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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] A. Platformminorhave not tried2024-11-15 16:562024-11-20 14:33
ReportershuehnerView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToTriage Platform Base 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned To
Web browserGoogle Chrome
Regression level
Regression date
Regression introduced in release
Regression introduced by commit
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057128: HTML ComboBoxes in backoffice with empty (default) value are no longer working in Chrome 131

DescriptionUsing latest Chrome 131 shows broken UI for some backoffice combo-boxes.

If an HTML ComboBox has a empty value (i.e. for default) instead of showing this empty value a selected element + also in the list of values when using latest chrome instead it shows a 'non existing' value which is 'concatenated test of all later combo entries'.

That is reproducible only on:
- Chrome version 131 (131.0.6778.69) latest stable release

It is NOT reproducible
- on Chrome version 130
- on Firefox

It seems to affect:
- HTML ComboBoxes as created by xmlEngine
- when used in old-style manual HTML reports

Steps To ReproduceLogin to backoffice (i.e. latest master in livebuilds)
Open the "Sales dimensional Report"
Look at the ComboBoxes:
- Business Partner Category
- Warehouse
- Product Category
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon 57128-example-bad-chrome131.png [^] (67,013 bytes) 2024-11-15 16:58

png file icon 57128-example-good-chrome130.png [^] (57,561 bytes) 2024-11-15 16:58

png file icon 57128-example-good-firefox-132.png [^] (24,288 bytes) 2024-11-15 16:58

png file icon 57128-chrome130-warning.png [^] (18,217 bytes) 2024-11-15 17:07

png file icon Chrome 131.png [^] (198,410 bytes) 2024-11-19 18:56

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
has duplicate defect 0057167 closedTriage Omni OMS Issue in Sales Invoice Dimensional Report with the Latest Version of Chrome (131) 
related to design defect 0057313pi scheduledTriage Platform Base Error in the selector in the Stock Report window in Microsoft Edge browser. 

-  Notes
shuehner (administrator)
2024-11-15 17:10

Checking Chrome release info for 131 [^]

Might be side-effect of this change: [^]

Also see warning shown when using older chrome130 version about structure of the values in the select tag.

Manually editing html in devtools to remove those (extra divs, extra span, simple list of 'option') tags seems to avoid the problem.

Those div+span are likely present + addded either by or using xmlEngine template engine for those old-style html reports.
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-18 07:33

Merge Request created: [^]
eugeni (reporter)
2024-11-19 17:50

Hello, seems a problem with Chrome 131.0.6778.69. New 131.0.6778.70 apparently solves that problem

Hope it helps,
shuehner (administrator)
2024-11-19 18:11

Hi Eugeni,
if that get's confirmed that would be very helpful :)

On Linux (Ubuntu) with the official chrome deb repo i only see .69 available.
And reading here: [^]
Sounds like same first stable release is tagged .69 on linux but .70 on Mac.

Could you detail a bit more the environment (i.e. OS) where you've seen that fixed?
eugeni (reporter)
2024-11-19 18:55

Hi! Chrome for Windows

Attached image. A couple of customers confirmed it is working fine again, so it seems something was wrong with 131.0.6778.69

Practics (reporter)
2024-11-19 20:30

Hi! I confirm the same as Eugeni says. On Windows with the latest version of Chrome it works fine.

Hector Camps
shuehner (administrator)
2024-11-19 21:18

by now on Ubuntu Linux there's also a chrome update available (131.0.6778.85). Using that version i also see this problem fixed :)

Thank you Eugeni and Hector for letting us know and confirming it works on your end.
eugeni (reporter)
2024-11-19 21:39

You are welcome, Stefan!
shuehner (administrator)
2024-11-20 14:33

Downgrading issue from critical to minor as the functional/impact of it has been fixed by browser update (see previous notes).

But keeping the issue open to still look into the html tag nesting topic (see attached merge request). See also related [^] which is to look into the chrome130 warnings (which now have re-appeared with the chrome131 minor version fixing the functional problem).

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-15 16:56 shuehner New Issue
2024-11-15 16:56 shuehner Assigned To => Triage Platform Base
2024-11-15 16:56 shuehner Web browser => Google Chrome
2024-11-15 16:56 shuehner Modules => Core
2024-11-15 16:56 shuehner Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-15 16:58 shuehner File Added: 57128-example-bad-chrome131.png
2024-11-15 16:58 shuehner File Added: 57128-example-good-chrome130.png
2024-11-15 16:58 shuehner File Added: 57128-example-good-firefox-132.png
2024-11-15 17:07 shuehner File Added: 57128-chrome130-warning.png
2024-11-15 17:10 shuehner Note Added: 0172059
2024-11-18 07:33 hgbot Note Added: 0172129
2024-11-19 11:26 Practics Issue Monitored: Practics
2024-11-19 12:11 ffourcade Relationship added has duplicate 0057167
2024-11-19 13:33 eugeni Issue Monitored: eugeni
2024-11-19 17:50 eugeni Note Added: 0172249
2024-11-19 18:11 shuehner Note Added: 0172250
2024-11-19 18:55 eugeni Note Added: 0172251
2024-11-19 18:56 eugeni File Added: Chrome 131.png
2024-11-19 20:30 Practics Note Added: 0172252
2024-11-19 21:18 shuehner Note Added: 0172253
2024-11-19 21:39 eugeni Note Added: 0172254
2024-11-20 14:33 shuehner Web browser Google Chrome => Google Chrome
2024-11-20 14:33 shuehner Note Added: 0172358
2024-11-20 14:33 shuehner Severity critical => minor
2024-12-11 09:53 AugustoMauch Relationship added related to 0057313

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