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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Retail Modules] Discounts and Promotionsmajoralways2023-11-06 16:452024-04-11 09:21
ReporterLcazauxView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToRajesh_18 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0053872: [Promos] - Deactivation of several records KO in some cases

DescriptionIt happens quite often that the discount percentage changes during the promotion. For this, a new button was developed which allow the activation or inactivation of several records at the same time in windows Commercial Operation and Discount&Promotions.

Currently, 2 subtabs are KO when using this button --> if some records are activated and we put them inactivated via this button, although they appear as "active = No" in the BO, in the POS the change is not taken into account.

These happens in:
1/ Commercial Operation, for the subtab "Product"
2/ In window Discount&Promo, for the subtab "Organization"

see videos [^] [^]
Steps To Reproduce1/ Create an opecom with price exceptions in subtab product
2/ Select some records with price exceptions and with the new button deactive them at the same time.
3/ Go to the POS, do a refresh
4/ See that the opecom still applies to the inactivated products

Same with Discount&promo:
1/ Create a promo with "only those defined" for filter "Organization" and add some organizations in the Organization subtab
2/ Select some records of the organizations in the subtab and with the new button deactive them at the same time.
3/ Go to the POS, do a refresh
4/ See that the promo still applies for elegible products for the Organization that are flagged as "Activate = N"
Attached Files

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
has duplicate defect 0055134 closedmeriem_azaf Openbravo ERP It is possible to active more terminals that are allowed in the instance. 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2023-12-19 10:02

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-12-19 10:04

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-01-10 14:44

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: ca43604951e4b318b53ced51a406cc7a31b9bd61
Author: Rajesh Senthilkumar <>
Date: 10-01-2024 13:21:35
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-53872: Refactored to OBQuery to invoke event handlers

M modules/org.openbravo.client.application/src/org/openbravo/client/application/
hgbot (developer)
2024-01-10 14:44

Merge request merged: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-01-10 14:44

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 9d54c928156785ba9d26422f44ac7a20ce018b2a
Author: Rajesh Senthilkumar <>
Date: 10-01-2024 13:22:21
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53872: Added event handler to prevent updation of commercial operation
* If Commericial Operation is validated updating active Field is prevented for commercial operation window and its child tab Included stores and product prices.

M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_MESSAGE.xml
M src/org/openbravo/commercialoperations/events/
hgbot (developer)
2024-01-10 14:44

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-11-06 16:45 Lcazaux New Issue
2023-11-06 16:45 Lcazaux Assigned To => Retail
2023-11-06 16:45 Lcazaux Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-11-06 16:45 Lcazaux Tag Attached: FASH
2023-11-06 16:47 Lcazaux Description Updated View Revisions
2023-12-11 12:37 Rajesh_18 Assigned To Retail => Rajesh_18
2023-12-11 12:37 Rajesh_18 Status new => scheduled
2023-12-19 10:02 hgbot Note Added: 0158323
2023-12-19 10:04 hgbot Note Added: 0158324
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Status scheduled => closed
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Fixed in Version => PR24Q2
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Note Added: 0159052
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Note Added: 0159053
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Note Added: 0159054
2024-01-10 14:44 hgbot Note Added: 0159055
2024-04-11 09:18 meriem_azaf Status closed => new
2024-04-11 09:18 meriem_azaf Resolution fixed => open
2024-04-11 09:18 meriem_azaf Fixed in Version PR24Q2 =>
2024-04-11 09:20 meriem_azaf Status new => scheduled
2024-04-11 09:20 meriem_azaf Status scheduled => resolved
2024-04-11 09:20 meriem_azaf Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-11 09:21 meriem_azaf Status resolved => closed
2024-04-11 10:48 ngarcia Relationship added has duplicate 0055134

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