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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
feature request[Openbravo ERP] B. User interfacemajorhave not tried2008-09-26 23:012008-11-17 06:53
ReportergalderromoView Statuspublic 
Assigned Topjuvara 
PrioritynormalResolutionduplicateFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchpiFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSLinux 32 bitDatabaseOracleJava version1.5.0_15
OS VersionGentoo 2.6.24Database versionXEAnt version1.7
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0005287: Case sensitive parametrization option for fields

DescriptionUsers should be able to specify whether a particular field is case sensitive or insensitive for searches.
TagsNo tags attached.
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duplicate of feature request 0004205 acknowledgedrmorley Searching criteria > Case sensitive searchs 

-  Notes
pjuvara (reporter)
2008-10-12 19:40

Please provide a more complete explanation of the desired behavior. Please do not express it in terms of code as in 5054 but in functional terms (what do you want users to be able to do).

Please also provide a justification of why this is important.

Personally I do not see the benefit (if anything I would think that this is NOT a desired behavior for search keys and document numbers) so it is important that you explain your rationale for this request.

galderromo (reporter)
2008-10-20 23:12

On one hand, some users define case sensitive identifiers on their product catalogue. For example: ACT01C, ACT01c, ACT02C, ACT02c, etc. This is way it is important for this user to use case sensitive searching.

On the other hand, some users do not pay attention on identifiers case, so the define: BER01, Ber02, BER03, ber04, etc. And when they want to search for a particular record starting with BER% only 2 record are showed, ber% only one record is showed, etc. Applying case sensitive to searches is annoying.

Takinto into account the previous example, the feature request is based on having the option to make a field or a column case sensitive, or not, throught the application dictonary (for generated windows) and also for manual windows.

Is this explanation enough? Do I have explaine my self clearly?
pjuvara (reporter)
2008-10-26 20:12

Original description:

Be able to setup case sensitive functionality for each field.

Related with issue 0005054

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-09-26 23:01 galderromo New Issue
2008-09-26 23:01 galderromo Assigned To => cromero
2008-09-26 23:01 galderromo sf_bug_id 0 => 2130994
2008-10-12 19:40 pjuvara Note Added: 0009525
2008-10-12 19:40 pjuvara Status new => feedback
2008-10-20 23:12 galderromo Note Added: 0009662
2008-10-26 20:10 pjuvara Assigned To cromero => pjuvara
2008-10-26 20:10 pjuvara Status feedback => new
2008-10-26 20:12 pjuvara Note Added: 0009750
2008-10-26 20:12 pjuvara Summary Case sensitive parametrization option for fieleds => Case sensitive parametrization option for fields
2008-10-26 20:12 pjuvara Description Updated
2008-10-26 20:12 pjuvara Status new => acknowledged
2008-10-26 20:15 pjuvara Tag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Status acknowledged => scheduled
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara fix_in_branch => trunk
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Regression testing => No
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Relationship added duplicate of 0004205
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Status scheduled => closed
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Duplicate ID 0 => 4205
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Resolution open => duplicate
2008-11-17 06:53 pjuvara Tag Detached: ReleaseCandidate

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