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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] Z. Othersminorhave not tried2023-07-21 16:132024-06-17 10:42
ReportershuehnerView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toshuehner 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in VersionPR24Q3
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0053029: Review and remove modulescripts only required for updates from <16Q1 - omni - part2

DescriptionIssue 51068 blocks upgrades from versions older than 16Q1.

Any modulescript running on upgrades from <16Q1 is no longer needed and can be removed if it is marked as NOT running also during install.source

Many (very) old modulescripts when created before being able to declare executeOnInstall=false.
Those old ones need be reviewed one-by-one if they can be safely skipped during install and then be removed as obsolete
Steps To Reproduce51068 change ensures that old version (before update) is at least 16Q1 (x.x.28207)
Any buildvalidation defined with ExecutionLimits end-version before that (and moduleId of a module contained in backoffice repo) => is candidated to be removed.

Directly possible to remove it is also has executeOnInstall=false already.
If not it must be reviewed first is that flag applies to them also.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0051153 closedshuehner Review and remove modulescripts only required for updates from <16Q1 - omni 
depends on feature request 0051068PR23Q1 closedshuehner Block direct upgrades from version older than 16Q1 to latest version 
related to defect 0053170 closedshuehner Review and remove modulescripts only required for updates from <16Q1 - omni - part3 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2023-07-21 16:28

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Merge request merged: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 40f32164982ae3c7be257d890600b5eaa0ee2f0f
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript LinkCreditPayment

That script only ran on updates before 3.0MP16
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- It essentially inserts new rows into the fin_payment_credit table
- Checking in database for each the active sampledata shows no new
  rows present in that table for any of them
Remove it as obsolete.

R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/LinkCreditPayments.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/LinkCreditPaymentsData.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/LinkCreditPayments_data.xsql
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 2771bd1ba0b0f8c83dce72cbd2dbe85f60a4309c
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript AdminFlagOnCreateDefaults

That script only ran on updates before 3.0
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- It modified existing rows in table ad_role, ad_role_orgaccess, ad_user_roles
- 3 sampledata ship rows in those tables: backoffice-F&B, backoffice-QA
  Testing and AWO_QA
- None of those show rows in those tables as modified when re-exporting
  the sampledata
Remove it as obsolete.

R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/AdminFlagOnCreateDefaults.class
R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/AdminFlagOnCreateDefaultsData.class
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/AdminFlagOnCreateDefaults_data.xsql
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 7ba0669f152d4cee5f937f7ac97688c05e07aa6d
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript UpdateFactAcctDescription

That script only ran on updates before 3.0MP19
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- It updates colum acctdescription of table fact_acct
- 2 Sampledata ship rows in fact_acct (backoffice-F&B and backoffice-QA
- But Re-exporting both does not show changes to this column
Remove it as obsolete.

R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateFactAcctDescription.class
R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateFactAcctDescriptionData.class
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateFactAcctDescription_data.xsql
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 52fe1b99522ebb168c8e7771d48b0d530ff9dce9
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript UpdateMatchedDocument

That script only ran on updates before 15Q1
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- it only updates rows in table fin_bankstatementline
- Only sample shipping rows in this table is backoffice-F&B
- Re-exporting it does not show modification to this table
Remove it as obsolete.

R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/UpdateMatchedDocument.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/UpdateMatchedDocumentData.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/UpdateMatchedDocument_data.xsql
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 833b52b435711e15bc7c80b7012b37cab1751343
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript UpdateCostingRuleDateTo

That script only ran on updates before 15Q1
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- It updates rows in m_costing_rule table
- 2 sampledata ship rows in this table (F&B and QA Testing)
- on re-exporting those they do not show changes to this table
Remove it as obsolete.

R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateCostingRuleDateTo.class
R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateCostingRuleDateToData.class
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/UpdateCostingRuleDateTo_data.xsql
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 2b19e2cc80963a97af53208f4999befe7119a1cf
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript Issue21640WrongMatchInvAccounting

That script only ran on updates before 3.0MP27
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- it creates an ad_alert entry with description like 'This Matched
  Invoice need%'
- Checking database in environment of each active sampledata did not
  show any such alert created
Remove it as obsolete.

R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/Issue21640WrongMatchInvAccounting.class
R src-util/modulescript/build/classes/org/openbravo/modulescript/Issue21640WrongMatchInvAccountingData.class
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/
R src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/modulescript/Issue21640WrongMatchInvAccounting_data.xsql
hgbot (developer)
2024-06-17 10:42

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 57f5e21d3ba4b24e6ac66300c3c619c421d61a62
Author: Stefan Huehner <>
Date: 17-06-2024 08:37:32
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-53029: Delete obsolete modulescript WrongPaymentsFromJournalLine

That script only ran on updates before 15Q1
Issue 51068 blocks updates from <16Q1 causing it to never run on
updates anymore.

It did run during install.source but that is not needed:
- It insert ad_alert entry with description like
  'Payment%needs to be checked due to %' patterb
- Checking in database for each the active sampledata shows no new
  rows present in that table for any of them
Remove it as obsolete.

R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/WrongPaymentsFromJournalLine.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/build/classes/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/WrongPaymentsFromJournalLineData.class
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/WrongPaymentsFromJournalLine_data.xsql
R modules/org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt/src-util/modulescript/src/src/org/openbravo/advpaymentmngt/modulescript/

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner New Issue
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner Assigned To => shuehner
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner Modules => Core
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner Issue generated from 0051153
2023-07-21 16:13 shuehner Relationship added related to 0051153
2023-07-21 16:14 shuehner Relationship added depends on 0051068
2023-07-21 16:28 hgbot Note Added: 0152805
2023-08-06 13:32 shuehner Issue cloned 0053170
2023-08-06 13:32 shuehner Relationship added related to 0053170
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166007
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166008
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166009
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166010
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166011
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166012
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166013
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Status new => closed
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Fixed in Version => PR24Q3
2024-06-17 10:42 hgbot Note Added: 0166014

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