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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2024-08-02 04:302024-10-24 12:09
ReporteraxelmercadoView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version24Q4
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0056154: Information refresh problem when editing a BP.

DescriptionWhen we edit the information of a customer in POS2 and proceed to save it, the following screen shows the old information it had before editing. If we close the popup and reopen it to edit, we can verify that the changes were actually applied correctly.
Steps To Reproduce1- In POS2 open the customers menu option.
2- Select one such as "Arturo Montoro" and edit his information.
3- Make any change, either in the name or any other information and save it.
4- Verify that instantly the popup is shown with the information it had before the change, but if we close the customer edition popup and open it again, we will be able to see that the information has been changed correctly.
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0056248 closedsreehari POS2 - The value "greetings" is not saved in the POS 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2024-08-14 07:48

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-20 13:11

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-26 15:52

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 8fa569a1053d431a2acfd30c185aebade67af839
Author: Ranjith S R <>
Date: 26-09-2024 13:35:26
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-56154: Customer info should be retained during edit and save
* When saving the customer, customer info should be retained in the customer dialog form
* When editing the customer, customer info should be fetched from CRM

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/Customer/CustomerMultiTabDialog/CustomerMultiTabDialog.jsx
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/Customer/CustomerMultiTabDialog/CustomerMultiTabDialogForm/CustomerMultiTabDialogForm.jsx
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/Customer/CustomerMultiTabDialog/CustomerMultiTabDialogForm/CustomerMultiTabDialogFormHandler.js
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-26 15:52

Merge request merged: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-26 15:54

Merge request closed: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-02 04:30 axelmercado New Issue
2024-08-02 04:30 axelmercado Assigned To => Retail
2024-08-02 04:30 axelmercado Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-08-07 13:33 marvintm Status new => acknowledged
2024-08-07 13:34 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2024-08-08 08:43 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-08-13 08:52 Leyre Relationship added related to 0056248
2024-08-14 07:48 hgbot Note Added: 0168064
2024-09-20 13:11 hgbot Note Added: 0169432
2024-09-26 15:52 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-09-26 15:52 hgbot Status scheduled => closed
2024-09-26 15:52 hgbot Fixed in Version => 24Q4
2024-09-26 15:52 hgbot Note Added: 0169642
2024-09-26 15:52 hgbot Note Added: 0169643
2024-09-26 15:54 hgbot Note Added: 0169644
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Note Added: 0170887
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Status closed => new
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Resolution fixed => open
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Fixed in Version 24Q4 =>
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Status new => scheduled
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Status scheduled => resolved
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Fixed in Version => 24Q4
2024-10-24 12:08 guilleaer Resolution open => fixed
2024-10-24 12:09 guilleaer Status resolved => closed
2024-10-24 15:24 guilleaer Note Deleted: 0170887

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