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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] Coremajorhave not tried2024-11-14 10:502024-11-20 12:39
ReportercbernerView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tocberner 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version25Q1
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057097: Menus are not properly styled in dark mode

DescriptionBaseMenu is not properly styled and appears blank if in dark mode, probably also works incorrectly on other stylings apart from the base light mode.

A screenshot has been attached.
Steps To Reproduce1. Login in POS2
2. Click on the three dots at the bottom left, over the Pay button at the bottom of the ticket

Check that the styling is correct in Light Mode

3. Switch to Dark mode by clicking on the Settings(icon/button) at the top right and then Dark Mode.
4. Check the three dots menu again, it is now shown incorrectly, all blank.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon fail-menu.png [^] (149,665 bytes) 2024-11-14 10:50

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
caused by feature request 0056799 closedcberner Upgrade to React 18.x 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-14 13:23

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-20 12:39

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: b765d1011d47160a5148c585ce7acf5fa8351b72
Author: Cristian Berner <>
Date: 20-11-2024 12:05:09
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-57097: Menus are not properly styled in dark mode

Due to the upgrade of MUI 4 to MUI 5 and the upgrade to React 18,
mui/styles was deprecated and is not supported in React 18. As such, the
alternative is to use the proper scss styling on MUI components or styled

In this case, the scss has been changed to account for the proper
styling and theming.

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.core2/src/components/BaseMenu/BaseMenu.jsx
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.core2/src/components/BaseMenu/BaseMenu.scss
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-20 12:39

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-14 10:50 cberner New Issue
2024-11-14 10:50 cberner Assigned To => Triage Platform Base
2024-11-14 10:50 cberner File Added: fail-menu.png
2024-11-14 10:50 cberner Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-14 10:51 cberner Assigned To Triage Platform Base => cberner
2024-11-14 10:51 cberner Status new => acknowledged
2024-11-14 10:51 cberner Relationship added caused by 0056799
2024-11-14 13:23 hgbot Note Added: 0171978
2024-11-20 12:39 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-20 12:39 hgbot Status acknowledged => closed
2024-11-20 12:39 hgbot Fixed in Version => 25Q1
2024-11-20 12:39 hgbot Note Added: 0172346
2024-11-20 12:39 hgbot Note Added: 0172347

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