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Viewing Issues (6001 - 6050 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0023034 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-02-11It would be fine to show the accounting dimensions in sales quotation window 
  0022578 feature requestminornew (jecharri)2013-02-11It would be fine to have the Exchange Rate tab in Purchase Orders 
  0023028 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-02-11It would be fine if overpaid amount could be written off 
  0023010 design defectmajornew (dbaz)2013-02-07[KB] Inconsistent assignment of keyboard shortcuts to button 
  00193831feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-02-07Different prices for a product depending on the quantity ordered 
  0022999 design defecttrivialnew (AugustoMauch)2013-02-07Improve dummy function in Oracle pre-Script 
  0022992 defectminornew (vmromanos)2013-02-07Cannot import CSV files after core update to MP19.3 
  0022995 design defectminornew (adrianromero)2013-02-06Not clear error message when paying with gift card and the used id doesn't exist 
  0022980 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2013-02-05ManageStock view is not working correctly 
  00227541feature requestminornew (adrianromero)2013-02-05Web POS right Panel is not showing all the discounts 
  0022965 defectmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-02-04The ReceivedInvoiceRegisterBook.jrxml.pdf file should not contain below two columns 
  0022956 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-02-01Organization access configuration through role, different by user 
  0022861 feature requestpiminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-02-01Report matching sales and Return to Vendor and from Customer Report is needed 
  00147291design defectpiminorscheduled (marvintm)2013-01-28Warning message thrown: Name of object OBACCT_BANKSTATEMENT_ACCT_V_INS is too long (31 characters; maximum length: 30 characters 
  0022908 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-28Should be possible to translate Execution Process Parameters 
  0022895 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-25It would be fine to create a new costing rule taking into account stock in the past 
  0022203 design defectminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-25Is not possible to Reactivate Sales Order which has associated Discount 
  0022892 defectminornew (adrianromero)2013-01-25Some mistakes in "The context information has changed" web pos message 
  00220869design defectminornew (ioritzCia)2013-01-24M_INOUT_POST are using an OR in a CURSOR so the query is doing a Full Table Scan which has a very big impact in performance 
  0022875 design defectmajornew (marvintm)2013-01-23Translations from Oracle to PostgreSQL is not supported for some cursor declarations. 
  0022878 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-23It would be fine to make a relation between tasks of multiphase projects and production 
  0022872 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-01-23New fields are not visible in form layout editor when a previous view was saved 
  0022858 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-22Price list report has to be reviewed 
  00219382design defectminornew (ioritzCia)2013-01-22Payment date should be mandatory 
  0022225 design defectminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-22The Sales Dimensional Report only shows the header of lines in the first page 
  00226112design defect3.0MP24majornew (eduardo_Argal)2013-01-21The default filter on the product complete selector is not valid for receipts 
  0022849 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2013-01-21Filtering on identifier columns with multiple values is not precise enough 
  0022837 defecttrivialnew (gorkaion)2013-01-18You should not be able to modify the quantity of the purchase order if the quantity is prereserved 
  0022829 feature requestpiminornew (marvintm)2013-01-18Adapt Openbravo to work with the latest version of iReports 
  0022816 defectmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-17PDF version of the "Invoice Register Book" (of any type) shows the document date in a column named "Operation Date" 
  0022396 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-11Journal Voucher Number is missing in openbravo 
  0022362 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-11Trial Balance Report as on Date 
  0022780 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-11Improve 'Create and make final' process on Invoice Register Book window 
  00174452feature requestmajoracknowledged (dbaz)2013-01-10Create from popups have a misleading title 
  00069141feature requestmajoracknowledged (eduardo_Argal)2013-01-10Conversion rates - multiple issues 
  00190347feature requestmajorfeedback (dbaz)2013-01-10The form layouter toolbar icon doesn't get the "asterisk" if the form layout has been edited 
  0022768 defecttrivialnew (dmiguelez)2013-01-10Some taxes in F&B have the same identifiers than in Spanish taxes module 
  0022749 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-09It would be fine to show the product produced for each Operation on the Production Run Status Report 
  0022748 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-09It would be fine to have a Pending Work Requirement report more generic 
  0022731 defecttrivialnew (alostale)2013-01-04Module publication error should be improved 
  0022729 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2013-01-04It would be nice to support EDI integration functionality. 
  0022721 feature requestmajornew (adrianromero)2013-01-03Be able to set Accounting Dimensions when creating POS orders 
  0022697 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2013-01-03It would be nice to develop AEAT 216 and AEAT 296 models for Openbravo 
  00217751design defectminornew (ioritzCia)2013-01-02Copy from order relates the lines copied using column ref_orderline_id 
  0022714 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-12-31It would be nice to implement business partner risk control based on orders and shipments 
  0022701 feature requestminornew (adrianromero)2012-12-28Dynamic IP for Hardware URL 
  0022675 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2012-12-27Information box wrongly appears when the user move away from Goods shipment window without doing any action. 
   0022682 design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2012-12-27In sales order in lines tab, after entering all the required details when i click Book button system throws an error message 
  0022664 feature requestmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-12-23When matching imported financial transactions you should be able to update dimensions 
  0022621 feature requestminornew (AugustoMauch)2012-12-21There are some grids in pop-ups from action buttons which cannot be sorted 
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