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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 341) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00559343backport24Q2.1majorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-07-16AutocompleteInput hides the keypad when hiding the suggestions on mobile devices 
  00556001design defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-07-08AutocompleteInput hides the keypad when hiding the suggestions on mobile devices 
  00558096feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-06-26Show Settings in SSMS menu on portrait mode 
  00554098feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-06-07User can switch between SCO and POS using different users 
  005304515defectminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-05-30Remove and org.openbravo.service.integration.openid from core 
  00553513defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-05-07ChipList shows briefly a vertical scrollbar during the appearance animation 
  00553766backport24Q2criticalclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-30UpdateApplicationModeOnRole Modulescript does not insert data on update 
  00551839defectcriticalclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-30UpdateApplicationModeOnRole Modulescript does not insert data on update 
  005515212feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-30Enable switch to SCO to POS 
  00551043feature requestminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-25In a ChipList, creation of new Chips should be animated 
  00551223backportPR24Q2majorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-10Error when trying to use Form Personalization 
  00551233backportPR24Q1.2majorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-10Error when trying to use Form Personalization 
  00548953defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-10Error when trying to use Form Personalization 
  005496012feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-04-08Self-Checkout Log In 
  00549243defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-03-25Application Mode not inherited in Roles Window 
  00550283defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-03-25Creating a new Application in backoffice fails for a not-null constraint 
  005480112defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-03-12Error while forcing "Close Tills" from Backend 
  00543754feature requestminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-03-08Add callback methods to Grid when the grid actions popover is shown/hidden 
  00493043feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-03-01Raise minimum supported version of Node to 16 and npm 8 
  005132110defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-02-26Improve CSRF coverage to cover some missing POST requests 
  00542419feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-31Refactor Product Search components to make them reusable 
  00544323backport23Q4.2minorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-24Add callback methods to Grid when the grid actions popover is shown/hidden 
  00544313backport24Q1minorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-24Add callback methods to Grid when the grid actions popover is shown/hidden 
  00543943backport23Q4.2majorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-19In multiselection mode, options button in rows should disappear on multiselect mode 
  00543933backport24Q1majorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-19In multiselection mode, options button in rows should disappear on multiselect mode 
  00543673defectminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-18In multiselection mode, options button in rows should disappear on multiselect mode 
  00533583feature requestminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-15Configurable Organization Time Zone 
  00540889feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-11Product Search filters should be hidden when scrolling through the results 
  00536673defectminorclosed (jarmendariz)2024-01-02Fix Appender configuration documentation in org.openbravo.logclient.externalization module 
  00529183defectminorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-12-29Fix productSearch Cypress test structure 
  00536816defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-12-11useIsOverflow is not working when overflow disappear 
  00534773feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-11-07Add Timezone option for Organization 
  00536493defecttrivialclosed (jarmendariz)2023-10-11Fix incorrect Javadoc formatting 
  00533534feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-10-02Extend anonymization process to support more actions 
  00534943defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-09-21Styling constants are missing in Popovers in Storybook 
  00531186design defecttrivialclosed (jarmendariz)2023-09-14UserAction does not return launch parameters when the action is canceled 
  00530333feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-09-05Anonymize customer data in database 
  00466654design defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-08-31Product popover does not appear after long click on iPad 
  00532633defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-08-25Date is not selectable using the calendar in DatePicker on iOS 
  005276110feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-08-04Full Refresh Throttling 
  00504095feature requestminorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-08-04Add a hook mechanism to let external modules add information on login request response body 
  00498571feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-08-04Full Refresh Throttling 
  00524413backportPR20Q4majorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-07-07install.source fails with "DROP DATABASE cannot be executed within a pipeline" with postgres latest minor releases 
  00525143feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-06-28DataGrid should receive a list of actions for each row or multirow 
  00520803feature requestminorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-05-11[React POS Portrait] Payment Panel should be responsive 
  005123841feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-04-24Company Logo Configuration Refactor 
  00520023defectminorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-04-05Remove rtl property from BaseFormInput 
  00519033defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-03-29Layout of Scan Window in portrait mode is too wide 
  00519133defectmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-03-22Avoid redundant service worker while installing on Safari 
  00516663feature requestmajorclosed (jarmendariz)2023-02-28Add sorting to Grids in list view 
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