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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Retail Modules] Web POSmajoralways2015-12-29 11:392016-02-01 11:09
ReporteraaroncaleroView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PriorityhighResolutionfixedFixed in VersionRR16Q2
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revisionda6041b6f28a
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned Toguilleaer
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Regression introduced in release
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0031790: [SERQA 511] The Amount to Keep of a payment method is ignored on the cashup if the Select cash to keep step is skipped.

DescriptionIf we configure a payment method only with the ability to keep a fixed amount of cash for the cashup, this amount is not taken into account.
Steps To ReproduceConfiguration of the terminal (using whitevalley data):
Go to the Pos terminal window, select the VBS-1 terminal, and, on the payment
type subtab, deactivate non-cash methods.
Open the Cash payment type and navigate to the 'Cash' Payment method (Pos Terminal Type || Payment Method).
On the 'Cash Up' field group, uncheck 'Allow variable amount', 'allow not to move' and 'allow move everything'. Set 200 in Amount to Keep.
Do the same for the USA Cash payment type / USA Cash payment method.
Ensure that both payment methods are checked as 'Count cash'

Login in web pos using the vbs-1 terminal.
(optional) Create a ticket for 1000€.
Start a cashup (Menu > Cash Up).
On Step 1, count 1000€ in cash, 0€ in Usa Cash
On Step 2, verify that the Counted values show 1000€ and 0€.
Verify that the Next button ends on the Post, Print and Close step (remember there is only 1 option to keep cash).
Verify that the Total to Keep summary shows 200 for Usa Cash, and 1000 for Cash, instead of 0 and 200.
Attached Filespatch file icon issue 31790 Source 5564.patch [^] (1,715 bytes) 2016-01-07 18:02 [Show Content]

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0031783 closedguilleaer [SERQA 503] [Sessions] Differences in the open till process are not taken into account in the cash up. 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2016-01-05 09:43

Repository: tools/automation/pi-mobile
Changeset: 3a166ccc3ec818e98b6f939ff56df439b1885fc6
Author: Rafa Alonso <ral <at>>
Date: Tue Jan 05 09:42:28 2016 +0100
URL: [^]

Related to issue 31790: Add the 'I31790_CashupAmountToKeep' test

A src-test/org/openbravo/test/mobile/retail/pack/selenium/tests/cashup/
hgbot (developer)
2016-01-09 09:01

Repository: erp/pmods/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal
Changeset: da6041b6f28abfaf529805071f1ef9dcc9eb3541
Author: Ranjith S R <ranjith <at>>
Date: Sat Jan 09 13:31:03 2016 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 31790 : Show Amount to keep in cashup, if cash to keep step is disabled

M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/js/closecash/view/tabcashtokeep.js
hgbot (developer)
2016-01-09 09:01

Repository: erp/pmods/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal
Changeset: da6041b6f28abfaf529805071f1ef9dcc9eb3541
Author: Ranjith S R <ranjith <at>>
Date: Sat Jan 09 13:31:03 2016 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 31790 : Show Amount to keep in cashup, if cash to keep step is disabled

M web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/js/closecash/view/tabcashtokeep.js
guilleaer (manager)
2016-01-29 18:26

to check with functional team:

If the user haven't done any transaction with USA cash, so the balance is 0, is correct to keep 200USD also in this case? there is no money for that payment method so it cannot be keept.

I think that if the system is configured to keep 200 but you have sold less than 200 it should keep the whole money. In the case that balance is > than 200 then 200 will be kept
guilleaer (manager)
2016-02-01 11:09

Code reviewed and tested.

A new issue related to this one will be raised, because when there is not enough cash in the drawer to keep default amount the system should inform to the user

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-29 11:39 aaroncalero New Issue
2015-12-29 11:39 aaroncalero Assigned To => Retail
2015-12-29 11:39 aaroncalero Resolution time => 1452553200
2015-12-29 11:39 aaroncalero Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-12-29 11:40 aaroncalero Summary The Amount to Keep of a payment method is ignored on the cashup if the Select cash to keep step is skipped. => [SERQA 511] The Amount to Keep of a payment method is ignored on the cashup if the Select cash to keep step is skipped.
2015-12-29 11:40 aaroncalero Tag Attached: SER-QA
2015-12-29 15:14 aaroncalero Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2016-01-04 13:39 Orekaria Status new => acknowledged
2016-01-05 09:43 hgbot Checkin
2016-01-05 09:43 hgbot Note Added: 0083134
2016-01-05 11:14 ranjith_qualiantech_com Assigned To Retail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2016-01-05 11:14 ranjith_qualiantech_com Status acknowledged => scheduled
2016-01-05 16:37 Orekaria Relationship added related to 0031783
2016-01-07 18:02 ranjith_qualiantech_com File Added: issue 31790 Source 5564.patch
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Checkin
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Checkin
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Note Added: 0083192
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Note Added: 0083191
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision => [^]
2016-01-09 09:01 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2016-01-29 18:26 guilleaer Note Added: 0083749
2016-02-01 11:09 guilleaer Review Assigned To => guilleaer
2016-02-01 11:09 guilleaer Note Added: 0083778
2016-02-01 11:09 guilleaer Status resolved => closed
2016-02-01 11:09 guilleaer Fixed in Version => RR16Q2

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