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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
backport[POS2] POSmajoralways2024-12-20 17:132025-01-27 11:20
ReporterDaria_ShView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toranjith_qualiantech_com 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version24Q4.2
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0057722: OTF Coupon can be created and applied with a negative or zero 'Number of Uses Limit' value

DescriptionWhen a zero or negative value is entered as the 'Number of Uses Limit' in the OTF Rule in the Backoffice, the rule is saved, and the OTF Coupon can still be generated and applied in the POS.

Pre - configurations:
1. Go to 'Discounts and Promotions' window
2. Open 'Test Coupon' discount
3. Tick 'Uses coupon codes' and 'Is OTF Coupon' flags
4. Ensure discount is active
5. Go to 'OTF Coupons Generation Rules' window
6. Create new Rule → Fulfill the following fields:
- Applicant, Search Key, Description and Starting Date
- Active: ✔
- Issuance Time: At Paid Time
- Promotion/Discount: Test Coupon
- Number of Uses: N Uses
- Number of Uses Limit: 0|-1
7. Proceed to 'Print' tab → Fulfill the required fields
8. Launch the HW manager
Steps To Reproduce1. Login to POS (livebuilds:vallblanca/openbravo)
2. Add product to the Order
3. Complete the Order (Click 'Pay', select 'Cash' and click 'Done')
4. Select 'Print' delivery option
5. Verify the printed Coupon in the HW manager
Actual Result: The Coupon is printed and saved in the BO (Discount Coupon window) with 'Number of Uses Limit' equal to 0 or -1

6. Add product to the Order
7. Scan or redeem Coupon Code
Actual Result: The coupon is applied
Proposed SolutionThe validation should be set for this field preventing to save OTF rule with zero or negative value in 'Number of Uses Limit' field
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
blocks defect 0057525 closedranjith_qualiantech_com OTF Coupon can be created and applied with a negative or zero 'Number of Uses Limit' value 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-23 15:04

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-27 11:20

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: a500147b22c10ae8f9e357eb1e687b042a93a733
Author: Ranjith S R <>
Date: 23-01-2025 19:24:37
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-57722: Added Event Handler to validate min value of UsesLimit and Discount

M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_COLUMN.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_MESSAGE.xml
M src/org/openbravo/retail/discounts/coupons/otf/event/
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-27 11:20

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-22 13:01 javierRodriguez Type defect => backport
2025-01-22 13:01 javierRodriguez Target Version => 24Q4.2
2025-01-23 15:04 hgbot Note Added: 0174594
2025-01-27 11:20 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-27 11:20 hgbot Status scheduled => closed
2025-01-27 11:20 hgbot Note Added: 0174743
2025-01-27 11:20 hgbot Note Added: 0174744

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