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Viewing Issues (6201 - 6250 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0009878 design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Generate Invoices process does not display all the invoices generated 
  00083773design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Not able to generate Receipt using 'Generate Receipt from invoice' process if the product is associated with an attribute set 
  00121801design defecttrivialscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Errro message format needs to be same for all transaction windows 
  0009625 design defecttrivialscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13WR Creation date should be always an earlier date than Starting date of Work requirement Header 
  00095613design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Default value of Country 
  0019018 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Nombre de usuario cambia al introducir nombre y apellido 
  0018985 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Payment method setup should prevent configurations that will result in failures in accounting 
  00189841design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13By default admin user cannot configure a new client for accounting 
  0010714 design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Information tab inside Organization window should be of Single Record UI Pattern 
  0019365 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13There should be an ability to reference Chart of Accounts module data from other modules 
  0019161 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13In product window assign only AttributesSet from the same org or parents should be permitted 
  00168231design defectmajorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Reports don't show financial invoices 
  00195431design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Return from Customer: the Pick/Edit Lines functionality fails if the goods shipment selected has no linked sales order 
  0019510 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Production Run Status Report: label of Refund Qty has to be changed to Rejected Quantity 
  0019501 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Product Run Status Report: Column Label 'Product Run' is confusing 
  0019497 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Production Run: manually created Work Efforts do not have the Movement Date appear in the production run screen 
  0012354 design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Error messge should be displayed only if we click Ok button before selecting any invoice 
  0019615 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13MRP: Planning method component 'Material Requirement' should be renamed to Requisition 
  0019645 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13MRP: inconsistency in naming of safety stock 
  0019629 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Product: change the label in the Purchasing tab from 'Purchase Order Price' to 'Net Unit Price' 
  0019683 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Review label of Quantity on the Work Requirement 
  0019650 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13MRP: change label of button in Purchasing plan to 'Process Purchasing Plan' 
  0019646 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13MRP set up: Minimum lead time in the Org Specifi tab should be changed to Production lead time 
  0019754 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Not showing complete column names and extension bars on 'Requisition to Order' window. 
  0019700 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Tax Search Key not enabled for Tax Rate window 
  00196361design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-13MRP: Capacity in the Purchasing tab of Product is not taken into account for the creation of the purchasing plan 
  0020047 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Improve accounting error "Invalid Account" to provide information about missing account or real error 
  0020036 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13It is possible change the unit product when the stock of this product is distinct to zero 
  0019920 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Add Org and Project dimension in Purchase Invoice Dimensional Report 
  0019720 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13The chart of accounts of any country should have in other languages 
  0019495 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13The printable forms do not print the city and postal code of the organization. 
  00202492design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13General ledger report is not showing the balance field when exporting to excel 
  0018823 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Be able to match one Transaction with several bank statement lines when reconciling 
  0020830 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Improve error posting messages to provide more information about missed configuration 
  0020645 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Be able to indicate "Received (Financial Account)" amount to be converted to Amount, when working with multicurrency 
  0021303 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Stock Report in html format takes more that 15 min and gives timeouts in chrome 
  0021105 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Generate PO from Sales Order process is not working correctly 
  00207572design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13the process "reset accounting" modifies records that they belong to a period closed 
  0021322 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13Implement process to perform Payment Cancellation 
  0021039 design defectminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13a reconciliation can not be processed from reconciliation window 
  00193051design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-13There are many fields in the "Price List Schema" window - Lines Tab that are not used at all or we do not know how they work. 
  0021633 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2012-09-12Address form not including house number and house nr addition 
  0021603 feature requestminornew (dmiguelez)2012-09-11Capability to change GLItem in financial invoices without reactivating the invocice 
  0021597 design defectminornew (AugustoMauch)2012-09-11Process vs Process Definition for a Button reference 
  00089558design defectminorscheduled (naiaramartinez)2012-09-10Several errors in "Create Invoices from Orders" form 
  00089212design defectminorscheduled (dmiguelez)2012-09-10Error message should be clear in Standard Costs Report for the missing currency field 
  0021586 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2012-09-10It would be nice be able to close a period automatically 
  0021563 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2012-09-06It would be fine if the system showed a warning when completing an invoice with an old VAT rate 
  00215611feature requestmajornew (AugustoMauch)2012-09-06Matrix printers are not supported by Openbravo ERP 
  0021556 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2012-09-06It would be fine to export the alerts into excel or csv file 
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