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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSmajoralways2024-09-04 14:392024-09-06 08:42
ReporterpsanjuanView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToRajesh_18 
PriorityurgentResolutionunable to reproduceFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Regression introduced in release
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0056362: 24Q2 For a registered customer, an email update popup is displayed at the end of the sale

Description24Q2 For a registered customer, an email update popup is displayed at the end of the sale
Steps To ReproduceMake sure that obly the "Print" delivery option is checked for the channel touchpoint type.See image attached.

Go to POS.
Create a sale, assign a customer
Select any payment method
Click on Done
Click on Print.
Realize that an email update popup is displayed even though that should not be the case.
Proposed SolutionNO email related pop-up must be shown in this scenario. For additional information review the JIRA [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
depends on backport 005639024Q2.3 closedRajesh_18 24Q2 For a registered customer, an email update popup is displayed at the end of the sale 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-05 12:24

Merge Request created: [^]
marvintm (manager)
2024-09-06 07:54

This issue is not reproducible in master, because it has been fixed as part of a separate development: [^]

We are going to close it, but we will also backport the relevant part of the fix to 24Q2 and 24Q3 releases.
hgbot (developer)
2024-09-06 08:42

Merge request closed: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-04 14:39 psanjuan New Issue
2024-09-04 14:39 psanjuan Assigned To => Triage Platform Base
2024-09-04 14:39 psanjuan Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-09-04 14:40 psanjuan Category Core => POS
2024-09-04 14:40 psanjuan Assigned To Triage Platform Base => Retail
2024-09-04 14:51 guillermogil Status new => acknowledged
2024-09-04 14:52 marvintm Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-09-05 07:49 marvintm Status scheduled => acknowledged
2024-09-05 08:46 Rajesh_18 Assigned To Retail => Rajesh_18
2024-09-05 08:46 Rajesh_18 Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-09-05 12:24 hgbot Note Added: 0168803
2024-09-06 07:54 marvintm Note Added: 0168835
2024-09-06 07:54 marvintm Status scheduled => acknowledged
2024-09-06 07:54 marvintm Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-09-06 07:54 marvintm Status scheduled => closed
2024-09-06 07:54 marvintm Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2024-09-06 08:42 hgbot Note Added: 0168848

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