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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
design defect[Retail Modules] Web POSmajoralways2023-01-20 14:422023-03-28 09:59
Reporterkousalya_rView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PriorityhighResolutionfixedFixed in VersionRR23Q2
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0051431: Rounding Issue when Payment Provider is Configured

Descriptionwhen payment provider is configured and rounding is added Payment rounding Tab then in POS the rounding performed after the transaction completes
Steps To ReproduceConfiguration:
1. Create Payment Method for Rounding in channel touch point type window as shown in screenshot-2023-01-20 18-31-41.
2. Link the rounding payment method under the Payment Rounding Tab to the cash payment method that we use in POS as shown in screenshot-2023-01-20 18-32-44. The payment method need to be linked to payment provider.
3. Add payment method created in step 1 and step2 in Channel TouchPoint window - Payment Type Tab

3. Add a product which has decimal value and select the payment method which we configured with payment provider and check in the popup the amount is not Rounded. It rounds the amount after the transaction but the expected result to be rounded before transaction.
Proposed SolutionThe logic to be applied should be the following one:
If (rounding configured && payment Provider flow && amount to be paid with rounding applied gets the ticket totally paid) {
  modify amount before doing the call to the Provider
} else {
  do nothing
Current logic is in addPaymentRounding in AddPaymentUtils.js

It will be needed to be applied in enyo and react.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2023-01-20 18-32-44.png [^] (271,124 bytes) 2023-01-20 14:42
png file icon Screenshot from 2023-01-20 18-31-41.png [^] (258,917 bytes) 2023-01-20 14:42

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to design defect 0052065 closedranjith_qualiantech_com Rounding Issue in SCO when Payment Provider is Configured for Cash payment 
causes defect 0052478 closedranjith_qualiantech_com WebPos - Functional BUG of the 'Overpayment' control 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-27 07:17

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-27 07:17

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 08:55

Merge request merged: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 08:55

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: b714a2ffb27e9bb3f3fa0a0b570263365f9c0f0d
Author: Ranjith S R <>
Date: 27-03-2023 13:50:23
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-51431: Rounding payment should be added when paying with payment provider
* When paying receipt with payment provider, rounding amount should be
  excluded from payment amount when processing transaction

M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/js/components/modalpayment.js
M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/js/components/modalprovidergroup.js
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 09:57

Merge request closed: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 09:58

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 09:59

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 1ea2d31a0507023efa0e6f261761bb04c9bfd1bd
Author: Ranjith S R <>
Date: 28-03-2023 07:58:34
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-51431: Rounding payment should be added when paying with payment provider
* When paying receipt with payment provider, rounding amount should be
  excluded from payment amount when processing transaction

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/Payments/PaymentIntegration/processPayment.js
hgbot (developer)
2023-03-28 09:59

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-01-20 14:42 kousalya_r New Issue
2023-01-20 14:42 kousalya_r Assigned To => Retail
2023-01-20 14:42 kousalya_r File Added: Screenshot from 2023-01-20 18-32-44.png
2023-01-20 14:42 kousalya_r Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-01-20 14:42 kousalya_r File Added: Screenshot from 2023-01-20 18-31-41.png
2023-01-20 14:47 kousalya_r Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2023-01-25 08:43 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2023-01-25 08:43 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status new => scheduled
2023-01-27 07:42 marvintm Note Added: 0145898
2023-01-27 07:42 marvintm Type defect => design defect
2023-01-27 12:26 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To ranjith_qualiantech_com => Retail
2023-01-27 12:26 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status scheduled => acknowledged
2023-03-20 09:15 guillermogil Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2023-03-20 09:15 guillermogil Status acknowledged => scheduled
2023-03-20 09:15 guillermogil Note Deleted: 0145898
2023-03-20 09:16 guillermogil Proposed Solution updated
2023-03-27 07:17 hgbot Note Added: 0147973
2023-03-27 07:17 hgbot Note Added: 0147974
2023-03-28 08:55 hgbot Note Added: 0148016
2023-03-28 08:55 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2023-03-28 08:55 hgbot Status scheduled => closed
2023-03-28 08:55 hgbot Fixed in Version => RR23Q2
2023-03-28 08:55 hgbot Note Added: 0148017
2023-03-28 09:57 hgbot Note Added: 0148021
2023-03-28 09:58 hgbot Note Added: 0148022
2023-03-28 09:59 hgbot Note Added: 0148023
2023-03-28 09:59 hgbot Note Added: 0148024
2023-04-05 10:14 maite Relationship added related to 0052065
2023-05-18 09:26 ranjith_qualiantech_com Relationship added causes 0052478

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