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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
feature request[Openbravo ERP] B. User interfacemajorhave not tried2009-02-28 04:132009-03-26 11:53
ReporterfisherView Statuspublic 
Assigned Torgoris 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusacknowledgedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
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0007879: Easy access to the window/report/process via short command/transaction code(tcode)

DescriptionAs of now, Openbravo provide standard way of access the window/report/process via the menu tree, also it is planned to introduce the dashboard and bookmark in the future release, but I do strongly suggest to have the feature to allow user access the window/report/process via short command from every page.
I have been working as SAP engineer for more than 6 years, we do feel SAP's tcode(short command accessible from every screen) feature is very convenient for both user and IT, especially when we need to frequently switch to different screen during testing.
Proposed Solution1.create a new table and the corresponding window to store the tcode definition, the structure is just like the menu item
2.have a command field(text field) and a small command button( with tick symbol , associate the ENTER key to this button) on the left upper corner.
3.Implement a global command interpreter to execute the tcode/short command when user input the command and clicked the command button/ pressed the ENTER key.
if the user is at the initial logon window, the short command can be directly executed, if the user is in the running window/report/process, the following prefix before the actual short command should be supported.
/nxxxx end the current window/report/process
/Oxxxx leave the current window and create new one
/next logout the system
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon Command Field.bmp [^] (746,550 bytes) 2009-03-16 06:52

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-  Notes
fisher (reporter)
2009-03-16 06:49

More info: Help info of the command field
                    Command field
   You can execute the following commands in this field with Enter:
   o To call a transaction
       - in the same session (window)
           Enter: /nxxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
       - in the same session (window), whereby the initial screen is
           Enter: /*xxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
       - in an additional session,
           Enter: /oxxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
 o To end the current transaction
     Enter: /n.
     Caution: Unsaved changes are lost without warning
 o To delete the current session.
     Enter: /i.
 o To generate a session list
     Enter: /o.
 o To end the current transaction and return to the starting menu
     Enter: /ns000.
 o To log off from the system
     Enter: /nend.
 o To log off from the system without a confirmation prompt
     Enter: /nex.
     Caution: Changes that were not saved are lost without warning.
rgoris (developer)
2009-03-26 11:51

Thanks for the feature request. I appreciate the idea of having easy access from anywhere to certain frequently used pages / views / reports but don't feel lots of affection for doing this via a command line in a field. The newly proposed My Workspace allows (video 3 on [^]) for user defined shortcuts (bookmarks) and maybe we should even have a quicker access from every page via e.g. a flyout menu in the toolbar for these.
rgoris (developer)
2009-03-26 11:53
edited on: 2009-03-26 11:53

Please do participate in the discussion on navigation, task paths and more on

Some pointers into the threads: [^] [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-02-28 04:13 fisher New Issue
2009-02-28 04:13 fisher Assigned To => rafaroda
2009-03-03 12:25 rafaroda Assigned To rafaroda => pjuvara
2009-03-03 18:51 pjuvara Assigned To pjuvara => rgoris
2009-03-03 18:52 pjuvara Category A. Platform => B. User interface
2009-03-16 06:49 fisher Note Added: 0014641
2009-03-16 06:52 fisher File Added: Command Field.bmp
2009-03-16 06:56 fisher Issue Monitored: fisher
2009-03-26 11:51 rgoris Note Added: 0014992
2009-03-26 11:51 rgoris Status new => acknowledged
2009-03-26 11:53 rgoris Note Added: 0014993
2009-03-26 11:53 rgoris Note Edited: 0014993

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