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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Retail Modules] Web POSminoralways2018-09-03 17:072018-09-20 19:12
ReporterLeyreView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PriorityimmediateResolutionfixedFixed in VersionRR18Q4
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision09a92acad18c
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned Tomarvintm
Regression levelProduction - Confirmed Stable
Regression date2017-06-30
Regression introduced in releaseRR17Q4
Regression introduced by commit [^]
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0039217: Button Cancel in pop up "Printer and display are not available" does not work.

DescriptionWhen a sales order is finalized and the printer is not available, a pop-up window appears:

"Printer and display are not available
There was an error when printing the ticket in 'Main Terminal Printer'. Do you want to try to print again?"

it seems that the focus is on the Cancel button, but if you press "Intro" with the keyboard, it does nothing
Steps To ReproduceBACKEND
1. Configure a POS Terminal with a Hardware URL but, do not open any printer.

1. Create a new receipt and pay it.
2. The pop-up window"Printer and display are not available" appears.
3. Press "Cancel" button

* Verify that the button does not works.
* This began to work incorrectly in version 18Q3
Proposed SolutionAfter discussing , as retry is the default action in the component, the focus should be on "Retry" button instead of "Cancel" button
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
depends on backport 0039331RR18Q3.1 closedranjith_qualiantech_com Button Cancel in pop up "Printer and display are not available" does not work. 
caused by defect 0036221 closedebecerra In some of the pop ups of WEBPOS for 17Q2 the focus is not on the first input field 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2018-09-12 09:18

Repository: erp/pmods/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal
Changeset: 3e03f48c137a9e6ea357ff6b9a76dd9f835029e2
Author: Ranjith S R <ranjith <at>>
Date: Wed Sep 12 12:48:17 2018 +0530
URL: [^]

Related to issue 39217 : Property isDefaultAction should be used in Confirmation Button to set defaultAction in Popups

M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/js/pointofsale/model/pointofsale-print.js
hgbot (developer)
2018-09-12 09:19

Repository: erp/pmods/
Changeset: 09a92acad18c074bdf9854229f1492ac0fee59ad
Author: Ranjith S R <ranjith <at>>
Date: Wed Sep 12 12:48:11 2018 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixed issue 39217 : Property isDefaultAction should be used to set defaultAction in Popups

* While forming Buttons in popup, isDefaultAction property of button should be used for Popup Default Action

M web/
M web/

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-09-03 17:07 Leyre New Issue
2018-09-03 17:07 Leyre Assigned To => Retail
2018-09-03 17:07 Leyre Resolution time => 1537740000
2018-09-03 17:07 Leyre Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2018-09-03 17:21 Practics Issue Monitored: Practics
2018-09-03 17:51 jorge-garcia Proposed Solution updated
2018-09-04 12:08 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2018-09-04 12:08 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status new => scheduled
2018-09-12 09:18 hgbot Checkin
2018-09-12 09:18 hgbot Note Added: 0106695
2018-09-12 09:19 hgbot Checkin
2018-09-12 09:19 hgbot Note Added: 0106696
2018-09-12 09:19 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2018-09-12 09:19 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2018-09-12 09:19 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision => [^]
2018-09-14 12:10 marvintm Review Assigned To => marvintm
2018-09-14 12:10 marvintm Status resolved => closed
2018-09-14 12:10 marvintm Fixed in Version => RR18Q4
2018-09-20 16:36 marvintm Status closed => new
2018-09-20 16:36 marvintm Resolution fixed => open
2018-09-20 16:36 marvintm Fixed in Version RR18Q4 =>
2018-09-20 16:37 marvintm Status new => scheduled
2018-09-20 16:39 marvintm Regression date => 2017-06-30
2018-09-20 16:39 marvintm Regression introduced in release => RR17Q4
2018-09-20 16:39 marvintm Regression introduced by commit => [^]
2018-09-20 16:44 marvintm Status scheduled => resolved
2018-09-20 16:44 marvintm Fixed in Version => RR18Q4
2018-09-20 16:44 marvintm Resolution open => fixed
2018-09-20 16:44 marvintm Status resolved => closed
2018-09-20 18:42 dmitry_mezentsev Relationship added caused by 0036221
2018-09-20 19:12 marvintm Regression level => Production - Confirmed Stable

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