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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
design defect[Openbravo ERP] 07. Sales managementminoralways2012-12-17 14:102017-04-20 12:53
ReporterdmiguelezView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToTriage Omni OMS 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSLinux 32 bitDatabasePostgreSQLJava version1.6.0_18
OS VersionCommunity ApplianceDatabase version8.3.9Ant version1.7.1
Product VersionSCM revision 
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0022601: Design Defect in Sales Business Flow when an Invoice is created before a partial Goods Shipment

DescriptionA Sales Order is Created, then a Sales Invoice is created from the Order.
When a partial Goods Shipment is created afterwards, the Invoice is not reflecting that not all the amount from the Shipment has been Invoiced.
Steps To ReproduceLogin as Openbravo/openbravo

Create a Saes OrderBP: Customer A
product: Final Goods A
Qty: 10

Then create sales invoice for the above created sales order (Invoice Qty: 10) using the option "Create invoice from order"

At this point, there is an Order of Qty 10 fully Invoiced.

Create a Goods Shipment for the above create invoice by navigating to Goods Shipment window
In header tab, select
BP: Customer A

Then using "create lines from" option, select the previously created Invoice
and select the invoice line details and click OK button

In the goods shipment line tab, change the qty from 10 to 5

and complete the goods receipt.

Now, there is an Order fully Invoiced and partially delivered. But the system is not able to understand that the Invoice has not been fully delivered.

And if another Shipment is created to fully deliver the Sales Order, the system is not able to relate it to the previously created Invoice.
Resulting in a Shipment over 100% invoiced, and another one unable to be invoiced.

Order Qty Shipment Qty Invoice Qty
10 -------------- 5 ----------------10
   |------------- 5
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to design defect 0033042 newTriage Omni OMS Partially shipped Goods Shipment Line is linked to completely invoiced Sales Invoice Line 
related to feature request 0023916 newdmiguelez It would be nice to have "Match Invoice" document in Sales flow 
related to defect 0022592 closeddmiguelez Sales invoice details missing in create lines from window when the invoice is partially received 
related to defect 0022594 closeddmiguelez Not able to void a goods shipment when the shipment document is created using Invoice details 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-12-17 14:10 dmiguelez New Issue
2012-12-17 14:10 dmiguelez Assigned To => dmiguelez
2012-12-17 14:10 dmiguelez Modules => Core
2012-12-17 14:10 dmiguelez Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2012-12-17 14:10 dmiguelez Relationship added related to 0022592
2012-12-19 19:03 dmiguelez Relationship added related to 0022594
2013-08-15 11:03 jacq09 Issue Monitored: jacq09
2013-10-17 04:08 eintelau Issue Monitored: eintelau
2017-04-19 13:30 ngarcia Assigned To dmiguelez => Triage Finance
2017-04-19 13:31 ngarcia Relationship added related to 0033042
2017-04-19 13:32 ngarcia Issue Monitored: ngarcia
2017-04-20 12:53 ngarcia Relationship added related to 0023916

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