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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] A. Platformmajoralways2010-08-27 11:442010-09-13 12:38
ReporternetworkbView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toalostale 
PriorityurgentResolutionsuspendedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchpiFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version2.50MP22
OSLinux 32 bitDatabasePostgreSQLJava version1.6.0_18
OS VersionCommunity ApplianceDatabase version8.3.9Ant version1.7.1
Product Version2.50MP20SCM revision 
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0014350: validation in nested combo does not work

Description. three combos
. combo 2 has got a validation over value of combo 1
. combo 3 has got a validation over value of combo 2
. combo 2 and combo 3 are mandataries.

. when you select a value in combo 1, the values of combo 2 are changed, but the values of combo 3 are not changed
Steps To Reproducein enviroment there are two modules in development mode: normal module and template module
the validation are:
  if the gl category selected is NONE then the project should be Estandar-Estandar.
  if the gl category selected is standard, then the project should be 1000000 - proyecto roma
  if the project selected is Estandar-Estandar, then the currency selected should be AED
  if the project selected is 1000000 - proyecto roma, then the currency selected should be AFA

. Application Dictionary || Setup || Validation Setup || Validation
 . create a new validation:
  name: testProject
  type: sql
  validation: ((@GL_CATEGORY_ID@='0' AND C_PROJECT_ID = '1000000') OR (@GL_CATEGORY_ID@='1000000' AND C_PROJECT_ID = '1000001'))

 . create a new validation:
  name: test currency
  type: sql
  validation: ((@C_PROJECT_ID@='1000000' AND C_CURRENCY_ID ='238') OR (@C_PROJECT_ID@='1000001' AND C_CURRENCY_ID ='195'))

. Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table
 select GL_JOURNAL

. Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table >> Column
 select column project
   check mandatary
   select validation testProject

 select column currency
   select validation test currency

. run "ant smartbuild"

. access to application to window
. Financial Management || Accounting || Transactions || G/L Journal || Batch
 create a new record
. Financial Management || Accounting || Transactions || G/L Journal || Batch >> Header
 create a new record
  select gl category: NONE
  automatically, the project selected is Estandar-Estandar, it is Ok
  but the currency selected is not AED

  select gl category: standard
  automatically, the project selected is 1000000 - Proyecto Roma
  but the currency selected is not AFA
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-  Notes
alostale (manager)
2010-08-30 13:06
edited on: 2010-08-31 08:29

The technical root cause for this issue is:

1. When a field is modified associated callouts are fired.
2. Callouts are executed in cascade, so if callout in field A, modifies field B, callout for field B is executed.
3. In case the same callout executed for A is called for B, it is not executed to prevent cycles.
4. The problem is all validations for the same tab are implemented by a single callout (combo reload), so the second time it is not fired.

A possible solution could be to perform all the cascade logic in the back end so the combo reload would be executed once populating all the changes.

alostale (manager)
2010-08-31 08:31

This issue is not going to be fixed because of the risk of the change that would affect a very core feature which could cause unexpected regressions.

The workaround is to implement these two validations manually in a callout.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-27 11:44 networkb New Issue
2010-08-27 11:44 networkb Assigned To => alostale
2010-08-30 08:54 alostale Status new => scheduled
2010-08-30 08:54 alostale fix_in_branch => pi
2010-08-30 13:06 alostale Note Added: 0030454
2010-08-31 08:29 alostale Note Edited: 0030454 View Revisions
2010-08-31 08:31 alostale Note Added: 0030496
2010-08-31 08:31 alostale Status scheduled => closed
2010-08-31 08:31 alostale Resolution open => suspended
2010-09-13 12:38 anonymous sf_bug_id 0 => 3065189

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