the product quantity 
  0053084 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-27[23Q3] In the Proof of Payment window, there are 2 (disabled) buttons to go to the Proof of Payment window 
  0053065 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-26Scope of the service worker must be restricted 
  00525811defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-26The selected business date does not apply, but the current date. 
  00530661defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-26[23Q3] Cash Management "New Deposit" window not showing up in iOS 
  0053071 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-26[23Q3] Search Customer window gets on top of New Customer form while switching between portrait and landscape 
  0053070 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-26[23Q3] In iOS the calendar selector does not select a customer birthdate 
  0046911 defecttrivialnew (Retail)2023-07-26Some directories in pos2 are not following the standard naming rules 
  0048645 defectmajornew (Retail)2023-07-26The LastOrderComplete property should be removed from the application state 
  0052874 defecttrivialnew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-26Filter fields are not alignes after filter 
  00495802design defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-26A product in Menu does not update until product is unassigned 
  0053059 feature requestpimajornew (Retail)2023-07-25Keymaps entity is not loaded in the front-end in case remote product preference is enabled 
  00509692feature requestminorscheduled (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2023-07-25[Promo] - Buy X Get Y - Message in the pop not clear for subtype "Buy All X, get Any Y" 
  0053047 defectminornew (Triage Omni WMS)2023-07-24(Sychronization) Inconsistent Available Stock Quantity in DO Line when scanning & Filter By : All or Pending To Complete 
  0053044 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-24Make use of the new HttpClientManager 
  0053042 defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-24Cleanup orphan references to deleted preferences 
  0053023 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-21[23Q3] Invoice Terms list is not shown in the Receipt Properties pop-up 
  00487591defectminorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2023-07-20Review data-testid naming for elements in Split Payment context 
  0052992 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-18[23Q3] Line details are shown while scrolling the ticket lines on an iPhone 
  0052991 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-18[23Q3] In portrait mode, the ticket list does not show the last addittion 
  00529821feature requestmajornew (Retail)2023-07-18OBMOBC_PrePaymentSelected is not implemented in SCO 
  00529851defectminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-17Remove option to trigger full 2.50 UI (with menu + full NavigationBar) 
  00529732feature requestmajornew (mtaal)2023-07-16[RM-4077] Support Openbravo Order Preparation Module in ReactPOS/POS2 
  00529571feature requestminornew (guillermogil)2023-07-13Redistribute Suites of Selenium 
  00489952defectminorscheduled (meriem_azaf)2023-07-13Warning data-testid is not ok: "null-content" 
  0051806 defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-13non-standard data-testids in error message in POS2 
  00486772defectminornew (Retail)2023-07-11Make it possible to include validations during the external order loader 
  0047017 defectpiminornew (Retail)2023-07-11API change: Added CheckConstraint for CRM Connector columns in ad_org table 
  00411181defectmajorscheduled (Retail)2023-07-11Column "em_obpos_applications_id" of "c_import_entry" not filled by "OBMOBC_TerminalLog" or "OBCFR_TerminalMonitor" 
  003583010design defectmajornew (Retail)2023-07-11[SER-QA 2681] One payment overpayments should be checked before invoking payment provider 
  0034370 defectmajorscheduled (Retail)2023-07-11Promotion BuyXPayY of same product doesn't work when Split Action Done 
  0052938 feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-10Update npm libraries to their latest version 
  00527161design defectmajorscheduled (Retail)2023-07-07Performance issue with masterdata query: DiscountFilterProduct 
  0052722 feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-06Add X to allow close form error messages 
  00176892design defectmajoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-05Display logic is not preventing a field to be edited in grid view 
  0036993 design defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-05Widget params do not support combos 
  0049531 feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Product window --> Translation tab --> It allows to translate Name, but not Description 
  0045702 feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Optimisation in query in EDL 
  00434732design defectminorscheduled (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Allows decimal quantity when standard precision in UOM set to 0 
  00430112feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Costing Background Process can be executed 2 times, generating duplicate costings 
  0041822 design defectminoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Messages in header tab should include the process that has generated the message 
  0041290 feature requestminornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04It would be nice apply the grid configuration in back-end selectors 
  0039136 feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04SERQA 4497: Add support for postgresql jsonb operators in DBSourceManager 
  0036065 feature requestmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04[SERQA 2875] Exceptions in onTransactionCompleted 
  00353071design defectminoracknowledged (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Grand Totals are rounded to integers (0 decimals) 
  0028264 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2023-07-04Ability for retrieving multiple files in a servlet as a parameter 
  00281042design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2023-07-04DateTime reference is not supported in standard processes as parameter 
  0026750 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2023-07-04Need to add a alias on the deleteQuery method on the OBQuery class. 
  00256951design defectmajornew (Triage Platform Base)2023-07-04Impossible to set a default value in tab customer 
  00251551design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2023-07-04Java Date Format are not supported. 
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