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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
feature request[Openbravo ERP] 09. Financial managementminorN/A2012-08-24 08:422012-08-31 09:09
ReportervmromanosView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tovmromanos 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchpiFixed in SCM revisionf0e539b56601
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version3.0MP15
OSLinux 32 bitDatabasePostgreSQLJava version1.6.0_12
OS VersionDebian 5.0Database version8.3.8Ant version1.7.0
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned Tonaiaramartinez
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0021441: Add project field to the Assets window

DescriptionThe Assets window currently doesn't have a Project field.
When creating an amortization from a asset, the system creates several amortization documents with an empty project.
It would be great to add the project field to the Assets window and to modify the calculate amortization process to automatically fill the project field into the amortization document
Steps To ReproduceSee desc.
Proposed Solution1. Create a new Project field into the Assets window. It must have associated the new project selector
2. This field will only be displayed in case the project accounting dimension is set and for assets that can be deprecated (deprecated flag = Y)
3. When running a create amortization process, it must take into account the value of the project field
Attached Files

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-  Notes
vmromanos (manager)
2012-08-24 09:16
edited on: 2012-08-24 09:17

Test Plan I:
0. Go to Asset Category window and create a new record.
1. Go to Assets window.
2. Create a new record. Values:
  Name = search key = n1
  Currency = EUR
  Depreciate = Y
  Depreciation Type = Linear
  Calculate Type = Percentage
  Annual Depreciation = 20%
  Depreciation Start Date = 01-01-2013
  Asset Value = 5000
  Depreciation Amt = 5000
  Project = NULL
3. Run Calculate amortization process
4. Ensure the Asset Amortization tab contains 5 records.
5. Navigate to any of them (Amortization window) and ensure the project field is empty

Test Plan II:
1. Go to Assets window.
2. Create a new record. Values:
  Name = search key = n2
  Currency = EUR
  Depreciate = Y
  Depreciation Type = Linear
  Calculate Type = Percentage
  Annual Depreciation = 20%
  Depreciation Start Date = 01-01-2013
  Asset Value = 5000
  Depreciation Amt = 5000
  Project = <any> (create it in case your system doesn't have one)
3. Run Calculate amortization process
4. Ensure the Asset Amortization tab contains 5 records.
5. Navigate to any of them (Amortization window) and ensure the project field is set.
6. In the Amortization window check that we have two different headers per year: one with an empty project, and the other one with a project set

Test Plan III:
1. Go to Assets window.
2. Create a new record. Values:
  Name = search key = n3
  Currency = EUR
  Depreciate = Y
  Depreciation Type = Linear
  Calculate Type = Percentage
  Annual Depreciation = 20%
  Depreciation Start Date = 01-01-2013
  Asset Value = 5000
  Depreciation Amt = 5000
  Project = <project set in test plan II>
3. Run Calculate amortization process
4. Ensure the Asset Amortization tab contains 5 records.
5. Navigate to any of them (Amortization window) and ensure the project field is set.
6. Inside this amortization document, we should have two lines: for asset n2 and asset n3
7. In the Amortization window check that we have two different headers per year: one with an empty project, and the other one with a project set

hgbot (developer)
2012-08-27 08:49

Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: f0e539b566019f1af4ae1f9bc3590d536235d35b
Author: Víctor Martínez Romanos <victor.martinez <at>>
Date: Fri Aug 24 09:38:57 2012 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed issue 21441: Add project field to the Assets window

+This field will only be displayed in case the project accounting dimension
is set and for assets that can be deprecated (depreciate flag = Y)
+ The Calculate amortization process takes into account the project field

M src-db/database/model/functions/A_ASSET_POST.xml
M src-db/database/model/tables/A_ASSET.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_COLUMN.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_FIELD.xml
naiaramartinez (developer)
2012-08-31 09:09

Code review + testing OK

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos New Issue
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos Assigned To => vmromanos
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos Modules => Core
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos Tag Attached: Coworking
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos Status new => scheduled
2012-08-24 08:42 vmromanos fix_in_branch => pi
2012-08-24 09:16 vmromanos Note Added: 0051526
2012-08-24 09:17 vmromanos Note Edited: 0051526 View Revisions
2012-08-27 08:49 hgbot Checkin
2012-08-27 08:49 hgbot Note Added: 0051553
2012-08-27 08:49 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2012-08-27 08:49 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2012-08-27 08:49 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision => [^]
2012-08-31 09:09 naiaramartinez Closed by => naiaramartinez
2012-08-31 09:09 naiaramartinez Note Added: 0051697
2012-08-31 09:09 naiaramartinez Status resolved => closed

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