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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSmajoralways2024-10-28 09:552024-11-24 20:43
ReporterpsanjuanView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toradhakrishnan 
PriorityurgentResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSLinux 64 bitDatabasePostgreSQLJava version7.x
OS VersionOpenbravo Appliance 14.04Database version9.3.xAnt version1.9.x
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned To
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Regression date
Regression introduced in release
Regression introduced by commit
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0056912: Issue Order feature creates a "Simplified Invoice" for BP with "After Delivery" Invoice Terms.

DescriptionIssue Order feature creates a "Simplified Invoice" for BP with "After Delivery" Invoice Terms.
Steps To ReproduceIn livebuilds: modules_pgsql backend:
- Assign the option "After Delivery" to Arturo Montoro as Invoice Term.
- Assign the option "Pick up in Store" to the product Balaclava Camp.
- Enable the parameter "Generate Simplified Invoice" in the channel touchpoint type
- Enable Prepayment and Partial Payments in the channel touchpoint type, and enter the "prepayment percentage", and "prepayment percentage limit" (50 - 50 for instance) in the store.

Go to POS.
create an order for Arturo Montoro and the product above
Pay partially (50%)
Complete the order.
Go to the Orders menu and select the order.
Pay it completely (50%)
Go to the Orders menu and select the order, and the option "Issue Order".
A success message is shown.

Go to the Backoffice to the Sales Invoice table. Verify that a simplified invoice has been created. See image attached.
Proposed SolutionA full Invoice must be created.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot 2024-10-28 095530.png [^] (93,009 bytes) 2024-10-28 09:55

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
blocks defect 0056872 closedradhakrishnan Retail Modules Deposit Invoice: Issue sales order getting blocked if receipt has service product 

-  Notes
psanjuan (developer)
2024-10-28 09:57
edited on: 2024-10-28 09:59

This behavior has changed, do not know by when.

"After Delivery" invoice term has always mean the issuance of a Full Invoice, as the customer must be identified. Same applies to all the rest of Invoice Terms but "Immediate" and "Do Not Invoice".

A new Jira will be created to allow by configuration either the issuance of a simplified inv. or a full inv. depending on such configuration.

By now, we should fix this as it can be perceived as a regression.

aferraz (manager)
2024-10-28 13:17

Jira: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-07 13:06

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-14 06:20

Merge request closed: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-14 06:23

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-24 20:43

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 9dc1df4f18907cea4c76a21d912e75ce07a1730c
Author: Radhakrishnan Seeman <>
Date: 24-11-2024 19:43:42
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-56912: Invoices generated by issue ticket should be full invoices

M web-test/model/business-object/ticket/actions/IssueTicket.test.js
M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/app/model/business-object/ticket/actions/IssueTicket.js
hgbot (developer)
2024-11-24 20:43

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-28 09:55 psanjuan New Issue
2024-10-28 09:55 psanjuan Assigned To => Retail
2024-10-28 09:55 psanjuan Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-10-28 09:55 psanjuan File Added: Screenshot 2024-10-28 095530.png
2024-10-28 09:57 psanjuan Note Added: 0171007
2024-10-28 09:59 psanjuan Note Edited: 0171007 View Revisions
2024-10-28 13:17 aferraz Assigned To Retail => radhakrishnan
2024-10-28 13:17 aferraz Note Added: 0171048
2024-10-29 09:34 aferraz Relationship added blocks 0056872
2024-11-05 12:34 psanjuan Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2024-11-07 13:06 hgbot Note Added: 0171627
2024-11-14 06:20 hgbot Note Added: 0171951
2024-11-14 06:23 hgbot Note Added: 0171952
2024-11-24 20:43 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-24 20:43 hgbot Status new => closed
2024-11-24 20:43 hgbot Fixed in Version => RR25Q1
2024-11-24 20:43 hgbot Note Added: 0172505
2024-11-24 20:43 hgbot Note Added: 0172506

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