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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSmajoralways2024-08-13 08:512024-10-08 16:01
ReporterLeyreView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tosreehari 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version25Q1
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned Toguilleaer
Regression level
Regression date
Regression introduced in release
Regression introduced by commit
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0056248: POS2 - The value "greetings" is not saved in the POS

DescriptionThe value "greetings" is not saved in the POS
Steps To ReproduceTested in: [^]

1. In the POS 2 open the "Customers" screen.
2. Select a customer who does not have "Greetings" and "Tax ID" info, for example VBS Customer.
3. Return to the "Sell" screen, click on the Customer -> View Info -> Edit.
4. Add "Greetings" and "Tax ID" information.
5. Save and Close.

1. Click again in the Customer -> View info -> There is no info saved for the "Greetings" and "Tax ID" fields.
2. Same result in the "Customers" screen if we click on the "View Details" option.
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0056154 closedranjith_qualiantech_com Information refresh problem when editing a BP. 
related to defect 0056315 closedsreehari POS2 - While editing the customer form the save button is always enabled even without mandatory fields 

-  Notes
sreehari (developer)
2024-08-19 13:07 [^]
guilleaer (manager)
2024-10-08 16:01

Fixed with this issue [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-13 08:51 Leyre New Issue
2024-08-13 08:51 Leyre Assigned To => Retail
2024-08-13 08:51 Leyre Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-08-13 08:52 Leyre Relationship added related to 0056154
2024-08-13 08:54 Practics Issue Monitored: Practics
2024-08-14 07:30 marvintm Status new => acknowledged
2024-08-14 07:31 sreehari Assigned To Retail => sreehari
2024-08-16 09:50 sreehari Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-08-19 13:07 sreehari Note Added: 0168214
2024-08-19 13:55 rowavec329 Note Added: 0168217
2024-08-20 08:18 Andyyy Note Added: 0168234
2024-08-20 08:29 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168235
2024-08-20 08:33 jackyyyy Note Edited: 0168235 View Revisions
2024-08-20 08:35 marvintm Note Deleted: 0168217
2024-08-20 08:35 marvintm Note Deleted: 0168234
2024-08-20 08:35 marvintm Note Deleted: 0168235
2024-08-20 08:45 Andyyy Note Added: 0168236
2024-08-20 08:55 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168238
2024-08-20 08:58 Andyyy Note Added: 0168241
2024-08-20 09:04 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168242
2024-08-20 09:16 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168243
2024-08-20 09:20 Andyyy Note Added: 0168244
2024-08-20 09:26 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168251
2024-08-20 09:28 Andyyy Note Added: 0168252
2024-08-20 09:37 Andyyy Note Added: 0168256
2024-08-20 09:39 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168257
2024-08-20 09:41 Andyyy Note Added: 0168259
2024-08-20 09:47 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168261
2024-08-20 09:50 Andyyy Note Added: 0168262
2024-08-20 09:58 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168263
2024-08-20 10:09 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168264
2024-08-20 10:16 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168265
2024-08-20 10:25 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168266
2024-08-20 10:32 Andyyy Note Added: 0168267
2024-08-20 10:38 Andyyy Note Added: 0168268
2024-08-20 10:45 Andyyy Note Added: 0168269
2024-08-20 16:31 jackyyyy Note Added: 0168276
2024-08-20 16:48 jackyyyy Note Edited: 0168238 View Revisions
2024-08-29 07:30 sreehari Relationship added related to 0056315
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Status scheduled => resolved
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Fixed in Version => 25Q1
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Resolution open => fixed
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Review Assigned To => guilleaer
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Note Added: 0170123
2024-10-08 16:01 guilleaer Status resolved => closed

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