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Viewing Issues (5251 - 5300 / 7651) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev ... 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 ... Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  0027865 defectminornew (marvintm)2014-10-14There is no information about the version of the frontend I am using 
  0027855 design defectmajornew (AugustoMauch)2014-10-13Conflict in the tab hierarchy building depending on the sequence number organization 
  0027850 design defectminornew (marvintm)2014-10-13The 'OBPOS_MsgApplicationServerNotAvailable' message in ob-datasource.js should be a core message not a posterminal 
  0027844 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2014-10-10When Web POS is showing the result of a generic product it should have and order showing the data 
  0027832 defectminornew (marvintm)2014-10-10List of characteristics for searching a product has a flickering issue 
  0027818 defectmainminornew (dmiguelez)2014-10-09With "Copy from order" in "Sales Order", it is possible to introduce lines from products that are not allowed in you Price List 
  0027819 defectminornew (marvintm)2014-10-09Raised error message is not clear enough 
  0027814 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-10-09It would be fine to be able to process more than one amortization at a time 
  0027810 defectminornew (marvintm)2014-10-09Total button to close an Order gets disabled periodically 
  0027806 defecttrivialnew (dmiguelez)2014-10-08Reorder Fields in User window 
  0027757 defectminornew (vmromanos)2014-10-07Success message when available credit pop up is displayed does not match with underlying message 
  0027774 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2014-10-06Add ability for configuring some warehouses as non stock 
  0027770 design defectmajornew (marvintm)2014-10-06There is no possibility to remove an old record on webSQL without removing the cache 
  0027762 defectminornew (vmromanos)2014-10-03When closing the pop up window for Use Available Credit, the processed invoice remains in Draft status 
  0027760 defectminornew (dmiguelez)2014-10-03In Price List - Price List Verion Tab - Product Price Tab, in Linked Items, Linked Items Category remains as "Loading data..." 
  0027750 defectminornew (guillermogil)2014-10-03The Ingenico payment gateway raises an error if not properly configured 
  0026888 feature requestminornew (marvintm)2014-10-02Ability to display information messages from server side hooks 
  0027731 defectminornew (psanjuan)2014-10-02Languages are not translated 
  0027733 defectminornew (dmiguelez)2014-10-02M_InOut post allows modifications while the document is being processed 
  00276391feature requestminornew (rafademiguel)2014-09-30Ability to Show & Hide accounting entries of Adjustment Periods in Trial Balance Report 
  0027684 feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2014-09-26Implement the possibility to load layaways from a different terminal 
  0027647 defectmajornew (vmromanos)2014-09-25Validation issues to fix on Modelo 340 
  0027683 feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2014-09-25Allow invoicing from recipient without tax id 
  0023852 design defectmajornew (dmiguelez)2014-09-24Should be possible to register several Return Material Receipt lines related to one Return From Customer line 
  0025428 feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-09-24It would be fine to have a document type to create the whole return material flow 
  0025477 design defectmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-09-24Be able to automatically create 'RFC Receipt' related with a 'RFC Order' 
  0024527 feature requestminornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-09-24It would be nice to create a new sales flow related to RFC when you have to replace the returned material 
  0026699 feature requestminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22Change is not saved in the ERP 
  0027644 feature requestminornew (naiaramartinez)2014-09-22It would be great to have the methods in CreateActionHandler public to be able to extend the module 
  0026250 defecttrivialnew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q2] Cross store window not getting closed when i click ESC key 
  0026803 defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22Ean not found message when using barcode scanner in browse, search and edit tabs 
  0026744 design defectmajornew (adrianromero)2014-09-22Cash drawer status configuration properties must go to the POS Terminal Type window 
  0026365 defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q2] Error When switching to offline mode and selecting Verified Returns 
  0026358 defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q3] Product literals are not shown properly with high prices 
  0026337 defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q3] Product characteristic values are not filtered depending on the results 
  0026254 design defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22Refactor changing orderline id 
  0026164 defecttrivialnew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q2] Empty receipts gets automatically deleted, when the user cancels the cash up process 
  0026976 feature requestmajornew (szapata)2014-09-22Automated Selenium and Unit Tests 
  0026973 feature requestmajornew (szapata)2014-09-22Implement selenium tests for discount & promotions 
  0026173 defectminornew (malsasua)2014-09-22[RR14Q2]In backend when Generate Invoice for orders is selected, at webpos Invoice option not appears in Pay open tickets window 
  00258213defectminornew (gorkaion)2014-09-22payment status is not changed when an amount is set with no payment type selected 
  0026970 feature requestmajornew (marvintm)2014-09-22Store Server 
  0027318 defectminornew (adrianromero)2014-09-22OB.UTIL.getStackLink throws error 
  0027622 defectminornew (rafaroda)2014-09-17Small fixes on Sales and Purchase Invoice Dimensional Reports export to Excel 
  0027567 feature requestminornew (rafademiguel)2014-09-17Sales Invoice Dimensional Report Comparative exportable to Excel 
  0027613 defectmajornew (vmromanos)2014-09-16Base Imponible Rectificada is not properly calculated for Reverse Invoices with currency different from EURO 
  00211441feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-09-15It would be fine to handle discount lines in a different way 
  0027603 feature requestmajornew (AugustoMauch)2014-09-15Add the possibility to show clock on the top of the page. 
  00225131feature requestmajornew (jonalegriaesarte)2014-09-10It would be fine to create an asset from a Purchase Order and its good receipt 
  0027375 feature requestminornew (ebecerra)2014-09-09Margin Indicator 
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