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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminorhave not tried2023-08-18 11:372023-10-04 11:12
ReporterDaria_ShView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PrioritynormalResolutionunable to reproduceFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0053236: Incorrect 'Current Balance' is shown when the Order is paid by Gift Certificate and Reversed

DescriptionWhen I pay for an Order using a Gift Certificate and then reverse it, I notice that the current balance of this Gift Certificate ('Gift Card Instance' window in Backoffice) increases by the total order amount.

Create a Gift Certificate:
1.Log in to POS2:
-username: vallblanca
-password: openbravo
2.Go to Main menu -> Restaurant -> Gift Cards / Credit Notes / Gift Certificates
3.Click the 'Create Gift Certificate' button
4.Enter the following values:
- Gift Card Category: Commercial
- Expiration Date: A date in the future
- Amount: 50
Push 'Create' button
Go to Backoffice (username and password - openbravo) -> 'Gift Card Instance' window -> Write down the 'Search Key' of the created Certificate (will be used in POS as Card ID)
Steps To Reproduce1.Go to POS2
2.Add the 'Headlamp ultralight' product to the Order -> Click the 'Pay' button
3.Select the 'Gift Cards/Certificates' payment method -> Specify the Gift Certificate Card ID
4.Click the 'Search' button -> Pick the shown 'Gift Certificate'-> Pick the 'Done' button
5.Go to Main menu -> 'Orders' -> Open created Order by clicking on it
6.Push the 'Review Payments' button -> Click the rounded arrow beside '18.90 €' in the 'Payments' area -> Click 'OK' in the confirmation pop-up
7.Select 'Cash' payment method -> Push 'Done'
8.Go to Backoffice -> 'Gift Card Instance' window 
9.Select Gift Certificate used to pay Order -> Pay attention to the Gift Certificate 'Current Balance'

Actual result: The Current Balance of this Gift Certificate is increased by the total Order amount (68.90 EUR)
Expected result: The Current Balance of this Gift Certificate is 50.00 (as it was at the beginning)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon Screenshot_2.jpg [^] (211,166 bytes) 2023-08-18 11:37

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
ranjith_qualiantech_com (developer)
2023-10-04 11:12

Not able to reproduce. Confirmed with Reporter.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-18 11:37 Daria_Sh New Issue
2023-08-18 11:37 Daria_Sh Assigned To => Retail
2023-08-18 11:37 Daria_Sh File Added: Screenshot_2.jpg
2023-08-18 11:37 Daria_Sh Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-09-12 09:58 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2023-10-03 13:59 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status new => scheduled
2023-10-04 11:12 ranjith_qualiantech_com Note Added: 0155489
2023-10-04 11:12 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status scheduled => closed
2023-10-04 11:12 ranjith_qualiantech_com Resolution open => unable to reproduce

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