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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] Z. Othersmajorhave not tried2009-08-03 09:462009-08-19 00:00
ReportershuehnerView Statuspublic 
Assigned Todalsasua 
PriorityimmediateResolutionfixedFixed in Versionpi
StatusclosedFix in branchpiFixed in SCM revision8756d57a1567
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0010157: API check build 99 fails

DescriptionThis api check fails: [^]

  Errors in API data validation
  Changed column value AD_COLUMN.ISMANDATORY -ID:6493 from [N] to [Y]

TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0051073 closedshuehner Delete obsolete code from prescript-* from before 2.50MP4 

-  Notes
shuehner (administrator)
2009-08-03 09:46

changeset: 4465:3998e7028d13
user: David Alsasua <>
date: Fri Jul 31 18:39:58 2009 +0200
files: src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_COLUMN.xml
Field Not Mandatory, corresponding to a non-nullable column
dalsasua (reporter)
2009-08-04 14:15

This column was non-nullable in 2.40, and somehow turned to nullable during 2.50 development. Now needs to be non-nullable again.

This was noticed due to [^]

The only solution is to make this column not nullable again, and the corresondant field mandatory. Problem is approach for updates that include this change.

After discussing possible solutions we have agreed that:

1- A SQL-snippet will be provided to check if there is an update needed. If no update is needed, there is no problem.
2- A OnCreateDefault value will provided for this field, establishing the same account for cash, that the one existing for bank (that has always been mandatory). This way, there will be no problem to perform the update.
3- User must be aware of this, because a default account will have been established with no action from his side. I think that a comment in the release notes is not enough, so we have to decide how will be this communicated to the user.

Kindly Regards.
hgbot (developer)
2009-08-07 16:31

Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: f6ee3b157d7b23dd7f24849f227c590b7427b593
Author: David Alsasua <david.alsasua <at>>
Date: Fri Aug 07 16:31:04 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 10157: API check build 99 fails

M src-db/database/model/prescript-Oracle.sql
M src-db/database/model/prescript-PostgreSql.sql
hgbot (developer)
2009-08-10 11:23

Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: 1ae7761ffcf7614b771f6917131cd49f452e8ab7
Author: David Alsasua <david.alsasua <at>>
Date: Mon Aug 10 11:22:53 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 10157: API check build 99 fails

M src-db/database/model/prescript-Oracle.sql
M src-db/database/model/prescript-PostgreSql.sql
hgbot (developer)
2009-08-10 12:28

Repository: erp/devel/api-checks
Changeset: 8756d57a1567f08731635fb7629344191824668e
Author: David Alsasua <david.alsasua <at>>
Date: Mon Aug 10 12:28:31 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 10157: API check build 99 fails

M model/model/tables/C_ACCTSCHEMA_DEFAULT.xml
M model/sourcedata/AD_COLUMN.xml
sureshbabu (reporter)
2009-08-18 14:56

Not able to reproduce the check

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-08-03 09:46 shuehner New Issue
2009-08-03 09:46 shuehner Assigned To => dalsasua
2009-08-03 09:46 shuehner Note Added: 0018788
2009-08-04 14:15 dalsasua Note Added: 0018824
2009-08-07 16:30 dalsasua Status new => scheduled
2009-08-07 16:30 dalsasua fix_in_branch => pi
2009-08-07 16:31 hgbot Checkin
2009-08-07 16:31 hgbot Note Added: 0018881
2009-08-07 16:31 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2009-08-07 16:31 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2009-08-07 16:31 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision => [^]
2009-08-10 11:23 hgbot Checkin
2009-08-10 11:23 hgbot Note Added: 0018887
2009-08-10 11:23 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision [^] => [^]
2009-08-10 12:28 hgbot Checkin
2009-08-10 12:28 hgbot Note Added: 0018890
2009-08-10 12:28 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision [^] => [^]
2009-08-18 14:56 sureshbabu Status resolved => closed
2009-08-18 14:56 sureshbabu Note Added: 0019006
2009-08-18 14:56 sureshbabu Fixed in Version => pi
2009-08-19 00:00 anonymous sf_bug_id 0 => 2839896
2022-12-05 17:22 shuehner Relationship added related to 0051073

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