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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSmajorhave not tried2024-09-05 17:072024-11-26 11:13
ReporterhbrasmeView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toradhakrishnan 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product Version24Q3SCM revision 
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Regression introduced in release
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0056386: Contribution Module - No contribution recalculation after a line split or deletion

DescriptionWhen a product with contribution is splitted, the contribution line is not recalculate
Steps To ReproduceUse a contribution (Product subtype) defined like as follow :

Checkbox Linkable To Product selected
Checkbox Forced in returns selected
Price Calculation > By Product multiplicator
Quantity Rule > As per product
Allocation Type > mandatory

This contribution is assigned to a product


Select product with quantity of 3

When the line is splitted the contribution line is not recalculate


When 2 of the previous lines are deleted, the contribution is not recalculated for the only line present.

The result shlould be a contribution (Gestion APE) with an 6.02 € like amount

Proposed Solution1. Include property 'preventSplit' at line level for the main product line when adding a contribution to the ticket
2. Modify the conditional to check for contributions similar to how ticket.hasServices is used in [^]

I think solution 1 is the better option.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon image-20240809-081015.png [^] (106,021 bytes) 2024-09-05 17:07

png file icon image-20240809-081356.png [^] (41,817 bytes) 2024-09-05 17:08

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
depends on defect 0054941 closedsreehari Services out of sync with related line if line is split and the quantity are deleted 
depends on backport 005727724Q4.1 closedradhakrishnan Contribution Module - No contribution recalculation after a line split or deletion 
depends on backport 005727824Q3.3 closedradhakrishnan Contribution Module - No contribution recalculation after a line split or deletion 

-  Notes
jonae (developer)
2024-10-16 07:34

Jira: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-22 12:28

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-25 11:53

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: ea9346aec54244f9fc15c325aa57456c066ac892
Author: Radhakrishnan Seeman <>
Date: 25-11-2024 10:53:29
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-56386: Blocked split action of a line

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/model/ticket/__test__/ContributionHooks.test.js
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/model/ticket/actions/ContributionHooks.js
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-25 11:53

Merge request merged: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-25 12:53

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-25 14:19

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 87c22ddf207efacee8aedb0f24c6072be9155a9c
Author: Radhakrishnan Seeman <>
Date: 25-11-2024 18:49:23
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-56386: Added json to test issue 56386

A retail/pos2-modules-24Q4-srk.json
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-25 14:35

Repository: [^]
Changeset: c9fd6121cb9fbaf3d8bf2f77d93a24c1e70d5025
Author: Radhakrishnan Seeman <>
Date: 25-11-2024 19:05:12
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-56386: Removed pos2-modules-24Q4-srk json

R retail/pos2-modules-24Q4-srk.json
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-26 06:38

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-26 11:03

Merge request closed: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-26 11:13

Merge request closed: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-05 17:07 hbrasme New Issue
2024-09-05 17:07 hbrasme Assigned To => Retail
2024-09-05 17:07 hbrasme File Added: image-20240809-081015.png
2024-09-05 17:07 hbrasme Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-09-05 17:08 hbrasme File Added: image-20240809-081356.png
2024-10-09 17:07 aferraz Assigned To Retail => Triage Omni OMS
2024-10-09 17:14 javietxe Issue Monitored: javietxe
2024-10-14 10:38 frank_gonzalez Relationship added depends on 0054941
2024-10-16 07:34 jonae Assigned To Triage Omni OMS => kousalya_r
2024-10-16 07:34 jonae Note Added: 0170467
2024-10-28 13:49 aferraz Assigned To kousalya_r => frank_gonzalez
2024-11-20 11:49 frank_gonzalez Proposed Solution updated
2024-11-22 12:22 aferraz Assigned To frank_gonzalez => radhakrishnan
2024-11-22 12:28 hgbot Note Added: 0172471
2024-11-25 11:53 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-25 11:53 hgbot Status new => closed
2024-11-25 11:53 hgbot Fixed in Version => 25Q1
2024-11-25 11:53 hgbot Note Added: 0172533
2024-11-25 11:53 hgbot Note Added: 0172534
2024-11-25 12:53 hgbot Note Added: 0172542
2024-11-25 14:19 hgbot Note Added: 0172551
2024-11-25 14:35 hgbot Note Added: 0172554
2024-11-26 06:38 hgbot Note Added: 0172568
2024-11-26 10:43 jonae Status closed => new
2024-11-26 10:43 jonae Resolution fixed => open
2024-11-26 10:43 jonae Fixed in Version 25Q1 =>
2024-11-26 10:44 jonae Status new => scheduled
2024-11-26 10:45 jonae Status scheduled => resolved
2024-11-26 10:45 jonae Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-26 10:45 jonae Status resolved => closed
2024-11-26 11:03 hgbot Note Added: 0172592
2024-11-26 11:13 hgbot Note Added: 0172595

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