Viewing Issues (2151 - 2200 / 7763)
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| | P | ID | # | Type | Target Version | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary | Due Date |
| | | 0037381 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Add ability to use Summary Functions in tabs based on Datasources. | |
| | | 0037151 | | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | upgrade/replace JSON library | |
| | | 0037022 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Add newer methods to Utility.jar file | |
| | | 0036944 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Would be nice if OBQuery allows to set a timeout for a certain query | |
| | | 0036638 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | DalConnectionProvider(true) or () in combination with standard xsql causes 1 flush per SQL | |
| | | 0035989 | 1 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Default session values calculation on login is slow having a big amount of organizations | |
| | | 0034780 | 2 | feature request | | minor | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Check in WindowSettingsActionHandler about: Tab set to read-only as it is based on a view should be probably done at comple time | |
| | | 0034167 | | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Show Children option is not available in OB Analytics window | |
| | | 0028791 | | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Impossible filtering computed columns that have "table" reference. | |
| | | 0022398 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | DataToJsonConverter should also have the possibility to include one to many properties | |
| | | 0014848 | 3 | feature request | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Improvements in Import/Export Client | |
| | | 0038186 | | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | getBaseDesignPath method of HttpBaseServlet declares an unused parameter | |
| | | 0038132 | 1 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Replace deprecated isAccesible() with canAccess() introduced in JDK9 | |
| | | 0038080 | | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | callouts setting CURSOR_FIELD is not working | |
| | | 0037957 | 1 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Filter of characteristic description in Manage Variants process is not working as expected | |
| | | 0037060 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Feature request: Refresh button within Pick and Execute windows. | |
| | | 0015355 | 2 | design defect | | minor | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Module having 2 datasets, 1 changed, Applying will still overwrite data in unchanged dataset | |
| | | 0014788 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | ant install.source without Oracle user creation | |
| | | 0014604 | 2 | design defect | | minor | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Review usefulness of 'ant create.database.script' and perhaps remove it | |
| | | 0014600 | 1 | design defect | | major | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | update.database.script does 'wrong' changes compare to normal update.database | |
| | | 0014286 | 1 | design defect | | minor | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Rewrite code for 'skip' audit info in local enforcement change to use new dal feature instead of trigger | |
| | | 0012577 | 2 | design defect | | major | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | dbsourcemanager cannot to an update of two columns with intermediate conflicting values like A->B,B->C | |
| | | 0011750 | 1 | design defect | | major | scheduled (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Check for incorrect NOT IN syntax, which could lead to data loss | |
| | | 0009482 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Copying files to Tomcat only cares about html, xml, fo, srpt, jrxml, jasper but not xls, doc, etc. | |
| | | 0007627 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Clarify if one role can have access to multiple clients. | |
| | | 0006183 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Audit codebase and convert all <Exception>.printStackTrace() calls to proper log4j logging | |
| | | 0005354 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Sqlc methods with return type String, have to use alias AS <existing field> without need for it | |
| | | 0004795 | 1 | feature request | | trivial | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Remove deprecated ad_get_next_sequence calls and use get_uuid instead (in r2.5x) | |
| | | 0004721 | 1 | feature request | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Cleanup HTML-templates: remove the placeholder for paramLanguage | |
| | | 0004491 | | feature request | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Review attachment filename normalization. | |
| | | 0038371 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | OperativeQuantity_To_BaseQuantity should be extensible | |
| | | 0038360 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Ability to define the maximum duration of a background process | |
| | | 0006125 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | The description of the ant tasks should be set as descriptions of the task and not as comments of the build.xml. | |
| | | 0038523 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Scroll in pop up does not work with a mobile device. | |
| | | 0038354 | 2 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Different string sorting between application and export to spreadsheet process | |
| | | 0039184 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Database sequences cannot be set as default values on columns | |
| | | 0039182 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Product Categories cannot be filtered using tree structure | |
| | | 0039078 | | feature request | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | make it possible to differentiate whether processes should be executable on non writable organizations | |
| | | 0039054 | | feature request | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Would be nice to have a component which loads information from file on the client | |
| | | 0038924 | | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | OB Analytics does not show data when filtering by a Product Category checked as summary level. | |
| | | 0038844 | | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Aggregate functions as new columns cannot be filtered in grid (HQL based table) | |
| | | 0038797 | 1 | design defect | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Hidden items by display logic use space | |
| | | 0038734 | 1 | design defect | | major | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Default Expression of Field in OBUISEL_Selector definition is mixing js and hql expressions, and is not working in all scenarios | |
| | | 0038705 | | feature request | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | DB Functions returning CLOB type are not supported in Oracle | |
| | | 0038609 | 1 | design defect | | major | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Filter is showing different records depending on how the dimension is built | |
| | | 0038587 | 1 | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Quick Launch does not choose the right window. Instead of that it shows some possible windows | |
| | | 0038584 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | make it possible to disable an installed skin module | |
| | | 0038541 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Improvement of frames in the Module Management window | |
| | | 0038435 | 3 | design defect | | minor | acknowledged (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | ad_get_preference_value function shows a warning: record "selpref" is not assigned yet | |
| | | 0038404 | | feature request | | minor | new (Triage Platform Base) | 2022-02-01 | Multiple row selection checkbox (grid view) doesn´t work in some windows | |
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