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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
design defect[Openbravo ERP] 07. Sales managementmajorhave not tried2024-12-02 13:512025-01-29 14:25
ReporterJoan CarlesView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToRetail 
PrioritynormalResolutioninvalidFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned Toguillermogil
Web browserGoogle Chrome
Regression level
Regression date
Regression introduced in release
Regression introduced by commit
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057346: Duplicate name for different cashups

DescriptionLately we're finding different errors when importing orders and cashups from POS to backoffice.
In one occasion, sales orders were stuck because OB_Exception: "There are errors related to non-created customers, orders or cash management movements pending to be processed. Process them befor process he cashups".
In another occasion, the OB_Exception was just: "Cash up was already processed".

In both cases, we found two terminal cashups (in 2 different terminals) with the same name/number (see attached screenshots)
Steps To ReproduceNot sure why these did happen.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespdf file icon Cashup already processed.pdf [^] (1,523,749 bytes) 2024-12-02 13:51

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-  Notes
Joan Carles (reporter)
2024-12-02 16:38

This is a message to aferraz from the reporter (myself). This issue was raised here by mistake. I've tried to close it unsuccessfully. Please, invalidate it.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles New Issue
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles Assigned To => Triage Omni OMS
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles File Added: Cashup already processed.pdf
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles Web browser => Google Chrome
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles Modules => Core
2024-12-02 13:51 Joan Carles Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-12-02 14:46 aferraz Assigned To Triage Omni OMS => Retail
2024-12-02 16:38 Joan Carles Note Added: 0172911
2025-01-29 14:25 guillermogil Review Assigned To => guillermogil
2025-01-29 14:25 guillermogil Status new => closed
2025-01-29 14:25 guillermogil Resolution open => invalid

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