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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
design defect[POS2] Coreminoralways2024-10-29 16:292024-11-13 15:49
ReportermalsasuaView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToTriage Platform Base 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusfeedbackFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
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0056931: Refund is not possible with Tax Free tickets and no returnable products

DescriptionWhen you try to refund a Tax Free ticekt, it requires to return the whole ticket. It is not possible to do refund of partial ticket.
But if the ticket contains lines with no returnable products, the refund is not possible
Steps To Reproduce. create a new ticket
. add item1 (normal product)
. add item2 (no returnable product)
. complete ticket
. Execute Tax Free process for the previous ticket
. Verify REturn of previous ticket:
it is not possible to select the line2
the system does not allow to made a partial return
Proposed SolutionIf the feature Tax Free is enabled for a given touchpoint type, see image attached, a warning message will have to be display to the seller as soon as a non-returnable product is added to such sale, by saying:

"Please inform the customer that it will not be possible to void a tax free form issue for a sale including not returnable products"

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-  Notes
psanjuan (developer)
2024-11-05 15:41 [^]
psanjuan (developer)
2024-11-13 15:49

Please check as it seems there is a misunderstanding on this:
The flow is:
- a sale is created, after being completed it is possible to issue a tax free form
- if the sale needs to be return, it is mandatory to first void the tax free form
- once voided, it is possible to return the products

There is a parameter named "Full verified return for voided tax free forms" that forces to return fully the orders linked to a tax free that was voided.
If this parameter is not selected, it is possible to make "partial" returns of what can be returned, after voiding the tax free. If it selected it is only possible to make "Full" returns after the tax free has been voided.

In our case: please check such scenario once more with that parameter not selected (this parameter is located at Store level, in the header, under the section Tax Free Form). It is important to remark that if a product is configured as Returnable = NO, it will never be possible to return it.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-29 16:29 malsasua New Issue
2024-10-29 16:29 malsasua Assigned To => Triage Platform Base
2024-10-29 16:29 malsasua Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-10-29 17:08 psanjuan Proposed Solution updated
2024-10-29 17:36 malsasua Type defect => design defect
2024-11-05 15:33 psanjuan Proposed Solution updated
2024-11-05 15:41 psanjuan Note Added: 0171438
2024-11-13 15:49 psanjuan Note Added: 0171936
2024-11-13 15:49 psanjuan Status new => feedback

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