Viewing Issues (5201 - 5250 / 7762)
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| | P | ID | # | Type | Target Version | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary | Due Date |
| | | 0025914 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-24 | Grid cannot filter by fields with "Time" reference | |
| | | 0026569 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-24 | Trees: it should be possible to define a read only tree where records can be deleted | |
| | | 0029047 | | feature request | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-24 | Giftcard Details popup should be easily extensible | |
| | | 0025777 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-24 | selector to non-PK column not working | |
| | | 0025210 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-24 | Adaptive filtering not working for FK dropdown filters | |
| | | 0023582 | 4 | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-24 | DateTime query list widget filter columns doesn't work | |
| | | 0025927 | | feature request | | minor | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-23 | Add invoice status and receipt status in purchase flow | |
| | | 0029004 | | feature request | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-23 | Leave as credit when users do an overpayment | |
| | | 0028311 | | feature request | | major | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-23 | Add total to the dimensional reports when costs are used | |
| | | 0020826 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-20 | Improve in payment terms (early payment discount) | |
| | | 0025465 | | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-19 | Show only characteristics related to a product on the characteristics filter | |
| | | 0028994 | | feature request | | major | new (vmromanos) | 2015-02-19 | Ability to define the price for resources in different time units | |
| | | 0028974 | | design defect | | major | new | 2015-02-17 | cash amounts should be split | |
| | | 0025664 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-17 | Call a javascript function using the standard process definition handler | |
| | | 0028903 | | feature request | | major | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-17 | It would be nice to initialize negative stock in Openbravo | |
| | | 0028935 | | feature request | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-13 | We should have a logic for returns in Web POS to choose the correct warehouse. | |
| | | 0028925 | | defect | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-12 | Refactor the cash management rate conversion to use the Currency API | |
| | | 0007630 | | feature request | | major | new (rmorley) | 2015-02-11 | Don't show "not posted" button for goods receipt /goods shipment when M_InOut not checked | |
| | | 0028910 | | feature request | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-10 | Allow transaction of new parameters from ClientSideValidation to an EventHandler | |
| | | 0028904 | | feature request | | minor | new (psanjuan) | 2015-02-10 | Create NOI field inside Business Partner window | |
| | | 0023701 | | design defect | | major | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-02-10 | 'Allow negative stock' is not fully supported in Openbravo | |
| | | 0028897 | | feature request | | major | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-02-09 | It would be nice to have a massive update for non variant characteristics | |
| | | 0027454 | | defect | | minor | scheduled (marvintm) | 2015-02-09 | Tax Exempt module does not work with q4 version, sql replacement seems to simple | |
| | | 0028865 | | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-09 | Is not possible to modularize Widget Menu Items entries | |
| | | 0028891 | | defect | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-09 | Properties added to models from external modules cannot be initialized | |
| | | 0028882 | | feature request | | major | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-02-06 | Improve "Info.Cont.Impuestos" to configure withholding account for withholding taxes | |
| | | 0028881 | | feature request | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-06 | Add support for extension tablefunc in PostgreSQL | |
| | | 0028861 | | feature request | | major | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-04 | New changes published for Spanish CoA. Modelo Abreviado & Modelo Normal. | |
| | | 0022799 | 1 | feature request | | trivial | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-04 | Small Typo in Spanish PYMES chart of accounts | |
| | | 0028856 | | defect | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-02-03 | Size property does not work in tag text, it works in tag line | |
| | | 0010917 | | feature request | | major | new (jonalegriaesarte) | 2015-02-03 | Message should be displayed with appropriate back ground color | |
| | | 0028584 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-02-02 | Auxiliary input vs display logic does not work fine in all the cases | |
| | | 0028816 | | feature request | | major | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-01-29 | It would be nice to be able to deduct only part of the tax amount | |
| | | 0028648 | 1 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (dbaz) | 2015-01-29 | Process Definition standard processes does not adjust the popup size | |
| | | 0028607 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-01-29 | The format method for smartclient is not formating properly the Date variables. | |
| | | 0028782 | 3 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (AugustoMauch) | 2015-01-29 | Column's default value doesn't work when the column doesn't have an associated field in a tab | |
| | | 0028783 | 1 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (AugustoMauch) | 2015-01-29 | Callout can't populate column's value when the field is not present in the tab | |
| | | 0027964 | 1 | defect | | trivial | feedback (malsasua) | 2015-01-28 | [RR14Q4] System behaves wrongly, when the user enter inavlid password and press enter key in Password field | |
| | | 0028764 | | defect | | trivial | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-26 | Expected message "SUCCESS Receipt no: xxxxx/yyyyyyyy has been closed successfully" is not shown in offline mode | |
| | | 0028763 | | defect | | trivial | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-26 | It is expected that certain messages appear when using offline/online mode and completing receipts, but they do not appear | |
| | | 0019174 | | design defect | | minor | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-01-23 | Asset Amortization process does not recalculate amortizations | |
| | | 0028674 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-01-22 | Grid from Match Statement popup is not filtering correctly by Date column | |
| | | 0028733 | | defect | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-22 | If cache loading process fails on getting Master Data the data gets never loaded | |
| | | 0028731 | | defect | | minor | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-22 | On high latency networks sometimes a wrong "User or password not valid" is shown on login | |
| | | 0028725 | | feature request | | major | new (eduardo_Argal) | 2015-01-22 | It would be useful to add a "hook" to REM_RemittanceProcess | |
| | | 0028710 | | design defect | | trivial | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-21 | Small cosmetic error, the error message of max amount on payment method needs a bit more vertical space | |
| | | 0028709 | | defect | | trivial | new (marvintm) | 2015-01-21 | Tick should not be enabled in certain return receipt case. It can confuse the user | |
| | | 0028708 | | feature request | | minor | new (AugustoMauch) | 2015-01-21 | Case statement is not supported in Order By clause | |
| | | 0021130 | 1 | defect | | minor | scheduled (migueldejuana) | 2015-01-20 | Some fields can be changed after a POS Order has been uploaded and completed | |
| | | 0024981 | | feature request | | major | new (dmiguelez) | 2015-01-20 | It is impossible to select an existing product with attribute set in POS order types | |
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