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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2024-12-20 19:312025-01-10 12:12
ReporterDaria_ShView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToBimla_vm 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusscheduledFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057527: The generated OTF Coupon is recorded with 'Infinite' uses, despite being configured as 'N Uses'

DescriptionWhen 'Percentage' is selected as the amount rule, the 'Number of Uses' is set to 'N Uses' and 'Breakable' flag is enabled, the generated OTF Coupon is recorded in the back office with 'Infinite' number of uses

In the Backoffice:
1. Go to 'Discounts and Promotions' window
2. Create a new discount with 'Variable Amount Coupons' promotion type
3. Fulfill the required fields
4. Tick 'Uses coupon codes' and 'Is OTF Coupon' flags
5. Activate the Promotion/Discount by clicking 'Activate the selected records'
6. Go to 'OTF Coupons Generation Rules' window
7. Create new Rule → Fulfill the following fields:
- Applicant, Search Key, Description and Starting Date
- Issuance Time: At Paid Time
- Promotion/Discount: the one created above
- Amount Rule: Percentage
- Discount %
- Number of Uses: N Uses
- Number of Uses Limit
- Active: ✔
- Breakable
8. Proceed to 'Print' tab → Fulfill the required fields
9. Launch the HW manager
Steps To Reproduce1. Login to POS (livebuilds:vallblanca/openbravo)
2. Add product to the Order
3. Complete the Order (Click 'Pay', select 'Cash' and click 'Done')
4. Log in to Backoffice
5. Go to 'Discount Coupons' window
6. Verify the generated Coupon

Actual Result: The generated OTF Coupon is recorded with 'Infinite' uses, while being configured as 'N Uses'
Proposed SolutionA possible solution could be to implement logic that hides the 'Number of Uses' field based on whether the coupon is marked as breakable or not
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot_72.png [^] (86,380 bytes) 2024-12-20 19:31

png file icon Screenshot_71.png [^] (70,567 bytes) 2024-12-20 19:32

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-20 19:31 Daria_Sh New Issue
2024-12-20 19:31 Daria_Sh Assigned To => Retail
2024-12-20 19:31 Daria_Sh File Added: Screenshot_72.png
2024-12-20 19:31 Daria_Sh Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-12-20 19:32 Daria_Sh File Added: Screenshot_71.png
2024-12-20 19:32 Daria_Sh Proposed Solution updated
2025-01-10 12:11 Bimla_vm Assigned To Retail => Bimla_vm
2025-01-10 12:12 Bimla_vm Status new => scheduled

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